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Project Management Essays

Unique Aspects of International Procurement Relation to Project Management

Introduction Project procurement management is defined as the outsourcing, contracting, and finalization of business projects. It is essential in international projects; it ensures goods and services are timely received and in good condition. On the other hand, international procurement is where companies and firms purchase services or goods overseas on c. It is a designed ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

Characteristics and Process of Planning and Decision-Making

Definition of Planning and Decision-Making Planning and decision-making are arguably the most essential managerial functions that are closely related. Planning is the process of selecting a course of action, while decision-making is simply selecting a course of action. Decision-making is a part of planning, so the two functions go hand in hand. A good manager ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3009
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Organizational Strategy and the Role of a Project Manager

Introduction Organizational strategy is an outline of the current situation of the company, where the company wants to go, and the strategies it will use to get there (Zerfass et al., 2018). In other words, it outlines how a company will achieve its long-term goals. The organizational strategy should be comprehensive to include the company’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

A Proposal for Project Management Communication Strategy

Executive Summary This proposal assesses project management communication strategies’ effectiveness in light of digitalized and globalized economy. It discusses traditional approaches, including developing stakeholder briefing plans, communication charters, training schedules, regular meetings, and using available tools to communicate and collaborate. Also, the paper proposes new ways of developing effective communication strategies in project management. The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1241

Managing Projects During Times of Uncertainty

Introduction The global market has created a need for companies to explore the international space because technology has made a global village (Aarseth et al., 2014). Consequently, project managers have faced the challenges of leading virtual global projects. Thus, project managers need to use tools and techniques to better deal with the challenges of operating ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2035

Impact of AI on Project Management

Introduction Project management experiences a wide range of constraints that can potentially hamper the completion of a project. Potentially, constraints like scarcity of resources, uncertainty in completion time, and sometimes complexity of the project create distortions in schedules made on the completion of the project (Zehir et al., 2020, 90). The quality of the management ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2269

Leadership Within Project Management

An agile leadership project management is a way in which an iterative Approach is used to mainly focus on breaking down large projects of an organization into various projects that are easily manageable and completed throughout the project’s life cycle within short iterations. The role of leadership in agile project management is sometimes referred to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1628

Modern PM Strategy

Project management is the process of overseeing a project from start to finish. The goal of project management is to maximize the use of available resources, maximize the value of organizational stakeholders, and achieve stated objectives with the least amount of risk or cost. These activities are commonly organized into initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3478

Managing the Project Scope in Project Management

Introduction Every company or organization has a specific goal in mind. Although most people want to make money, more particular objectives are hidden beneath that broad desire. For instance, your company might be set up to sell a specific product or service or provide information on a particular subject. Whatever your organization’s goals are, you ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2758

Analysis Paper: Dell Inc.

Introduction This research paper examines three project management techniques used by Dell Technologies. The project management topics examined include DMAIC PM, waterfall PM, and New Product Development. DMAIC focuses on defining the problem, measuring its magnitude, analyzing its impact, implementing changes, and controlling processes. Waterfall focuses on software development approaches used to avoid errors and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2730

Project Portfolio Management

Significance of Programmers and Portfolios and their management in the project’s success Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is used when numerous initiatives are competing for limited resources. Despite the fact that this strategy appears to be advantageous to construction, it has only been used by a few organizations. Portfolio management began in finance. According to the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2275

Project Procurement Management

Practically, both low and high profile projects require the procurement of necessary resources to facilitate the project’s success. Project procurement involves the process of obtaining project supplies and services needed to accomplish the project goals (San Cristóbal et al., 2018). The project and procurement managers are responsible for creating a clear and effective procurement monitoring ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 794

Major Controls in Project Work Activities

Project controls are processes that elicit and analyze project data to provide more information concerning the cost as well as schedules on track. The function of project controls involves planning, controlling, monitoring, initiating, and communicating things that revolve around schedule and project costs. The main project controls affecting any project include risk management, project scope/change ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1005

Budget & Commercial Management

Introduction The identification of issues and accelerating the growth of a project refers to commercial management whereas the financial aspects that need to be estimated in order to make the project successful is called, the funding of the project. Also, it is the need of the hour to maintain and build a healthy buyer and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4038

Understanding Stakeholder Conflict Management Using Social Identity Theory

Introduction Project frameworks give project managers a variety of social identities to choose from (Fang & Zhang, 2021). Thus, grasping project management disputes requires an understanding of the social identification concept. A heritage of conflict in project management difficulties is created by a number of elements, including present stakeholders and project management techniques, as well ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4626
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