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Unveiling Mary Parker Follett’s Overlooked Impact on Mid-Twentieth Century Management Studies


Mary Parker Follett’s lack of recognition as a prominent figure in the field of management, even in the mid-twentieth century, can be traced to a number of interconnected circumstances that influenced the acceptance of her ideas at the time. Despite her significant contributions to management theory, this neglect can be interpreted through the lens of shifting intellectual currents, gender bias, and the shifting focus of management studies.

Context of Her Time

One major factor for Mary Parker Follett’s lack of management recognition could be the context of her period. She was active in the early twentieth century when scientific management techniques and hierarchical organizational structures dominated. Management theories prevalent at the time, championed by leaders such as Frederick Taylor, stressed efficiency, work specialization, and top-down control. Follett’s ideas, which advocated for collaboration, shared decision-making, and integration of diverse perspectives, were divergent from the mainstream management thought of her time (Cohen, 2020). As a result, her ideas might have been seen as unconventional and challenging to the established norms.

Gender and Social Barriers

Being a woman in a predominantly male-dominated field further compounded the challenges for Follett’s recognition. Gender bias and societal norms might have contributed to her ideas receiving less attention and credibility. Her ideas were revolutionary and progressive, advocating for the empowerment of individuals and the importance of interpersonal relationships, which could have been perceived as unconventional by a woman of her time (Cohen, 2020).

Lack of Advocacy

Mary Parker Follett’s limited recognition within the management field, even in the mid-20th century, can be attributed partly to the lack of widespread advocacy and promotion of her ideas. As Zanini (2020) points out, Follett was not as prolific in publishing as some of her contemporaries, and she lacked a robust network of advocates or followers to champion her concepts. Zanini notes that she did not establish a formal school of thought or a dedicated group of supporters who could actively propagate her innovative principles (Zanini, 2020). This relative lack of amplification hindered the broad dissemination of her work and contributed to her ideas not achieving the prominence they deserved within the management discourse.

Changing Management Trends

In retrospect, as management theories evolved and shifted towards more humanistic and participatory approaches, Follett’s ideas gained renewed relevance and appreciation. The emergence of concepts like “value creation” and acknowledging the importance of collaboration and diversity in organizations align closely with Follett’s principles (Cohen, 2020). However, the delay in recognizing her significance within the management field during her time underscores the broader challenges individuals with innovative ideas can face when their perspectives challenge established norms.


In conclusion, Mary Parker Follett’s limited recognition in management during her lifetime and into the mid-twentieth century can be attributed to the dissonance between her innovative ideas and the prevailing management paradigms of her time, compounded by societal norms and gender biases. Her ideas were ahead of their time and took a more holistic and collaborative approach to management, which made them less aligned with the dominant theories of her era. However, her contributions are increasingly acknowledged today as organizations recognize the importance of collaboration, empowerment, and participatory leadership in modern management practices.


Cohen, A. J. (2020). A Labor Theory of Negotiation: From Integration to Value Creation. Journal of Law and Political Economy.

Zanini, Michele. “Mary Parker Follett on Community, Creativity, and Control.” Michele Zanini, 18 Nov. 2020,


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