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Building the Profession of Nursing


The history of nursing serves as a solid background that makes it easier to comprehend how the profession evolved and why its significance is so significant. Historical Origin: A look into how much and where it has come from, accomplishments that have been made so far, together with people who contributed to this level. One such important figure is Florence Nightingale, who contributed to laying the foundation for today’s nursing standards with her groundbreaking work. It also shows how nursing in early civilizations tends to be the same everywhere. This historical trip is vital to contemporary nurses as it offers knowledge based on this profession’s history and evolution. In this respect, the paper will highlight critical tales of Florence Nightingale and early nursing practices that underline their relevance in current times.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in the city of she is now known as the ‘mama’ of modern nursing. Her life and work had significant ramifications for nursing, health care practices, and professionalizing the nursing profession. Nightingale’s early childhood was determined by her desire to become a nurse, against the background of established standards for that class. She became famous for her ability to turn unsanitary and disorderly wards in hospitals into clean, orderly institutions during the Crimean War (1853- 1856). The emphasis on cleanliness, sanitation, and fresh air significantly reduced the spread of infection in injured soldiers, thereby reducing their mortality.

Nightingale was one of the participants in establishing nursing as a respected profession due to her desire to improve nurses’ status. She promoted the formal education and training of nurses, stressing a scientific approach to nursing practice. Her work saw the creation of the Nightingale Training School for Nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital in London (1860), creating an antecedent to professional nursing education. (Ronquillo et al., 2021). Besides influencing how nurses should be trained, she also influenced practice. She underlined the need for adequate hygiene and patient care, suggesting that a sanitary environment is conducive to healing. With her theories outlined in “Notes on Nursing” (1860), Nightingale developed the framework of nursing that treated maintaining health and preventing disease from a professional perspective. (Malone & Davis, 2023)

Nightingale envisioned nursing as a profession, and she strongly advocated for its professionalization. She devoted herself to reassessing nursing as dirty labor into a profession and one that should be held in high esteem. Her contributions helped to make nursing an honorable profession, setting the foundation for nurses’ professional identity. (Malone & Davis, 2023)The History of Florence Nightingale’s legacy defines modern practices in nursing today. Her focus on evidence-based care, infection control, and the importance of a healing environment are inherent constituents of modern nursing. Nightingale’s impact on patient welfare and nurse development can never be erased from the History of nursing, thus making her a respected figure in medical History.

Early nursing practices in History

The National League for Nursing (NLN) is an acclaimed professional association that advocates for developing excellence in nursing education. Founded in 1893, the NLN has been long associated with nursing education and scholarship. Its core purpose is to promote a well-trained and highly diversified workforce of nurses by leading the way in nurse education. NLN provides many resources/benefits for members. Workshops and conferences are based on educational programs that allow continuous professional development. Members would be exposed to research opportunities, resulting in a culture of inquiry and evidence-based practice within the nursing education circle. Networking activities organized by NLN bring together members, whereby insights are shared and educational initiatives discussed. The price of NLN membership depends on the type a given person wishes to join, ranging from individual, institutional, and student membership. (Malone & Davis, 2023)Membership statistics demonstrate this organization’s broad reach, including nursing educators, institutions, and the student population. NLN’s wide range of reach reflects its role as a unifier in the nursing education community. (Emerson et al., 2021)With this, NLN is working on overcoming contemporary challenges and pursuing initiatives that lead to effective nursing education. The organization has specialized in promoting excellence to improve the quality of programs and curriculum delivery.

NLN has a crucial role in dealing with workforce issues through advocacy for policies that support an adequately prepared and diverse nursing force. The organization leads the way in addressing curricular change, teaching strategies, and technology integration into nursing education. NLN has a high influence on defining standards and practices of nurse education. (Emerson et al., 2021)The organization is actively involved in creating evidence-based standards and best practices, which helps keep nursing education up-to-date with changes in the healthcare industry. (Ronquillo et al., 2021) The high standards of NLN’s accreditation services ensure that nursing programs follow a system of accountability and quality assurance the body promotes. NLN is a driver of the future through collaborative efforts among educators, policymakers, and practitioners. Top of Form

Professional Nursing Organizations: Advocating for Excellence

Observations indicate that professional nursing organizations play an integral part in nurses’ career advancement by acting as essential bodies providing resources and, furthermore, advocacy on behalf of the profession. These organizations function as pillars supporting the values, morals, and evolution of nursing to maintain their upward trend in today’s fast-paced environment.

American Nurses Association (ANA)

The ANA was founded in 1896 and serves as the most important professional group advocating for approximately four million registered nurses based in the US. The mission of ANA is to promote the nursing profession and put efforts into ensuring the provision of high-quality patient care and professional development, as well as promoting nurses’ welfare. (Emerson et al., 2021)ANA offers its members a broad range of resources, including diverse continuing education options, accessibility to cutting-edge periodicals, and policy advocacy tools that help empower nurses to participate in discussions on policies reforming the healthcare system. These instruments facilitate nurses’ continuous professional education and knowledge growth since they can update themselves on modern developments. (Ronquillo et al., 2021)

With membership in the ANA, associated costs differ depending on professional status and category of members. Comprising many members, ANA spread across the nation, increasing its influence in nursing practices and policies. These aspects are relevant to tackling essential issues within the profession through active cooperation with ANA. (Ronquillo et al., 2021) This also involves formulating healthcare policy, overcoming workforce issues, and fighting for patients’ rights. These programs allow ANA to significantly shape nursing and healthcare development overall on a national scale.

The significance of ANA for every nurse and the profession in general cannot be understated. For the individual nurse, ANA provides a context where professional development can occur as it supplies tools to promote lifelong learning and growth. In addition, the lobbying activities of ANA make it possible for the nurses to have a combined voice in influencing policies and standards that directly affect their practice. As a unifying body for the profession as a whole, ANA promotes cooperation and unity amongst nurses across the US regarding improving the image of nursing within the broader health domain. The organization’s determination to improve and lobby makes it an indispensable ally in the evolution of the nursing profession.

Nurturing Excellence in Nursing Education

The National League for Nursing (NLN), established in 1893, has persistently supported nursing teaching. The NLN’s vision centers on developing quality in nursing education for a robust and diverse workforce. Throughout its operation, NLN has been instrumental in developing the foundations and practices that secure nursing education standards in the United States. (Emerson et al., 2021)The organization builds an elaborate, resourceful network of benefits for professionals working as nurse educators. NLN’s educational programs include workshops and conferences that enable members to develop their careers. Networking events promote a culture of inquiry and evidence-based practice through cooperation among practitioners sharing their knowledge.

The membership to NLN is priced and depends on the membership type. NLN has a rather large membership base, which can be attributed to its influential status in the nursing education professional world. The scope of this outreach illustrates that NLN is acting as a unifying factor that connects educators, institutions, and learners to implement the collective impact. (Malone & Davis, 2023)The organization, therefore, strives towards ensuring quality nursing education by advocating for high standards and innovative practices. NLN also leads in solving the challenges of the workforce, which encompasses meeting nursing education requirements with emergent developments involving the health care system.NLN acts as a leader that shapes standards and practices about what individuals learn from this sphere. NLN maintains strict standards for nursing programs through accreditation services, assuring quality and accountability. The organization is actively engaged in the development of evidence-based guidelines and in determining the destiny of nursing education. Through cultivating cooperation and exhibiting leadership, NLN is critical in steering the course for nursing education, ensuring that it stays current with contemporary healthcare demands, dynamic and hence relevant.

Why Professional Organizations are Important to Nursing

Professional associations are also instrumental in the nursing field, serving as crucial forums that help promote development, unity, and success among nurses. These organizations significantly contribute to promoting the needs and issues of nurses apart from giving a united voice in wider health environments. Professional organizations create a harmonized force out of individual voices to champion attempts at legislative reforms, better working conditions, and policies that protect the interests of nurses. (Malone & Davis, 2023)Additionally, professional bodies serve as indispensable learning centers with networking and career development initiatives. They provide various sources, including workshops, conferences, and publications, ensuring that the nurses have up-to-date information on their profession. These organizations create networking opportunities that enable knowledge and experience sharing, which leads to professional relationships instrumental in boosting career projections.

Professional organizations play an active role in developing and maintaining high standards within the nursing profession. These organizations establish standards in education, practice, and ethical behavior to uphold a level of performance that remains the same. Furthermore, they exercise considerable authority over how healthcare policies are formulated during discussions that affect nursing practice and the patient-centered care of their chosen patients. At an individual level as well as at a collective level, participation in professional bodies pays off handsomely. (Malone & Davis, 2023) At the individual level, membership provides opportunities for personal and professional development, career progression, and access to a network of fellow nurses. At the same time, organized advocacy ensures the collective power of a profession as standards are set and an innovative culture is promoted. Professional organizations are not mere adjuncts; they are vital supports that support and drive the nursing profession towards sustained quality and transformation.


In conclusion, this paper has highlighted the significance of knowing nursing history, especially through significant personalities like Florence Nightingale and early formulation practices. Furthermore, professional nursing bodies such as the American Nurses Association and the National League for Nursing serve as anchors in promoting nursing. These groups provide key resources, advocacy, and nursing course standards. As we progress on the path of nursing, it is crucial to appreciate that historical figures left an indelible mark in this field, and professional organizations will always guarantee the advancement and evolution of high standards for nursing. Top of Form


Emerson, E., Alfes, C. M., Chavez, F., Rafferty, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2021). Preparing the Doctor of nursing practice graduates to lead nursing education: Ideas, strategies, recommendations, and implications. Journal of Professional Nursing37(3), 529–533.

‌Malone, B., & Davis, S. L. (2023). Strengthening Nursing Education to Address Social Determinants of Health: Systems Leadership. Springer EBooks, 67–83.

‌Ronquillo, C., Peltonen, L., Lisiane Pruinelli, Chu, C. H., Bakken, S., Beduschi, A., Cato, K., Hardiker, N. R., Junger, A., Michalowski, M., Rune Nyrup, Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, Reed, D. N., Tapio Salakoski, Sanna Salanterä, Walton, N., Weber, P., Wiegand, T., & Topaz, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think‐tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. Journal of Advanced Nursing77(9), 3707–3717.


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