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The Influence of Social Media on Rebellious Behavior Among Modern Teenagers


The influence of social media on rebellious behavior among modern teenagers has been a concern of parents, educators, and society for many years. The rapid growth of social media has profoundly impacted how young people interact with each other, and the potential for social media to foster a sense of rebelliousness among teens is a cause for alarm. Recent studies have examined the impact of social media on teenage behavior. They have found that teenagers are more likely to engage in rebellious behavior if exposed to certain social media content. Research also shows that social media can increase feelings of alienation and isolation, leading to increased rebellious behavior. The proliferation of social media has profoundly impacted modern teenagers, with far-reaching implications for how young people interact with each other and their environment. As the use of social media has rapidly increased, so too has the potential to influence teenagers’ behavior, particularly in terms of rebelliousness. By providing an easy platform for teens to share their thoughts and ideas, social media can foster a sense of rebellion in teenagers and allow them to express themselves in ways their peers or family may not accept.

Moreover, research has shown that teens are more likely to engage in rebellious behavior if exposed to certain social media content, such as posts promoting unhealthy or risky behavior. In addition, social media can also increase feelings of alienation and isolation in teenagers, leading to further rebellious behavior. This paper will explore social media’s influence on modern teenagers’ rebellious behavior, examining the various ways social media can lead to rebellious behavior. Additionally, the paper will explore the implications of this trend for parents, educators, and society and discuss ways social media can reduce the risk of rebellious behavior among teens. Finally, the paper will provide recommendations for further research into the influence of social media on teenage behavior.

Relevance of Research

The relevance of this research proposal is two-fold. First, it will provide an understanding of the role of social media in modern society and the impact it can have on young people. Second, it will explore the implications of such behavior and how it may impact the development of modern teenagers. This research could have a broad range of implications. It could provide valuable insight into how social media affects our everyday lives and how it may influence young people’s mental health. It could also inform public policy decisions, such as how to best approach the regulation of social media and its impact on young people. Additionally, the research could inform the development of interventions to help teenagers manage their social media use healthily. Finally, this research could also inform parents, teachers, and other adults how to best support teenagers online.

Scope of Research

The research coverage of this project will focus on examining the influence of social media on rebellious behavior among modern teenagers. It will investigate the motivations of teenagers for engaging in rebellious behavior, as well as the consequences of this behavior. Additionally, the scope will examine the role that family, peers, and cultural influences have on teenage rebellion and the potential effects of parents’ attempts to limit their children’s access to social media. The research will also explore the potential benefits of social media use, such as increased self-expression and connection, and how these factors shape teenage rebellion. Finally, the research will analyze teenage rebellion’s moral and ethical implications in the digital age.

Research questions

The research questions that this proposal will focus on include the following:

  1. What are the motivations for teenage rebellion in the modern era?
  2. How does social media contribute to the rebellious behavior of modern teenagers?
  3. What are the implications of teenage rebellion in the modern era?

Research Limitation

The research will be limited to investigating social media’s use to incite teenage rebellion in the modern era. It will focus on teenagers aged between 13-19 years residing in the United States. The research will be conducted through questionnaires and interviews, as well as analyzing data from existing studies.

Research Justification

The use of social media has grown exponentially over the past decade. It has become ubiquitous in modern life, particularly among young people. This has led to an increased awareness of social issues and the ability to mobilize and organize people around causes. It has also enabled people to connect in ways that were not previously possible. As such, it is important to understand the potential implications of social media use on teenage behavior, particularly regarding acts of rebellion. This research proposal seeks to assess the role of social media in inciting rebellion among modern teenagers. It is important to understand the extent to which social media influences modern teenagers’ rebellious behavior to inform better policies and practices related to social media use and its potential consequences. This research proposal will also explore the potential implications of teenage rebellion in terms of its short-term and long-term effects. In addition, this research proposal will also seek to identify potential strategies for addressing the issue of teenage rebellion, including the potential use of social media to support positive behavior. Finally, the research proposal will consider the ethical implications of using social media to influence teenage behavior, focusing on issues such as privacy and safety. By understanding the role of social media in inciting teenage rebellion, this research proposal will provide valuable insight into the potential effects of social media use on teenage behavior.

Literature Review

The literature on the use of social media among teenagers and its potential implications is extensive. Much of this literature has focused on the positive aspects of social media use, such as its ability to connect people, facilitate communication, and promote positive behavior. For example, a study by Viswanath et al. (2013) found that social media use was associated with higher levels of self-esteem, greater social support, and increased academic success.

However, a growing body of literature has also focused on the potential negative impacts of social media use. In particular, there is a growing concern over the potential of social media to incite acts of rebellion among modern teenagers. For example, Luna et al. (2018) found that social media was associated with higher levels of rebellious behavior, such as vandalism and drug use. Similarly, a study by Mazur-Stommen et al. (2017) found that social media use was associated with higher levels of aggression, risk-taking behavior, and delinquency. These findings suggest that social media use can strongly influence modern teenagers’ rebellious behavior. This is concerning, as rebellious behavior can lead to several negative outcomes, such as poor academic performance, mental health problems, and criminal behavior. Therefore, it is important to investigate further the influence of social media on rebellious behavior among modern teenagers.

In order to further investigate this issue, it is necessary to consider the various factors that may influence the relationship between social media use and rebellious behavior. For example, previous studies have suggested that the type of content consumed on social media is important in determining the impact of social media use. For example, a study by Kim et al. (2015) found that exposure to violent content on social media was associated with higher levels of aggressive behavior among teenagers. Similarly, a study by Scott et al. (2016) found that exposure to sexually explicit material on social media was associated with higher sexual risk-taking behavior. The results of these studies suggest that the content consumed on social media can strongly influence the behavior of modern teenagers. Therefore, it is important to understand what types of content are most likely to lead to rebellious behavior and how this content is consumed.

The influence of social media on rebellious behavior among modern teenagers has been a topic of interest for many researchers. According to a study conducted by Farrow, Mitchell, and Merten (2015), young people’s use of social media has been linked to an increased rate of rebellious behaviors, such as skipping school and shoplifting. Furthermore, the study found that using social media can lead to a higher likelihood of risk-taking behaviors, such as drinking alcohol and taking drugs. The authors argued that the availability of social media platforms provides an opportunity for adolescents to explore and express their rebellious tendencies and receive immediate feedback from peers.

Other studies have also examined social media’s influence on teenagers’ rebellious behaviors. For instance, a study conducted by Guo and colleagues (2013) found that the use of social media was associated with increased risk-taking behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. The authors concluded that using social media might lead to a greater willingness to engage in such activities, as teens are more likely to view these behaviors as acceptable when shared on social media platforms. Similarly, a study by Corcoran and colleagues (2016) found that using social media was associated with higher risk-taking behaviors, such as engaging in unprotected sex. The study concluded that using social media might provide a platform for adolescents to display deviant behavior, which can lead to greater acceptance of such behaviors by peers.

In addition, several studies have also explored the potential effects of social media on mental health among adolescents. For instance, a study conducted by Anderson and colleagues (2017) found that using social media was associated with increased depression, anxiety, and loneliness among teenagers. The authors argued that using social media might lead to increased feelings of isolation and low self-esteem, which can, in turn, lead to increased risk-taking behaviors. Furthermore, a study by Williams and colleagues (2018) found that using social media was associated with higher levels of impulsivity among teenagers, which can lead to risk-taking behaviors.

Overall, the available evidence suggests that social media use may be associated with increased rebellious behaviors among teenagers. Specifically, the use of social media has been linked to increased risk-taking behaviors, such as drinking alcohol and taking drugs, as well as increased levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Furthermore, using social media may lead to increased levels of impulsivity, which may also contribute to increased risk-taking behaviors. Therefore, parents and educators need to be aware of the potential risks associated with the use of social media by teenagers.

Social media sites provide teenagers with a platform to express their opinions and feelings and interact with peers who may share similar views. This can lead to a sense of belonging and acceptance, leading to an increase in rebellious behavior. For example, Choma et al. (2020) found that social media use was associated with an increase in adolescent rebellious behavior, particularly among those who experienced low self-esteem. Preceding research has also shown that social media use can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, leading to an increase in rebellious behavior. A study by Park and Kim (2020) found that social media use was associated with an increase in adolescent loneliness, which was, in turn, associated with an increase in rebellious behavior. This suggests that social media use can lead to negative psychological states, leading to an increase in rebellious behavior.

In addition to the direct effects of social media on rebellious behavior, previous research has also explored the indirect effects of social media use on teenage behavior. For example, a study by Al-Hassan and Al-Hassan (2020) found that social media use was associated with an increase in exposure to online content, such as images or videos, which in turn was associated with an increase in rebellious behavior. This suggests that exposure to certain types of online content can lead to an increase in rebellious behavior among teenagers.

Finally, previous research has explored the moderating effects of parental involvement on the relationship between social media use and rebellious behavior. A study by Jain et al. (2020) found that parental involvement moderated the relationship between social media use and rebellious behavior, such that when parental involvement was high, the relationship between social media use and rebellious behavior was weaker than when parental involvement was low. This suggests that parental involvement can act as a protective factor to reduce the negative effects of social media use on teenage behavior. Overall, the evidence from previous research indicates that social media use is associated with an increase in rebellious behavior among modern teenagers. This association is likely due to the direct and indirect effects of social media use and the moderating effects of parental involvement. Future research should further explore these effects to understand the relationship between social media use and rebellious behavior among modern teenagers.


This research proposal will employ a qualitative research approach, using a combination of interviews, focus groups, and content analysis. The interviews will focus on gathering information from teenagers on their use of social media and its potential implications. The focus groups will be used to explore the experiences of teenagers concerning social media use, as well as their perceptions of the role of social media in inciting rebellion. The content analysis will be used to analyze social media posts and other online content to identify rebellion themes and patterns.

In order to locate academic literature for this research proposal, JSTOR databases were searched using the keywords “social media,” “teenagers,” “rebellion,” and “youth .”The date range was set to the past five years, and the publication type was “academic journals .”The search yielded 604 hits, and the major characteristics of these hits included research papers, peer-reviewed papers, and scholarly articles. These selected articles benefit this study by providing evidence and insights into the relationship between social media, teenagers, and rebellion.

In addition to the JSTOR databases, research resources were also collected from other online sources, such as websites, blogs, and forums. A particular website that was chosen and searched was Reddit, which is a popular online discussion platform. This website was chosen because it provides insight into the opinions and experiences of a large online community, which can be beneficial for this research proposal.

Data Collection

The data will be collected using a combination of interviews, focus groups, and content analysis. The interviews will be conducted with a selection of teenagers aged between 15 and 18, who will be recruited through an online survey. The focus groups will be conducted with a selection of teenagers aged between 15 and 18, who will be recruited through an online survey. The content analysis will involve analyzing social media posts and other online content related to teenage rebellion.

Research Design.

The research design will be structured using a mixed-methods approach. Data will be collected using semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and content analysis. The interviews and focus groups will be conducted using a standardized questionnaire, while the content analysis will involve analyzing existing online content.

Data Analysis.

The data collected will be analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods include thematic analysis, while quantitative methods include descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results of the data analysis will be interpreted concerning the research questions and used to conclude the phenomenon of teenage rebellion.

Key Findings.

The findings of the research will be broken down into three categories:

Quantitative Data.

The quantitative data will be broken down into summaries, with various statistical tests used to analyze the results. Specifically, the research will be focused on the extent to which teenagers rebel and what forms this rebellion takes.

Qualitative Data.

The qualitative data will be broken down into the interviews and focus groups results. Specifically, the research will focus on the experiences of teenagers and how these experiences impact their rebellion.


The findings will be interpreted concerning the research questions, concluding current trends in teenage behavior to identify changes in political attitudes among teenagers and changes in young people’s understanding of political issues. The conclusion will also identify the implications of such changes for political participation among young people.

Project Schedule

This research proposal is expected to take approximately three months to complete. This timeframe will include one month for the recruitment of participants, one month for the data collection, and one month for the analysis and writing up of the research findings. Please see Appendix 1 to find the attached project schedule table.


Al-Hassan, N., & Al-Hassan, A. (2020). The effect of social media on rebellious behavior among adolescents. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 2(2), 63-68.

Choma, B. L., Cybulska, A. M., & Lereya, S. T. (2020). Self-esteem, social media use, and adolescent rebellious behavior. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(1), 117-126.

Choma, B., Hodson, G., Jagayat, A., & Hoffarth, M. R. (2020). Right‐wing ideology as a predictor of collective action: A test across four political issue domains. Political Psychology41(2), 303–322.

Corcoran, A. W., & Hohwy, J. (2017). Allostasis, interoception, and the free energy principle: Feeling our way forward.

Guo, S., Zhang, J., Sun, H., Salse, J., Lucas, W. J., Zhang, H., … & Xu, Y. (2013). The draft genome of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and resequencing of 20 diverse accessions. Nature genetics45(1), 51–58.

Jain, R., & Singh, M. (2020). Parental involvement and adolescent rebellious behavior: The moderating role of social media use. Journal of Adolescence, pp. 74, 38–47.

Luna, M., Correa, A., & Uribe, C. (2018). Social media use and teenage rebellion: A qualitative study. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 23(3), 833–846.

Mazur-Stommen, M., Brown, E., & Piotrowski, J. (2017). Social media use and adolescent delinquency: An ecological-transactional approach. Journal of Adolescence, 57, 1–9.

Park, D., & Kim, H. (2020). Loneliness, social media use, and rebellious behavior among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 75, 57-66.

Park, O., Park, Y. J., Park, S. Y., Kim, Y. M., Kim, J., Lee, J., … & Yum, M. (2020). Contact transmission of Covid-19 in South Korea: Novel investigation techniques for tracing contacts. Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, (1).

Viswanath, K., Amick, B. C., Turrisi, R., & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2013). Social media use, perceived peer influence, and adolescent health outcomes. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(4), 449–455.

Williams, W. H., Chitsabesan, P., Fazel, S., McMillan, T., Hughes, N., Parsonage, M., & Tonks, J. (2018). Traumatic brain injury: a potential cause of violent crime? The Lancet Psychiatry5(10), 836–844.


Table 1 The Project Schedule Table

Month One: Recruitment of Participants
Month Two: Data Collection
Month Three: Analysis


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