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Sustainable Growth Essays

Enhancing Amazon’s Strategic Plan: A Roadmap to Sustainable Growth

Introduction: Amazon’s strategic plan has provided an instrumental document on its path to becoming the number one customer-centric company globally. However, the dynamic nature of the business environment requires the company to continue assessing and reformating its strategic initiatives to remain relevant and successful. This paper tries to trace out major improvements in Amazon’s strategic ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3286

Leveraging Strategic Planning Concepts

Introduction Sustainability may be possible even as uncertainties increase, necessitating strategic planning, a fundamental process in today’s business ecosystem. Scenario Planning and Blue Ocean Strategy are the strategic planning concepts discussed in this essay. It intends to highlight the importance of these structures in organizational environments through a literature review. Scenario Planning is based on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 785
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The New Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of the Nations by Daniel Yergin.

Introduction In his astute and thought-provoking book, “The New Map: In the article Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations,” well-known specialist Daniel Yergin makes an exciting journey through this relationship between geopolitics through electricity and weather exchange. Yergin masterfully combines historical context, insightful analysis, and predictive foresight. These features are a brilliant picture of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2420

Asset-Based Community Development (Abcd) Plan

As the Planning Associate for the Community Development Department, I aim to create an impactful asset-based community development (ABCD) plan for our community. ABCD is a transformative approach that centers on recognizing and harnessing our community’s inherent strengths and assets to cultivate sustainable growth and empowerment. This plan will lay out the fundamental directing standards ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1095
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