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RTI Tier Two Interventions


Child study team members (CST) must consider how Manuel’s social and cultural background may influence his academic achievement. Planning interventions should also take into account his hobbies and strengths. The CST has already conducted diagnostic work to determine the elements influencing Manuel’s performance. We will review our suggestions for RTI tier two interventions in this paper that will consider Manuel’s experiences, cultural background, and linguistic background.

Knowledge of the Social and Cultural Background of Manuel

awareness Manuel’s academic success requires an awareness of his social and cultural background. His bilingualism and command of both Spanish and English are key assets. Manuel is eager to assist new students from Guatemala and is proud of his bilingualism. This demonstrates his appreciation for his cultural heritage and his self-assurance in assisting others. To promote Manuel’s academic performance, it is crucial to understand and respect his cultural background (Collier, 2020).

The BMX bikes, video games, and engineering that Manuel enjoys are also relevant to his academic success. It is difficult for him to see the value of classes that are unrelated to his planned job, which is engineering. This could account for his lack of interest and motivation in his language arts subjects. Thanks to his interests in BMX bikes and video games, he can be involved in language arts activities that are relevant to him.

Results of the Diagnostic Assessment

According to the CST’s diagnostic evaluation, several problems are impacting Manuel’s academic performance. Manuel lacks the motivation to engage in class because he feels ashamed of how slowly he reads compared to his classmates. He fears that if he is taken out of his usual classes for more intense support, he will be called “dumb” and teased. Manuel can also write well, but his homework assignments are usually brief, and he frequently drops the ball on in-class tasks and assessments. His assignments repeatedly lost him points because they lacked depth and duration.

Tier Two Interventions for RTI

The CST advises the following RTI Tier Two measures to help Manuel with his academic difficulties:

  1. Employ Culturally Appropriate Texts Manuel is ashamed of how slowly he reads compared to his classmates. We advise choosing reading-level appropriate literature that is culturally relevant to address this. We could use books or articles about his experiences or cultural background. We could provide him with multilingual literature that he could read in English and Spanish. This will give him a sense of pride and belonging while also assisting him in appreciating the significance of his bilingualism (Collier et al., 2020).
  2. Offer Structured Assistance Manuel is concerned that he will be mocked if he is taken out of his usual classes for more intense care. We advise offering organized support in the typical classroom setting. To assist him in organizing and planning his writing assignments, the teacher can, for instance, give him a visual organizer or checklist. The teacher might also give him more time to finish his assignments. This will offer assistance while preserving his sense of inclusion in the typical school setting.
  3. Use peer-to-peer collaborative learning. Outside of the classroom, Manuel has met pals. They speak about BMX bikes and a shared online video game. The group of lads includes some robotics team members from their school. We advise employing cooperative learning techniques with classmates who have similar interests to his own. For instance, we might set up a writing workshop where students critique each other’s written work in small groups. Manuel could collaborate with others with a similar interest in engineering or robotics. His motivation to participate in class activities will increase due to this.
  4. Provide Translational Opportunities When praised for his bilingualism and requested to assist a new student from Guatemala, Manuel proudly agreed. We suggest giving Manuel extra chances to apply his translating abilities in class. For pupils who are English Language Learners (ELL), he may, for instance, assist with translating class materials or homework. This will reaffirm the worth of his bilingualism and give him a sense of purpose.
  5. Involve Manuel in reading and writing assignments with an engineering theme. Manuel’s lack of interest in courses unrelated to his planned career path, engineering, is one of his difficulties. We suggest developing reading and writing exercises with an engineering theme to address this. For instance, we may give him books or articles on engineering topics he enjoys reading and ask him to write a summary or analysis. He could be inspired to write about his engineering endeavours or innovations. He will better understand how language arts programs relate to his long-term professional objectives.


In conclusion, Manuel’s interests, cultural and language background, and social factors are all considered in our recommendations for RTI tier two interventions. We advise employing reading and writing exercises with an engineering theme, group learning with peers with similar interests, culturally appropriate books, providing translation opportunities, and offering organized support (Saint‐Paul, 2021). These interventions will give Manuel a sense of pride and belonging, help him make the connection between language arts programs and his future job ambitions, and offer support without calling him “dumb.” By implementing these interventions, we intend to raise Manuel’s language arts performance and general academic success.


Collier, C. (2020). RTI for diverse learners: More than 200 instructional interventions.

Nilvius, C., Carlsson, R., Fälth, L., & Nordström, T. (2020). Tier 2 interventions within the RTI model for developing students’ word decoding – a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Saint‐Paul, G. (2021). Two‐Tier Systems. The Political Economy of Labour Market Institutions, 227–254.


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