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Analyzing Student Data: A Comprehensive Review of Janet’s Progress in RTI

Summary of Overall Student Progress

Studies indicate that it is imperative to evaluate the progress of the student data while evaluating the student data within the RTI framework. In this regard, it is essential to consider Janet’s data as she transitions through the three Tiers of instruction within the RTI framework. This data will provide aniew of the student’s performance based on her response to different interventions. At the beginning of the process, Janet was placed in Tier 1 alongside her colleagues. However, due to the challenges identified in Tier 1, the instructor escalated her to Tier 2 for targeted interventions. In this stage, the targeted interventions constituted the techniques geared toward her learning needs. This process enables the instructor to critically analyze the student’s progress by evaluating the data collected.

Interpretation of Data Regarding Tier 2 Instruction;

Analysing Janet’s data helps the instructor discover her concerns and learning needs. From the onset, Janet demonstrated some improvement and development aspects while in Tier 2 instruction. However, the progress stalled in the advanced stages of Tier 2. This proves that she positively responded to the stipulated targeted interventions. The derail in progress in the advanced stages of Tier 2 demonstrated the need and the essence of escalating her to Tier 3 instruction within the RTI framework. However, at this stage, she needed to improve her mathematical problem-solving and reading capacity.

Disagreement Among Support Team Members

As mentioned earlier, the support team members have divergent opinions regarding the student’s instructional level. There is divergence in the opinions predicated on multiple factors. For instance, the support team members have different perspectives on how Janet’s academic challenges affect their disagreement. In this regard, some team members believe that targeted rounds could lead in Tier 2 instruction could lead to positive outcomes. On the other hand, others thought it was paramount to escalate her to the Tier 3 instructional level for targeted intervention. Additionally, the disparity in data interpretation played a significant role in the differing opinions among the team members. Some emphasized the response to Tier 2 interventions, while others accentuated the later plateauing of development.

Recommended Tier of Instruction for Janet:

Given Janet’s progress data and these differing opinions within the support team, it is necessary to take a personalized approach to address her needs. While she initially responded well to Tier 2 interventions, the subsequent lack of progress suggests that careful consideration is needed. I recommend implementing another round of Tier 2 instruction (Kovaleski et al., 2021). This approach recognizes the aspects of Janet’s response while addressing the challenges observed during her plateau in progress. The revised Tier 2 guidance should examine the tactics and methods used in the phase. Adapting and varying instructional techniques incorporating materials and regularly assessing Janet’s progress will be elements.

Therefore, it is essential to identify and develop stipulated criteria for the transitioning between the tiers. Against this backdrop, it is easy to ensure that instructional places are predicated on objective strategies instead of subjective interpretations (Kovaleski et al., 2021). In this regard, Janet should consider effectively moving to Tier 3 instruction to progress into Tier 2. However, the transition to Tier 3 should be predicated on thorough data analysis, particularly identifying the consistent challenges that facilitate a more personalized and intensive intervention.


While examining Janet’s student data within the context of the RTI framework, it is crucial to evaluate her progress across the three tiers of instruction. While she initially responded well to Tier 2 interventions, the subsequent lack of progress suggests that careful consideration is needed. Thus, I recommend implementing another round of Tier 2 instruction. In this regard, Janet should consider effectively moving to Tier 3 instruction to progress into Tier 2. Nevertheless, the transition to Tier 3 should be predicated on thorough data analysis, particularly identifying the consistent challenges that facilitate a more personalized and intensive intervention.


Kovaleski, J. F., VanDerHeyden, A. M., Runge, T. J., Zirkel, P. A., & Shapiro, E. S. (2022). The RTI approach to evaluating learning disabilities. Guilford Publications. ttps://

Silva, M. R., Collier-Meek, M. A., Codding, R. S., Kleinert, W. L., & Feinberg, A. (2021). Data collection and analysis in response-to-intervention: A survey of school psychologists. Contemporary School Psychology25, 554-571.


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