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Political Risk Essays

A Comparative Book Review of “Political Risk” and “The Gray Rhino”

Complex geopolitical challenges are the new global trend. In such a space, understanding and navigating through political risks is imperative for businesses and organizations. One such way is by examining books that analyze and offer guidance on the subject. The two informative books for this purpose are “Political Risk” by Condoleezza Rice and “The Gray ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1311

How Does Political Risk in Russia Affect the Operations of Foreign Investors From China, Germany, and the United States?

Russian political risk denotes the risk that happens due to the possible actions of the government and other political powers in and throughout the country. Such risk indicates insecurity regarding possible shifts in government rules and the effect of such regulations on the impending economic situation (Erkekoglu and Kilicarslan, 2016, p. 1). The political risk ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 733
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