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Cyber Security Breaches of 2014: A Critical Reflection and Response Strategy


The landscape of cyber security in 2014 was dramatically reshaped by a series of high-profile cyber-attacks, underscoring the persistent threat posed by cybercriminals to global security and privacy. The landscape of cyber security in 2014 was dramatically reshaped by a series of high-profile cyber-attacks, underscoring the persistent threat posed by cybercriminals to global security and privacy. These attacks have laid bare the natural vulnerabilities inherent in digital infrastructures and marked a major wake-up call for many organizations worldwide to evaluate and shore up their cyber defence mechanisms. From the never-before-seen leaking of personal data on millions from the eBay hack to the sophisticated DDoS attacks upon Evernote and Feedly, each offers an unprecedented lens through which to consider and improve our cybersecurity and incident response approaches.

Incident Response Special to the Montana Health Department

Based on the nature of the compromise reported within the Montana Health Department breach and the information indicative of the compromise of personal information on 1+ million people, focus toward enriched data encryption and elevated system monitoring capability is due. Regarding the value of the breached data—including health records and Social Security numbers—encryption technologies must be applied to protect data at rest and in transit (Roman, 2014). Finally, if, at that moment, there were advanced monitoring tools capable of signalling such anomalies in real time, the window of opportunity for the attackers would have been considerably shortened, hence the potential for damages.

Cyber-Attack – Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack

In May 2021, the United States East Coast had its energy infrastructure sabotaged by a ransomware attack through the DarkSide cybercrime group on the part of Colonial Pipeline. The implication was a huge supply disruption of fuels and a cyber threat to critical infrastructure (McGregor, 2014). The attackers gained network access through a hacked password and encrypted data and demanded a ransom for release.

Impact of the Incident on Colonial Pipeline and Recommendations

The Colonial Pipeline attack was severe in that its operations were shut down, and $4.4 million was paid to the hackers to gain back control of the systems. It further illustrates the desperate requirement for stringent cybersecurity measures and constant vigilance. To improve incident response, adopt a more aggressive cybersecurity posture by implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) at all touchpoints, conducting regular security audits and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities, and developing a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness program for employees at all levels (Wood, 2023).

Wilmington University Recommendations

Given these cyber-attacks, Wilmington University has to endeavour to make rigorous and proactive efforts at further enhancing its cyber defences by:

Enhancing Network Security: Considering the security of networks against any form of unauthorized access, it is recommended that different security layers, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint protection be implemented (Corcoran, 2023).

Periodic Security Training: Create awareness among the employees and the students on emerging cyber threats and practices that guard against the same in order to impact a culture of cyber security consciousness.

Incident Response Plan: Develop an incident response plan and keep it updated, which defines the particular course of action for the discovery, response, and restoration of a cyber incident. 4. Data Encryption: Critical data at rest and in transit should be encrypted for security from unauthorized access (Corcoran, 2023).

Collaborative Security: Engage the state security apparatus, law enforcement, and cybersecurity organizations in partnerships to share intelligence in collaborative responses to emerging threats.


The 2014 cyber-attacks and such latest cases as the one in the Colonial Pipeline ransomware breach only come as an exclamation mark for all of these. An organization such as Wilmington University, an education institute, becomes resilient towards advanced security measures, staff training, and collaborative efforts against the emerging landscape of cyber threats. They thereby protect not only their assets but also other stakeholders.


Corcoran, L. (2023, February 15). How Universities Can Prevent Cyber Attacks.

McGregor, J. (2014, July 28). The Top 5 Most Brutal Cyber Attacks Of 2014 So Far. Forbes.

Roman, J. (2014, June 25). Montana Breach Victim Tally: 1.3 Million.

Wood, K. (2023, March 7). Cybersecurity Policy Responses to the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack.


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