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Technological and Social Environments’ Impacts

Part 1: How Technological and Social Environments Are Impacting My Life

Two factors that present me with challenges and opportunities as a student of Algoma University are the technological Environment and social environment. As a student, the technological environment presents me with numerous benefits due to technology that keeps advancing every day. This technological advancement as a student enables me to enjoy a vast array of resources that facilitate learning as well as research. If the comparison is made between me and someone who studied at this University some time ago we are not the same. Am more privileged to have studied in this great institution at a time where we have we are more equipped technologically. For instance, we now have digital libraries that allow us to access learning materials wherever we are any time of the day, a privilege that I am sure some people who studied in the past were not lucky enough to enjoy. With the advancement in technology, there is also the popularity of online learning platforms where we can hold virtual meetings with our instructors on short notice and save on resources and time. There is also the development of educational apps that can make learning and research easier. When all these digital technologies are combined learning will be greatly enhanced.

Despite the benefits that the technological environment in the classroom setting comes with there is the negative side of it that if not handled well it will be disastrous. Reliance on technology can pose some challenges, for instance, students may be distracted by social media affecting their concentration level and understanding of the course. I was a victim of these distractions but when I learned of the consequences that come with it, I looked for ways that will help me avoid it and it worked. One of the other factors apart from social media is the use of online gaming which can be addictive and the majority of students struggle with it.

The social environment is another crucial component that I find presents challenges and opportunities in my daily life as a student at Algoma University. We as university students thrive in a supportive social environment. To be honest, a supportive social environment is the reason why I enjoy my stay here as I can engage with professors, peers, and mentors. These positive social interactions have made me a good team leader, enhanced collaboration, and contributed to my personal growth as a student. Campus clubs and social events, for instance, have greatly nurtured my leadership skills and provided me with networking opportunities. For me, this supportive social environment has been so helpful to me since it helps avoid conflicts and social pressures that have detrimental effects that can lead to poor academic performance and mental health challenges. Thus I am grateful for this supportive environment and much thanks to my colleagues and professors for contributing to this amazing environment. Despite the benefits of a supportive environment, there is another side of it that comes with social isolation that may lead to anxiety and other forms of mental health.

Part 2: How Technological and Social Environments Will Impact My Future Employees

Technology keeps advancing every day and this continued advancement with no reasonable doubt impacts future employees in one way or the other. In the next 2 to 5 years, this advancement will reshape the job requirements and the industry at large. The job requirements will change due to the competitive edge that will exist in the job market. One of the effects of this technological environment is the gig economy which keeps gaining popularity as the technology keeps advancing as the majority of people will prefer working from home and with flexible schedules that exist in the gig economy. The gig economy presents both opportunities and challenges in the technological environment which will keep affecting employees from now onwards. From the employee perspective, they will keep embracing the gig economy especially considering the Millennials’s familiarity with digital technology from now to that 2-5 years to come. I predict my future employees who will be working in the gig economy to embrace the autonomy and flexibility but will be likely to pressure me to treat them like other employees in the physical office setting on issues like paid leave and healthcare retirement plans which is the main challenge surrounding gig economy even today(Hebdon et al.,2020).

Apart from the technological environment, the social environment is another crucial macro component that will greatly impact my future employees. A supportive social environment in the work setting massively impacts employee engagement, workplace dynamics, and organizational culture. Some of the facts that I have learned since I joined Algoma University is that for companies to attract top talents, they must prioritize employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion. This social environment just like the technological environment will present both opportunities and challenges. One of the challenges that comes with it is social work-life balance. This factor will be impacted by the increased workload, daycare needs, and employees pushing for more flexibility(Hebdon et al.,2020). This social work-life balance has also been associated with increasing employee absenteeism from work and reduced productivity. This trend is likely to increase and will be a challenge in 2-5 years to come when I will be hopefully managing my employees. However, I am confident that I will deal with these challenges adequately. The first solution is ensuring that my future employees will have flexible working hours and other strategies that will promote a supportive social environment and value all the employees. In conclusion, both technological environment and social environments will keep changing and reshaping every work setting presenting both opportunities and challenges that should be addressed effectively.


Hebdon, R., Brown, T., & Walsworth, S. (2020). Industrial Relations in Canada. Pearson.


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