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The Odyssey: Exploring Enduring Values in Ancient Greek Society


“The Odyssey” by Homer offers a significant view into the values and traditions of ancient Greek communities. It envelops several themes that resonate with the societal standards of the time, shedding light on the social tapestry of ancient Greece. Among these themes, Homer carefully underscores the significance of hospitality (xenia), the significance of the household (oikos), and the value of cleverness (metis). In doing so, he digs profoundly into the essence of Greek society, capturing the experiences of its hero and the fundamental characters that guided human intuition and ambitions. Through his striking depiction of characters and their activities, Homer successfully brings these themes to the reader’s understanding. The concepts of xenia, oikos, and metis are interlaced with the characters’ choices, creating a narrative that not only moves the story but also serves as an ethical compass. These themes reflect the standards of the society in which Homer lived, resounding over centuries to remain generally relatable, reminding readers of the persevering cultural importance and their effect on the human condition. Thesis statement: Homer, through his epic “The Odyssey,” breathtakingly enlightens the persevering significance of the themes of hospitality (xenia), the household (oikos), and cleverness (metis) in ancient Greek society, strengthening their ageless significance and their significant effect on the human involvement across generations.


Homer emphasizes the significance of hospitality, known as xenia, as a principal value in ancient Greek society. Xenia represents the sacred bond of guest-host connections, where visitors and hosts have particular obligations and duties. This concept is embodied in the character of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. When Telemachus sets out on a journey to look for his father, he experiences various strangers (Saul, p.31). He demonstrates xenia by offering them food, shelter, and gifts. This commitment to hospitality serves as a confirmation of his respectable character. Telemachus understands that showing kindness to travellers is not only an ethical commitment but also a way to earn respect and honor in the eyes of the gods and individual Greeks. In Book 9, the episode involving Odysseus and the Cyclops, Polyphemus exhibits xenia as a moral commitment and a means of survival. Odysseus and his men discover themselves trapped in the Cyclops’ cave, and when Polyphemus captures them, they rely on the tradition of hospitality to secure their escape. Odysseus cleverly tells the Cyclops his name is “Nobody” and after that blinds him,” “Nobody—that’s my name. Nobody—so my mother and father call me, all my friends” (Homer). When Polyphemus calls for assistance, he can only say that “nobody” is harming him, leading the other Cyclopes to believe that nothing is wrong. This clever trick highlights the interaction of xenia and metis, with Odysseus utilizing his wits to maintain the sacred law of hospitality and save his men.

The significance of the household (oikos) is another central theme in “The Odyssey.” The epic portrays the perfect household as a place of solidness and refuge, a center of social values. Homer emphasizes this through Penelope, Odysseus’ spouse, who keeps up the integrity of her household while her spouse is absent. She skillfully handles the suitors who invade her home, keeping up her dedication to Odysseus and avoiding the degradation of her oikos. The depiction of Penelope weaving and unweaving the shroud for Laertes, Odysseus’ father, is typical of her devotion and commitment to her husband’s household (Lesser, p.191). Her exercises serve as a demonstration for women in ancient Greece, emphasizing the importance of commitment and the preservation of the oikos. Moreover, the character of Odysseus himself epitomizes the importance of the household. Throughout his difficult journey home, his steadfast desire to return to Ithaca and his oikos is a driving force. His cleverness and determination, which align with the value of metis, are tackled to overcome perpetual obstacles and adversaries in his journey to reunite with his family and reestablish his household (Homer). His journey serves as an affirmation of the enduring nature of the Oikos and its central place in Greek society.

Cleverness, or metis, is a value exceedingly prized in “The Odyssey,” Homer underscores its significance through the character of Odysseus. His insights and cleverness are key to his survival and eventual triumph. In Book 10, Odysseus and his group experience the Lotus-Eaters, a group of individuals who offer a pleasant but forgetful fruit (Homer). Recognizing the threat of losing his team to this temptation, Odysseus utilizes metis by persuasively bringing his men back to the ship, even though they resist; this illustrates his cunning and capacity to outsmart potential dangers, which are basic qualities in his journey to return home. Another striking illustration of metis is in Odysseus’ experience with the Sirens (Homer). He orders his men to plug their ears with beeswax while he tunes in to their charming tune, fulfilling his desire for information without succumbing to the dangerous allure of the Sirens. This moment outlines the balance of intelligence and self-control, hallmarks of metis, which eventually lead to Odysseus’ victory.


“The Odyssey” by Homer serves as an important source of understanding into the values of ancient Greek communities. Homer skillfully emphasizes the significance of hospitality (xenia), the importance of the household (oikos), and the value of cleverness (metis) throughout the epic. The characters and their activities, such as Telemachus’ hospitality, Penelope’s devotion to her oikos, and Odysseus’ intelligent tactics, highlight the persevering significance of these themes in Greek society. By weaving these themes into the story, Homer gives a timeless depiction of the cultural values that formed the ancient Greek world.

Works Cited

Homer, Homer. The Odyssey. Xist Publishing, 2015.

Lesser, Rachel H. “Female ethics and epic rivalry: Helen in the Iliad and Penelope in the Odyssey.” American Journal of Philology, vol. 140, no. 2, 2019, pp. 189–226,

Saul, Fabiola. “The essence of hospitality extracted from the Odyssey of Homer: Its relevance for Hospitality Professionals Today.” Humanistic Perspectives in Hospitality and Tourism, Volume II, 2022, pp. 19–39,


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