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Utilizing Student Course Evaluations in Nursing Curriculum Planning


Student evaluations in nursing education are essential for assessing the efficacy of teaching and learning methods, benefiting both students and instructors. These assessments, classified as formative and summative evaluations, offer vital insights into students’ comprehension and utilization of the course material, thus guiding curriculum development and execution.

Student evaluations are crucial for multiple reasons. They offer feedback regarding the efficacy of instructional techniques and curriculum, allowing educators to make required modifications to improve learning results. In addition, student assessments cultivate a culture of ongoing enhancement, encouraging academic superiority and guaranteeing the applicability of the curriculum to the changing healthcare environment (Oermann et al., 2024). This is consistent with the biblical idea stated in Proverbs 1:5, which asserts that a smart individual will actively listen and gain knowledge. At the same time, a person with discernment will seek out and obtain intelligent guidance. This stanza emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and the quest for knowledge, concepts that are reflected in the objectives of student evaluations.

Formative and summative evaluations have separate but complementary functions in nursing education. Formative evaluations are continuous assessments carried out during the duration of the course to monitor student learning and offer prompt feedback. This allows students to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and adapt their learning tactics accordingly. Summative evaluations are thorough assessments carried out at the conclusion of a course or program to assess students’ proficiency in the course material and their attainment of learning objectives. Both forms of assessments are essential for the learning process, offering a comprehensive perspective on student achievement and guiding the development and improvement of the curriculum.

Formative and Summative Evaluations in Nursing Programs

Formative assessments in nursing programs serve as a channel connecting the learning and teaching processes. They facilitate teachers in gathering real-time data on students’ progress and then customizing their lessons better to suit pupils at their present level of learning (Oermann, 2022). These assessments have been discovered to greatly improve both student comprehension and faculty instruction, hence raising the overall standard of education. Research has indicated that the utilization of formative assessment leads nursing educators to perceive students as active partners in the learning process. Both parties agree that feedback is an essential element of the learning process. The idea aligns with the sagacity expressed in Proverbs 1:5, which promotes ongoing education and the quest for wisdom, principles that are mirrored in the goals of student evaluations.

In contrast, summative evaluations allow students the chance to demonstrate the extent of their learning, thereby influencing their final degree categorization (Kreitzer & Sweet-Cushman, 2021). These assessments generally entail quantifying results and achieving objectives. The main purpose of summative assessment is to assess student learning at the end of an instructional unit. The concept is reflected in the Bible in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which highlights the significance of acquiring a broad understanding and the practical use of information, similar to the objectives of summative assessments.

Nursing programs include both formative and summative evaluations to monitor student learning and offer feedback throughout the learning process. Instructors employ them to strengthen their pedagogical approaches and aid students in enhancing their acquisition of knowledge. During formative assessments, instructors utilize the outcomes to pinpoint deficiencies and adapt instructional approaches in order to facilitate students in attaining their learning objectives (Kreitzer & Sweet-Cushman, 2021).

Student evaluations are essential for informing the nursing curriculum by offering input on the efficacy of teaching techniques and course material. This input enables instructors to make essential adjustments to improve learning outcomes. Furthermore, student evaluations cultivate a culture of ongoing enhancement, advocating for academic superiority and guaranteeing the curriculum’s alignment with the changing healthcare environment, as described by Sani et al. (2020). This is consistent with the biblical premise stated in Proverbs 18:15, which emphasizes the significance of actively pursuing knowledge and wisdom, principles that are fundamental to student evaluations.

Research Guiding Curricular Decisions

Research has a crucial role in shaping the curriculum of nursing education. The statement establishes the foundation for modifications and progress in the educational program, which are supported by evidence and driven by the application of contemporary research in nursing education. This serves as a spur for faculty members to engage in research projects, theses, dissertations, and scholarly endeavors (Shin & Rim, 2023). This idea is consistent with the biblical wisdom stated in Proverbs 18:15, which highlights the significance of gaining knowledge and wisdom. These principles are essential for the creation of a curriculum that is based on research.

The results obtained from formative and summative assessments, which are extensively employed in simulated-based assessment, inform the decision-making process on the curriculum in nursing education. The purpose of these findings is to assess the attainment of nursing skills and to compare student contentment with the evaluation approaches employed in these two techniques (Onyura et al., 2021). The principle of seeking wisdom is exemplified in the Bible in James 1:5, highlighting the significance of acquiring knowledge. This principle is also evident in the utilization of research findings from formative and summative assessments to inform curricular decisions.

Research-based decisions play a critical role in the development of the nursing curriculum in education. Research serves as the guiding principle for the creation and execution of a competency-based curriculum in undergraduate nursing education. The virtual simulation curriculum in nursing education encompasses topic domains that focus on improving clinical decision-making, providing exposure to low-risk scenarios, and fostering professional resilience (Shin & Rim, 2023). This approach aligns with the sagacity expressed in Proverbs 3:5-6, which promotes placing confidence in the Lord and refraining from depending solely on one’s comprehension. This passage highlights the significance of actively seeking divine guidance, a value that is mirrored in making judgments about curriculum development based on thorough research.

Improving the Use of Student Evaluations in Curriculum Planning

Student evaluations are currently employed as one of the approaches in curriculum planning in nursing education. Simulated-based assessment relies heavily on the utilization of both formative and summative evaluations. The knowledge acquired from these assessments is crucial for evaluating the progress of nursing skills and measuring student contentment with the two evaluation methods (Shin & Rim, 2023). This approach aligns with the biblical wisdom found in James 1:5, which promotes the pursuit of wisdom. This idea is exemplified in the utilization of research findings from formative and summative evaluations to inform curricular decisions.

Although there are advantages, the present approaches to utilizing student evaluations in curriculum preparation are not exempt from criticism. A prevalent criticism is that numerous evaluative studies tend to prioritize the assessment of final program results without simultaneously evaluating the execution process. This methodology has the potential to result in Type III mistakes, which occur when assessments of outcomes are founded on unconfirmed assumptions regarding the accurate execution of recommended educational activities (Onyura et al., 2021). This critique is in accordance with the biblical wisdom expressed in Proverbs 14:15, which underscores the significance of meticulous planning and thoughtful deliberation. These concepts are mirrored in the critique of present approaches to utilizing student evaluations in curricular planning.

Various recommendations have been put up to enhance the utilization of student evaluations in curriculum preparation. An effective recommendation is to introduce an updated curriculum to replace the current ones, incorporating team-based clinical clerkship and embracing comprehensive models (Pivač et al., 2021). This idea is in accordance with the biblical wisdom given in Proverbs 19:21, which emphasizes the significance of seeking divine guidance in the process of planning. This notion is also represented in the suggestions for enhancing the utilization of student assessments in curriculum planning.

Utilizing Student Course Evaluations to Inform Curricular Elements

Student feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the nursing education curriculum. This source provides vital information on the effectiveness of teaching methods and course material, allowing educators to make required adjustments to enhance learning outcomes (Kreitzer & Sweet-Cushman, 2021). This principle aligns with the biblical wisdom contained in Proverbs 1:5, which highlights the significance of ongoing learning and the quest for wisdom. These principles are essential for incorporating student feedback into curriculum development.

A suggested strategy for incorporating student course evaluations into curriculum design entails introducing active learning techniques in simulated environments. Implementing diverse, active learning techniques improves the cognitive abilities and interpersonal aptitude of nursing students (Pivač et al., 2021). Therefore, it is recommended to include active learning techniques such as Peyton’s Four-Step Approach, Mind Mapping, and Debriefing procedures as means to facilitate efficient student learning and to adequately prepare them for directly executing secure nursing treatments with a patient. This approach is in line with the biblical wisdom given in Proverbs 19:21, which emphasizes the significance of seeking divine guidance while making plans. This notion is also represented in the suggestion to use student course evaluations to inform curriculum items.

The impact of student course evaluations on courses and the curriculum at large is significant. Research has shown that student assessments of teaching and the creation of a comprehensive measure of teaching efficacy have a substantial influence on the ratings of pre-clerkship courses in an undergraduate medical program (Kreitzer & Sweet-Cushman, 2021). This notion is consistent with the biblical wisdom found in 2 Corinthians 13:9, which highlights the significance of ongoing enhancement and the goal of superiority. These values are reflected in the influence of student course evaluations on courses and the curriculum as a whole.


Ultimately, student evaluations and research play a crucial role in the development of nursing education curricula. The assessments, both formative and summative, provide vital insights into students’ comprehension and utilization of course material, allowing for appropriate modifications to improve learning outcomes and ensuring the curriculum remains relevant. Research provides the foundation for curriculum adjustments and breakthroughs based on evidence, and it motivates faculty members in their pursuit of academic pursuits. The results obtained from these assessments inform the decision-making process about the curriculum, ultimately resulting in the creation and execution of highly efficient curricula.

The suggested approach for utilizing student course evaluations is incorporating active learning techniques in simulated environments to enhance the critical thinking and communication abilities of nursing students. This is consistent with the biblical teachings contained in many scriptures, emphasizing the significance of ongoing education, the quest for wisdom, meticulous strategizing, and the search for divine counsel. These values are shown in the utilization of student evaluations and research in curriculum development, cultivating a culture of ongoing enhancement and advancing academic superiority. The proposed method offers the potential to improve curriculum preparation, leading to a stronger and more applicable nursing education.


2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV – – Bible Gateway. (n.d.).

Bible Gateway. (n.d.). Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV – – Bible Gateway.

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Kreitzer, R. J., & Sweet-Cushman, J. (2021). Evaluating student evaluations of teaching: A review of measurement and equity bias in SETs and recommendations for ethical reform. Journal of Academic Ethics, 1-12.

Oermann, M. H. (2022). Some principles to guide assessment of competencies. Nurse Educator47(1), 1.

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Proverbs 1:5 NIV – – Bible Gateway. (n.d.).

Proverbs 18:15 NIV – – Bible Gateway. (n.d.).

Proverbs 19:21 NIV – – Bible Gateway. (n.d.).

Sani, I., Hamza, Y., Chedid, Y., Amalendran, J., & Hamza, N. (2020). Understanding the consequence of COVID-19 on undergraduate medical education: Medical students’ perspective. Annals of medicine and surgery58, 117-119.

Shin, H., & Rim, D. (2023). Development and assessment of a curriculum model for virtual simulation in nursing: curriculum development and pilot-evaluation. BMC Medical Education23(1), 284.


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