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Communication and Leadership


Being a leader is a big responsibility. To be chosen as a leader means that people believe in your capability to do right by them, make the right decisions, and have their interests at heart. It is authority given based on trust. Certain aspects are taken into consideration when appointing a leader. The leader must have a sense of command and be a visionary. Someone who will lead the people to a better future. They must make wise and tough decisions when necessary, considering their choices will greatly affect others. They must have energy and a positive outlook, as this affects how the rest of the people view the situation. Most importantly, they have to be able to communicate effectively with those around them. This is key as it affects how they run their system and will determine success or failure.

Leadership and Communication

Communication is key in any organization, especially if they have a common objective. They have to be able to share ideas and build on them to get the desired results they need. A leader is supposed to be open to communication with subordinates. He has to give an ear to every member as they may help improve the team’s creativity. Leaders can be from different fields and may be political, work-related, or spiritual. These are major functions in society. A leader is responsible for representing the group they are in charge of. They present their ideas for them to get implemented or approved, depending on which sector they are in charge of. Some leaders are, however, more interested in having their own needs met and don’t care for those of others.

A leader should be wise in how they choose to speak to their people as it influences how they view them. An empathetic and compassionate leader is known by their actions and how they behave towards others. How one speaks, another motivates and inspires others or crazes them completely and shatters their faith in a better system. This is how one gains the trust of the people. When people are enabled to achieve more, they even surpass their desired achievements, which only fuels their hunger to give their best. Leaders should have a way of leaving a mark on people’s lives in a good way. This way, the energy will be passed on to others and positively impact the group or the organization. This way, it will be hard for the zeal to fade away.

It is also important to remember that as a leader, how you handle yourself in tough situations is important. In such a position of power, there are bound to be enemies who will hinder your progress. It is important to stand your ground, have faith in the decisions you can make, and not let negativity come in the way of your vision. Sometimes, this opposition may come from your people who may be jealous of your achievement as a leader, or they see no essence in the effort you put in, so they try to tear it down. In this situation, it is important to bond with your people to strengthen their trust in your desired achievement, as they will share your vision. This way, there is more innovation revolving around the project.

Leadership and Influence

Leadership comes with a lot of power that you wield. Things can change with just the snap of a finger. They can influence greatness or destruction, as many people believe in them, but it all depends on how they use their authority. A leader should have the ethics necessary to do right by others. They are supposed to be guided by good morals, as many people look up to them in so many ways. They have to speak, think logically, and have emotions, as we are all human. They are supposed to be intelligent as well. Personal characteristics are the aspects that mostly win the people over to their side. This has been a necessity that has been present for thousands of years throughout history. Every great ruler was loved or hated because of how they carried themselves.

One may be a great leader but needs to gain the respect of those who follow him. Building that sense of respect is important, and it all depends on how you interact with others. The most important thing is to present yourself as a human before anything else. This makes the ordinary person able to resonate with you as you will both be on the same level and understand their needs and grievances. Talk to them in an understanding and humane way, not talking to them like they are your servants or enslaved people. If one carries themselves with respect and dignity, that is how people will treat them in return. A leader is also expected to know for certain the outcome they want to achieve, have a clear plan, and not take others on a wild ride where they will only end up disappointed and lose all hope. Give the people a sense of purpose, and they will diligently follow.

Leadership and Leadership Development.

One can’t wake up one morning and decide to be a leader. Even though royalty may be inherited, things still need to be learned along the way to become an outstanding leader. It is a process that takes time, and one has to have the passion and education for it because it is a commitment to serve others. A person’s capabilities change over time as they grow. This is the same for one’s leadership abilities. They are developed over time and slowly learn how to manage larger groups of people. There is no end to learning and evolving as a leader, as new challenges arise daily, and leaders must find new strategies to cope with them.

No human being knows it all, including our leaders, and if they claim to, then it’s a lie. This is why all leaders have advisors by their side. To consult them and, sometimes, ask for advice when they feel stuck in making a decision. A leader also needs to be accountable for the results of their actions. They should acknowledge the outcome, be it good or bad, and accept it. Allowing self-pity is the last thing a leader should do, especially in front of those who look up to them for answers. Leaders need to be trained to be prepared for anything because it can just as easily go either way. Their skills need to be tested, as well as their eagerness to learn and give their best. They must polish their natural abilities, learn, and incorporate new ones into their lives.

` Leaders learn to carry themselves in public with confidence and conviction. This makes people believe in their authoritarian nature and need to consider their capabilities. They must always be self-conscious and aware of what they do and how they do it. This is something one must develop in due time, and one needs to be inspired to pursue it and keep in mind that the end goal is to be a good leader and not be concerned about competition. They have to learn to be satisfied with the growth they make, no matter the pace it is going with, as long as they reach the target needed at the very end.

Effective Communication in Leadership and Life

Everyone needs to learn the essentials of communication rather than just leaders. It applies to everyone. We need to know how to talk to each other, keeping in mind the consideration for the person we’re speaking to. One has to have courtesy when having a conversation with another, as well as know how to handle public confrontations. The only way to resolve issues and find solutions is through clear communication. This is a helpful tool for me in every room I walk in for various reasons, whether in my class or workplace. The world revolves around new ideas every day, and they can only happen if I can speak up on what I have running in my head. This way, I can get a better perspective on it, and someone else can chip in to improve the idea, and we can begin to work on achieving said project.

For me to become a diligent and productive member of my society and for that to happen I have to be an active team player. I have to use my skills and develop new ones for them to benefit me as well as everyone around me. I like the possibility of sharing ideas as I learn something new in the process; this is one way I can get better. It inspires me to be more than I already am, and it only fuels my ambition to reach higher heights. This is the only way we can improve ourselves as a society and get what is needed done efficiently. It is also important to maintain honesty with people, especially those with whom you are in partnership working on completing a project. Everyone will play their role and actively give solutions to proceed with the intended idea.


There are so many attributes that make a great leader. The book by Craig Johnson and Michael Hackman explains the major foundations that build a revolutionary leader, and some of these are lessons from some of the greatest rulers throughout history. I have only been brief about a select few of these attributes, and they are great lessons to input into your everyday life as they apply to leaders and can come in handy in your personal life as well. Learning is a process that will never really end, whether old or young, as we never know where and when we may need it. Skills are also important, as they are passed down from generation to generation and are still reliable for decades.


Hackman, M. Z., Johnson C. E. (2018), “Leadership: A Communication Perspective (7th ed.).” Long Grove, IL. Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN: 9780478603502-4

Hackman, M. Z., Johnson C. E. (1994). “Teaching Leadership from a Communication Perspective.” Faculty Publications-School of Business. 89.

Milicevic, O. (2021). “Leadership Communication: Skills, Styles & Tips for Improvement.”


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