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Resurrecting the Dead: How the Funeral Industry Supports Advancements in Technology and Art

The funeral service contributes to how they mourn and pay tribute to the departed souls in societies. With the progress of technology, new prospects are being offered. Digital techniques can now make preserving parsons’ human aspects possible after death and the resurrection of these aspects after human decomposition. Although controversial, they discover new means for artistic and technical progress. This paper investigates how the funeral industry can assist people in surviving loss through the technological resurrection of the dead. The argument also highlights some of the critical ethical issues and shows a need to balance this development’s cultural and scientific benefits. Regulators and the funeral service industry should foster controlled growth in this field for cultural and scientific reasons. By implementing clear rules on informed consent, data protection, and consideration toward the deceased, such developments can assist mourners in coping with grief and advance medicine, AI, or even contemporary art forms. An outright ban would be too restrictive and risk hindering long-term societal gains.

Background and Problem Definition

Death and mourning are universal human experiences, yet rituals and beliefs surrounding them vary significantly across cultures and eras. In modern Western societies, the dominant approach has long been to respect the deceased’s remains and memories privately through burial or cremation. However, new technologies now enable novel forms of posthumous preservation and virtual resurrection that push ethical and legal boundaries (Nuwer, 2014). Companies are exploring how to freeze and scan entire bodies or brains to potentially revive the dead in the distant future through regeneration or AI recreation (Sherlock, 2013). Others use 3D printing, VR, and AI to resurrect aspects of a person through digital avatars, interactive memorials, or conversational bots.

While holding promise to fulfill human desires for immortality and enhance grieving, these developments raise profound questions. Do they disrespect the dead or exploit the bereaved? Could they normalize unnatural manipulations of human remains and identities? How might they impact self, personhood, and the line between life and death? (Bostrom & Yudkowsky, 2018). There are also concerns about the potential for abuse, such as using digital resurrection for propaganda, misinformation, or nonconsensual experiments on the deceased.

 Resurrection Technologies Could Help People Cope with Grief and Loss

Dealing with the death of a loved one is inevitably a difficult and painful experience. The sense of loss leaves a deep emptiness that can be all-consuming in the aftermath. While time may help dull the sharpness of grief, mourning, and healing are long journeys many must make alone. Our modern societies provide limited formal structures to aid those working through heartbreak (Bostrom & Yudkowsky, 2018). Traditional funeral rites, though culturally important, do not always cut it for those struggling with immense sorrow. Here, emerging resurrection technologies show glimmers of promise for supporting the bereaved.

For some, providing continued interaction through technologies that preserved the aspects of their loved ones could ease the bereavement process. For example, a holographic memorial may comfort them by displaying photos and recounting memories. Alternatively, an AI chatbot trained on a person’s digital traces could answer questions and share reminiscences (Agomuoh, 2023). Although they do not replace the deceased, they could supplement the traditional rituals and allow future generations to learn about their ancestors (Sherlock, 2013). This could enhance the basic human desire for immortality and intergenerational connection.

 Resurrection technologies could help preserve cultural heritage.

In addition to assisting mourners and furthering scientific progress, resurrection technologies also promise to preserve cultural heritage and history. As generations pass, valuable knowledge can be lost when people die without adequately passing down their skills, traditions, or experiences. Technologies that digitally archive people through extensive interviews, photos, videos, and other records could help resurrect cultural icons or everyday people to educate future generations. For example, an AI system trained on recordings and writings could take on the virtual persona of a renowned artist or craftsman to demonstrate traditional techniques (Agomuoh, 2023). In addition, a digital avatar of an elder could narrate folktales, recite old recipes, or other intangible forms of cultural heritage at risk of disappearing. Resurrection becomes an essential mechanism for retaining generational links and sustaining historicity after all links with the past have died. In addition, this can be a further advantage that societies would gain from developing these technologies if taken responsibly.

Ethical concerns require guidelines focusing on consent and respect.

It is projected that cryonics and regenerative medicine would give rise to a phenomenon of bio resurrection, which may enthrall people with the world’s greatest medical accomplishment. Initially, successes would bring people out of the clinical dead and even heal currently incurable diseases. The quest for virtual resurrection has also led to a number of technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, computing, and three-dimensional modeling (Atanasov & Todorova, 2019). Thus, it gives rise to newly conceived digital arts, such as interactive memorials, and broadens our perceptions of identity. Resurrection might seem far-fetched or unattainable, but controlled research and development of resurrection could benefit long-term, especially on the cultural frontier or scientific fronts that may yield discoveries and creativity for future generations. A total ban should always encourage progress in this sense.

Resurrection supports fields like technology, medicine, and digital art.

Despite the benefits of resurrection technologies, considering various ethics, such as control and regulatory frameworks, is imperative. The consent must have been adequately informed by the deceased and their next of kin members. It is essential to refrain from exploiting, manipulating, and engaging in non-consent experiments related to using the data. Regulations against any commercialization or use inconsistent with the deceased person’s wishes must include proper respect for human remains identities. Consent, respect, and progress preservation are necessary for ethical issues instead of banning art or science. Generally, the best strategy calls for moderate movement forward while shielding everyone involved.


Resurrection technologies that disrespect the dead and make manipulating human remains and identities commonplace should be forbidden altogether, according to some (Nuwer, 2014). On the other hand, a total prohibition may appear to be too much. A responsible approach would see guidelines and oversight on consent, data utilization policies, commercialization restrictions, and due respect for the deceased’s wishes. Some, however, do not necessarily dishonor the dead but may instead serve to help future generations or a grieving person. A total ban could only be effective if it solved ethical problems without stunting scientific and cultural development. A balanced regulatory approach, rather than a full boycott, is advisable to control some growth as it protects others’ interests. There is a research case, given that satisfactory safeguards are in place.


However, despite these justifiable moral questions, an absolute prohibition would constitute a too-constricting policy in light of the potential for cultural impacts and scientific discoveries that these technologies entail. These developments can be taken further responsibly if they are specified with living wills consenting for use in various post-death aspects, and the provisions also focus on data privacy, security, commercialization restrictions, and respect for the dead. Long-term aims like helping mourners, medical and artificial intelligence, and the generation of new digital art can be achieved in the future. Adopting a balanced regulatory view on the resurrections will ensure that society benefits socially after their deaths, even though the current ethics are taken care of by means of informed consent and respect for the individual. In general, a prohibition tends to stunt development, while oversight leads to developmental innovation and the protection of victims.


Agomuoh, F. (2023, April 13). People are using AI to recreate deceased loved ones. Digital Trends.

Atanasov, H., & Todorova, T. (2019). Improving Access to Information About the Cultural Heritage of the Bulgarian Revival. In ICERI2019 Proceedings (pp. 3617-3620). IATED.

Bostrom, N., & Yudkowsky, E. (2018). The ethics of artificial intelligence. In Artificial intelligence safety and security (pp. 57-69). Chapman and Hall/CRC. DOI: 10.1201/9781351251389-4

Nuwer, R. (2014). Will we ever bring the dead back to life? [online] Available at:

Sherlock, A. (2013). Larger than life: Digital resurrection and the re-enchantment of society. The Information Society, 29(3), 164–176.


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