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Title: A Study on Innovative Social Distancing Chairs Design for Pusat Sejahtera, USM


This section provides a review of the past literature that was mainly provided about the design of the social distancing chairs. The study focuses on the context of higher institutions including the Pusat Sejahtera, USM. The goal of this review is to give readers a thorough grasp of the concepts, difficulties, and possible solutions related to creating chairs for shared places that balance user comfort and safety.

Social Distancing Measures

Social distancing measures have enhanced the effective containment of the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. According to Jose (2022), ensuring proper physical distance between people is of significance in enhancing the reduction of the risk of transmission, especially among people who are in enclosed areas that are densely populated. According to Barnett et al. (2020), the efficacy of social distancing strategies in a variety of contexts, including Institutions can greatly enhance the reduction in the risk of disease transmission among students, employees and visitors by putting such precautions in place. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing emerged as a significant aspect that enhances effective solutions in shared areas to protect public health (Dancer, 2021). Adequate furniture placement and other social distancing measures must be implemented in Pusat Sejahtera, USM to establish a safer environment for all residents and to support larger public health goals.

Ergonomic and User Comfort

To ensure user comfort in chair design for places like Pusat Sejahtera, USM, ergonomics the study of surroundings that fit the capabilities and limitations of the human body is crucial. According to Lakshmi & Bindu (2021, chairs are ergonomically constructed to enhance efficient support in environments where many people are most likely to spend some time. Ergonomic chairs can lessen the likelihood of musculoskeletal problems and user discomfort by considering variables like armrest placement, lumbar support, and seat height. According to Engelen (2020), ergonomic chairs are of significance in enabling improved physical health as well as general productivity. It is of significance to take keen consideration of the ergonomics in the advent of designing chairs for communal areas like Pusat Sejahtera for efficient user comfort and well-being.

Design Criteria for Social Distancing

In the advent of designing chairs for social distancing, several factors are considered to ensure their effectiveness in institutions. It is of significance to allow for sufficient physical separation between users, with the right amount of space and arrangement to reduce close quarters. According to Lubis & Putri (2020), The arrangement of the chairs had a significant influence on the distancing rules hence they should be designed to provide comfort and enhance prolonged sitting. A setting that is favourable to enhance pleasure plays a significant role in the adherence to social distancing measures. according to Bali (2021), chairs should be made of materials that are simple to keep and clean, with surfaces that are resistant to germs and encourage frequent disinfection. Maintaining hygienic standards in public places is crucial, especially in settings where furniture may come into contact with various users. According to Aziz et al. (2020), chairs should be more adaptive and flexible to enhance a variety of space limitations. Social distance chairs can effectively improve safety and well-being within educational institutions such as USM’s Pusat Sejahtera by implementing these design characteristics.

Importance of Chair Design in Social Distancing

When it comes to enabling social distancing measures in communal areas such as Pusat Sejahtera, USM, chair design is crucial. Chair arrangements and spacing have a crucial role in establishing the required physical space between people, which lowers the risk of disease transmission (Murray, 2020). Chair designs that are flexible and adaptive enable quick modifications to suit shifting conditions, guaranteeing that areas can efficiently follow developing health recommendations (Elrayies, 2022). Additionally, chairs that put comfort and ease of cleaning first help to reassure users, creating an environment that is favourable to health and wellbeing (Attia, 2021). In environments where people may spend extended amounts of time, ergonomic chairs not only improve user comfort but also reduce the risk of musculoskeletal illnesses and discomfort (Kahya, 2021). All things considered, chair design is critical to establishing secure and pleasant spaces that adhere to social distancing protocols. This helps to further the overarching goal of protecting public health in educational institutions such as USM’s Pusat Sejahtera.

Innovation in Social Distancing Chair Design

Designers and manufacturers have responded to the COVID-19 epidemic by introducing creative solutions in social distancing chair design to address the changing needs of shared places such as Pusat Sejahtera, USM. By encouraging comfort and utility, these improvements seek to solve the difficulties associated with maintaining physical distance. According to Gonsalves, (2020), an integrated wall is essential in enhancing effective seating arrangements to physically split customers. These barriers give consumers a feeling of safety and privacy while reducing the possibility of droplet transfer. Furthermore, chairs with movable seating arrangements have gained popularity as a means of accommodating different group sizes and space limitations (Jin & Peng, 2022). In addition, there is a significant increase in the usage of antimicrobial elements in chair construction, which improves cleanliness and lowers the chance of infection transmission (Yong & Calautit, 2023). The design innovations of social distancing chairs are a result of a deliberate attempt to balance the needs of public health and safety with the practicality and comfort of communal areas such as Pusat Sejahtera, USM.

Theoretical Framework

This research mainly considers the Social identity theory to enhance a significant understanding of the role that is played by social distancing behaviour within Pusat Sejahtera, USM. The theory mainly provides that the behaviour of people and their association with others is mainly influenced by the sense of self and belonging they receive from being a member of social groups (Yuan, 2021). The social distancing measures are most likely to be followed or disregarded based on the perception of the group. Strategies for encouraging adherence to rules and boosting the efficacy of social distancing measures within Pusat Sejahtera and comparable community places can be informed by an understanding of the effects of social identity on social distancing behaviour.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual framework


This section describes the review of literature that is mainly conducted among the past literature that investigated the significance of chair design and its role in enhancing distancing, especially in public areas. Institutions can create safer and more comfortable settings for staff and students by implementing ergonomic principles, design criteria for social distancing seats, and creative solutions. Nevertheless, more investigation is required to examine the usefulness and efficacy of particular chair designs in practical contexts.


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