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Unique Strategies Used by UCW

University Canada West, as a private university in Vancouver, Canada, must have a proper strategic approach to shine in the academic sector. The UCW faces competition not only from private universities but also from public universities. Therefore, a unique and valid strategy is essential for the university to emerge as one of the best universities. This study will delve into three strategies that make the UCW thrive in the highly competitive academic field by separating it from its local work market, legal aspects of work and financing global students.

UCW can develop education schemes through partnerships with domestic companies to meet the work market specifications and demand (Benez-Secanho &Dwivedi, 2019). This can be done by offering attachments and internship opportunities to University Canada West students globally to acquire and sharpen their skills and put their learned skills into practice. In addition, the university can organize co-op schemes and advocate for direct relationships with managers from well-known companies. Such schemes would attract more students who would like to join UCW.

Also, the organization should design a strategic and dedicated group of skilled teams to follow closely and keep them updated on the changes in legal policies concerning the institution. Laws and regulations regarding emigration due to international students and job licenses are crucial, and if assumed, the institution’s reputation could be tarnished (Guild, 2021). Therefore, the institution should be updated on such information to respond to global students promptly. This can be achieved through webinars or direct consultations with the authority to lead the global students on visa applications to adhere to the legal rules. In return, international students would be more secure in joining UCW.

Additionally, the UCW can organize financial support for international students through scholarships, grants and events through paid part-time work (Harris, 2023). This can help the students overcome financial constraints that might hinder them from studying at UCW. In addition, the organization’s competitive advantage is upheld through such talented global students. Also, the reputation of the institution is maintained through excellent performance. The financial support programs can be achieved through collaborations with financial organizations that offer loans and part-time jobs to global students to encourage them to study at the university.

Furthermore, partnerships with top industries, as mentioned (Benez-Secanho &Dwivedi, 2019), are commendable since they benefit the institution and the students. The collaboration allows the global student to study while earning, sharpening skills through practical application, and gaining connections with such industries. The student is entitled to a relevant and quality education through such partnerships while the university gains a reputation in the academic field. In addition, focusing on legal policies (Guild, 2021) is also commendable. This ensures that the international student does not bear the legal consequences, such as penalties and fines associated with legal actions. Having an updated team is crucial to avoid inconveniences.

In conclusion, UCW must draft strategic rules amid a highly competitive academic sector. The strategies should assure the international students by adhering to the legal laws, having a financial support scheme and catering to the work market necessities to secure and maintain a mutual relationship between the managers and the academia. The institution can maintain its competitive advantage through strategic plans and determination to deliver quality services to international students.


Benez-Secanho, F. J., & Dwivedi, P. (2021). Analyzing the impacts of land use policies on selected ecosystem services in the upper Chattahoochee Watershed, Georgia, United States. Environmental Research Communications3(11), 115001.

Guild, C. M. (2021). Union Library Workers Blog: The Years 2019-2020 in Review. Progressive Librarian, (48), pp. 110–165.

Harris, D. M. (2023). Millions Owe Trillions: Uneven Geographies and Topologies of the Student Debt Crisis in the United States. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies22(6), 1398–1417.


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