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Thinking About Physical Development Throughout the Stages


The fascinating interaction between genetics and environment necessitates a significant shift in physical evolution. This paper examines the nature of physical development from infancy to adolescence and specific examples of body growth and motor development at each stage. According to the thesis, understanding such shifts necessitates considering how heredity (nature) and environment (nurture) occasionally cause the fashioning of specific features and skills for individuals.


Height and weight gain occur at great heights throughout the first few years following birth in infancy and early childhood (Passer, 2020). However, hereditary factors are important in predicting a child’s height and weight since inherited features influence these changes. Nonetheless, the circumstances contribute equally to supporting healthy physical growth through proper nutrition and medical procedures. Boonzaaijer et al. (2021) also emphasize the importance of environmental factors, discovering that children raised in a caring and nutritious environment have better physical development.

This phase of motor development is characterized by significant achievements, such as crawling, standing, and walking. Environmental factors, including a stimulating and encouraging environment and genetic schedules for some milestones, support or restrain motor skill development (Passer, 2020). Nature and nurture combine to create the foundation for the intricate choreography of physical growth in early childhood.

Early Childhood

Physical changes still occur in early childhood, one of the most noticeable examples being a continuous increase in bone density and muscle mass (Passer, 2020). While the genetic factors control these changes, proper nutrition and regular fresh air contribute significantly to healthy growth. The study by Boonzaaijer et al. (2021) highlights the importance of environmental factors in bone health during early childhood, suggesting that dietary calcium and weight-bearing activities promote healthy development.

Middle Childhood

It is one of the most critical stages of growth in middle childhood because this age begins when a change in body size occurs due to genetic factors. The given book claims that hormonal changes lead to rapid growth at this stage, and heredity determines individual differences. However, proper diet and general health influence the degree of these changes. Jelenkovic et al. (2020) contribute to the nature-nurture debate by focusing on genetic and environmental factors that cause changes in height throughout middle childhood.

Middle childhood motor development includes the practice of fine and gross motor abilities. Genetic effects determine individual capacities in specific types of physical activity, while specific contextual circumstances contribute to realizing this potential through available sports and recreational outlets. At this time, the link between nature and nurture becomes increasingly complicated.


Because adolescence is characterized by many severe physical changes, secondary sexual features are one of the most visible instances of body growth (Passer, 2020). These modifications, governed mainly by hereditary factors, are depicted in the textbook, indicating the significance of hormones in terms of when and how they arise—however, environmental factors such as nutrition and overall health influence how these changes manifest. Jelenkovic et al. (2020) did research that indicates the impact that genetic differences play in causing puberty and how the rate of these physical modifications during adolescence is strongly controlled by diet and healthy lifestyles.

This stage of motor development is distinguished by the fine-tuning of advanced motor abilities and the engagement/pursuit of specialized physical activities (Passer, 2020). First, genetic predispositions influence an individual’s athletic capability and coordination, whereas environmental factors such as availability to training conditions and coaching influence the development of these abilities. The interaction of nature and nurture dictates the trend in physical capacities throughout this transitory period.


Finally, physical development occurs in stages, with individual stages reflecting significant changes in an organism’s growth and motor body movement. Heredity and environment interact to shape people’s physical characteristics and talents. From infancy to puberty, the physical growth process is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. This interaction contributes to a better understanding of people’s varied courses in their development, such as learning to control motor abilities.


Boonzaaijer, M., Suir, I., Mollema, J., Nuysink, J., Volman, M., & Jongmans, M. (2021). Factors associated with gross motor development from birth to independent walking: A systematic review of longitudinal research. Child: care, health and development47(4), 525-561.

Passer, M. (2020). Research methods: Concepts and connections. Macmillan Higher Education. file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/Michael%20W%20Passer%20-%20Research%20Methods%20_%20Concepts%20and%20Connections-Macmillan%20Learning%20BOOK%20(2).pdf

Jelenkovic, A., Sund, R., Yokoyama, Y., Latvala, A., Sugawara, M., Tanaka, M., … & Silventoinen, K. (2020). Genetic and environmental influences on human height from infancy through adulthood at different parental education levels. Scientific reports10(1), 7974.


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