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Understanding the Structure and Process of Feistel Cipher


The Feistel cipher is a symmetric structure used in the block cipher construction. Horst Feistel first proposed this cipher in the early 1970s. From there, it has become one of the modern concepts that make up cryptography. It is a platform in which data can be encrypted and decrypted. The Feistel cipher operates on data blocks, which are typically divided into two halves’ hence applying a series of rounds for each block. Each round involves the application of a specific function to half of the block, with the other half remaining unaltered, which is folded by the combination of the two halves. The process is then repeated using fixed round numbed with the final outputs providing encryption and the decrypted data.

This type of cipher’s strength lies in its simplicity and efficiency. It is relatively more straightforward to implement both the hardware and the software, thus being sustainable for a wide range of applications. Besides, the Feistel cipher provides a wide range of security when using appropriate keys is involved. This shows that through understanding the basic principles of the Feistel cipher, it is essential to appreciate the significance of the cipher in modern-day cryptography and the role it plays in ensuring that there Is security for most sensitive information.

Structure of the Feistel Cipher

The Feistel cipher is a systematical structure used in the block cipher construction; hence, it operates on block data and consists of several vital components. This includes the initial permutation, the round function, and the key schedule, notwithstanding the final permutation. As per the video, the Feistel cipher’s structure consists of the initial permutation, in which the fixed permutation tables permute the initial data block. This shows that the initial permutation increases data confusion by ensuring that the cipher output differs from the input. Secondly, there is the round function, a nonlinear function operating on one-half of the data blocks. It introduces confusion and diffusion into the process of encryption, which makes the cipher more resistant to cryptanalysis (Feng and Li, 2022). The round function entails the operations such as the substitution, permutation, and bitwise operations boxes. The key schedule is also a structure that helps the cipher schedule and generates the round keys for each round of encryption, thus showing that the round keys are derived from the original encryption keys with the help of the schedule algorithms. The key ensures that each round key is unique and provides sufficient valuable key material in the encryption process.

Additionally, the number of rounds is a structure in which the Feister cipher operates, with each round functioning as one-half of the data block while the other remains unchanged. The number of rounds is one essential factor in cipher security because a higher number of rounds means more robust security (Nakaya and Iwata, 2022). This goes hand in hand with the final permutation applied on the data blocks in order to provide a level of diffusion and ensure that the output is distinctive from the input. This depicts that the final permutation is helpful as it completes the encryption process and ensures the final output in the encrypted data blocks.

Key components and features of the Feistel cipher design

The Feistel cipher structure is characterized by several key components and features that contribute to efficiency in offering security. These features help ensure that there Is design and Feistel ciphers implementation. First, there is no linearity in which the cipher round function introduces nonlinearity into the encryption process, making it much more resistant to linear cryptanalyses. Thus, this nonlinearity is critical in ensuring that the security of the cipher is enhanced. Confusion and diffusion are provided by the round function in the Feistel cipher (Nakaya and Iwata, 2022). Confusion ensures that the relationship between the cipher text and the key is complex and challenging to analyze. Hence, diffusion ensures that small changes in the plaintext result in vigorous changes in the ciphertext, which is one of the ways that spread the influence of the plaintext throughout the ciphertext. The Feistel cipher also requires a key schedule algorithm in order to generate the round keys from their original encryption key, showing that this design ensures that each of the round keys is unique and gives sufficient key material for each round of encryption.

Besides, the round function design is essential for the security of this cipher; hence, it has to be carefully chosen in order to provide stronger confusion and diffusion properties by avoiding any vulnerabilities that the cryptanalysts might exploit. The number of rounds is one element that the Feister cipher depends on during the encryption process, such that the higher the number of rounds, the higher the security of the cipher and the rise in computational complexity. In line with efficiency, it is noted that despite the substantial security properties, the cipher is known for its high effectiveness in encryption and the decryption process; thus, the simplicity of the round function and the parallel nature of the encryption process is what makes it suitable for hardware and the software implementation (Feng and Li, 2022). In terms of flexibility, this cipher is highly flexible due to its high adaptation to different block sizes and key lengths. This allows for more flexible designs that put the Feistel ciphers on the upper hand to optimize specific applications and secure requirements. In line with the security analysis, a well-designed Feistel cipher with the necessary number of rounds and a firm round function can provide security against known attacks.

Encryption process

The encryption process in the Feister Cipher revolves around several steps, including the initial permutation, round function application, key schedule, and the final permutation. Based on the initial permutation, the plain text block is divided into two halves, showing that the initial permutation is applied to the entire block to rearrange the bits accordingly to a fixed permutation table (Nakaya and Iwata, 2022). This step is what leads to data input and thorough mixing before the beginning of the encryption process.

The second process is the round function application, which includes key mixing. This involves each round of the cipher generating a round key for the primary encryption key Using the critical schedule algorithm. The round key is XORed, with one-half of the data block introducing critical materials into the encryption process. Substitution and permutation entail passing through the non-linearly round function of the XOR result with the help of substitution of the S-box substitution and the permutation, which is the P-box operations, to introduce confusion and data diffusion (Tsuji and Iwata, 2023). This goes hand in hand with data mixing in which the round function output is XORed with the other half of the data block, effectively mixing the fat and introducing additional security.

The third step is the number of rounds in which the process applying the number of rounds and function in mixing data is repeated within a fixed number of rounds; hence, the number of rounds becomes a critical factor in the Feistel cipher security, with a high number of rounds generally providing more robust security. The final permutation is the second last step in which the entire block is rearranged in the bits once again; thus, the final permutation completes the encryption process, and the output becomes the ciphertext blocks (Feng and Li, 2022). The decryption process takes the last step essential in encryption, except that the round keys are used in the reverse order, meaning that each of the rounds in the decryption process revolves around applying a functional round and mixing the data using the corresponding round keys.

Decryption process

Like the encryption process, the description process is the reverse of the encryption process, which involves the appellation of steps similar to encryption using round keys in reverse order. The first step includes the initial permutation in which the cipher text block is divided into two halves. The initial permutation is applied to the entire block while rearranging the bits according to the fixed permutation table used in encryption. The second step is the round function application, in which there is critical mixing, substitution, permutation, and data mixing (Tsuji and Iwata, 2023). Each decryption round generates the round key from the primary encryption key using the scheduling algorithm in critical mixing. However, the round keys are used in reverse orders compared to encryption. In substitutional and permutation, the XOR results are passed through the same procedures of the encrypting round used in encryption; hence, this function applies the inverse of the substitution and permutation operation used in encryption (Feng and Li, 2022). Data mixing, on the other hand, is done through the output of the round function and the other half of the data block in order to recover the original plaintext. The third step is the number of rounds in which the round function and the mixing of data is repeated for the small number of rounds used in encryption but in the reverse order. A final permutation is also done, during which the final permutation is applied on the entire block and rearranged in bits back to their original order, thus completing the description process and making the output the original plain text block. Verification is the last step, as it ensures that there is no tempering of the decrypted plaintext during transmission; hence, this is done through a message authentication code or digital signature.

Security analysis

When looking at this type of cipher, it is clear that it is vital in security analysis. This includes the confusion and diffusion it provides, ensuring that there is secure encryption. Confusion ensures that the relationship between the cipher text and the critical complex is complicated to analyze. In contrast, diffusion ensures that a slight change in the plaintext results in a bigger difference in the ciphertext. The key schedule is one of the elements that this cipher depends on; hence, a secure key schedule has to provide round keys that are indistinguishable from the random, ensuring that each encryption round is independent and unpredictable (Tsuji and Iwata, 2023). The number of rounds in this type of cipher is a critical factor when looking at how security is concerned; hence, a higher number of rounds generally increases the cipher security through the provision of more confusion and diffusion. This shows that by increasing the number of rounds, there is a rise in the computation complexity of the cipher. The block size and the critical length influence the security of this cipher such that a larger block size and longer key length increase security by providing large vital spaces and making brute-force attacks more difficult. Despite the known attacks, the Feistel cipher is not immune to attack as the cryptanalysts have developed several techniques used in the analysis of the cipher, including differential analysis and linear cryptanalysis, which leads to the brute force attack, thus using appropriate key size helps mitigate the risks of attacks (Feng and Li, 2022). In terms of security, the Feistel cipher is considered secure when implemented correctly with a sufficient number of rounds and a solid key schedule with appropriate block sizes; hence, using this type of cipher helps secure specific application safety.


The Feistel cipher is a fundamental and versatile structure in modern cryptography, providing a solid function for securing block ciphers through its simplicity, efficiency, and security properties. Hence, it is a popular choice for a wide range of applications. The Feistel attack, when properly used, is a valuable tool in the cryptographic toolkit, though there is a need for understanding its principles and correctly implementing them. This will lead to correct security and efficient encrypted algorithms that protect sensitive information in various applications.


Feng, J., & Li, L. (2022). SCENERY: a lightweight block cipher based on Feistel structure. Frontiers of Computer Science, 16(3), 163813.

Nakaya, K., & Iwata, T. (2022). Generalized Feistel Structures Based on Tweakable Block Ciphers. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 24-91.

Tsuji, K., & Iwata, T. (2023, December). Feistel Ciphers Based on a Single Primitive. In IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (pp. 57-79). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

YouTube – Feistel Cipher Explained.

YouTube – Introduction to Feistel Cipher.


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