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Phenomenological and Geopolitical Factors

When choosing the population or community assessment and action setting, phenomenological and geopolitical factors are crucial. Geopolitical concerns involve the political, economic, and social aspects of a certain region or country, whereas phenomenological components comprise the illogical sentiments, perceptions, and judgments about the environment that people and groups have. Nurses and other healthcare professionals must fully comprehend these factors in order to effectively assess the requirements of a community and develop successful solutions.

Geopolitical issues affecting health include government policies, healthcare infrastructure, resources, and socioeconomic situations. People who reside in nations with inadequate healthcare infrastructure and resources may encounter difficulties getting basic healthcare, which will lead to health disparities (Olsen, 2021). Due to relocation, trauma, and resource constraint, political instability and violence can disrupt healthcare systems and exacerbate health problems. Geopolitical factors aid nurses in identifying the health requirements and difficulties of a community.

Phenomenological elements relate to the actual experiences and viewpoints of community members. These elements influence how one views and reacts to health. Cultural values, traditions, and practices have an impact on health, sickness, and healthcare services (Olsen, 2021). Healthcare seeking and adherence may be impacted by cultural ideas on the etiology of sickness and its treatment. Nursing professionals can develop culturally appropriate solutions that reflect community values by being aware of these phenomenological characteristics.

The nursing process is a methodical framework for examining patient care that can assist nurses in identifying issues and offering solutions. Assessment, diagnosis, planning, execution, and evaluation are the five stages of the procedure (Lilley et al., 2022). Information about the population’s physical, mental, social, and environmental circumstances must be gathered in order to assess the population’s health. Resources and healthcare infrastructure are only two examples of the geopolitical factors that are currently taken into account. There are phenomenological factors to take into account, such as cultural values and beliefs.

The diagnosing process comes next. During the planning stage, nurses utilize diagnoses as a starting point to create population-specific objectives and treatments (Lilley et al., 2022). People are tested for potential health issues as part of this process, sent to experts as needed, and connected to healthcare facilities, support services, and community-based initiatives. Spiritual direction may be quite beneficial for some individuals and organizations. As a result, it’s critical to consider it and include it in the intervention as well.

Only with the aid of community resources can interventions be carried out (Lilley et al., 2022). Resources include healthcare professionals, community health centers, NGOs, government initiatives, and well-known local figures. Utilizing these techniques in tandem ensures that the interventions will be implemented and maintained successfully. For instance, collaborations with neighborhood organizations or healthcare providers can increase patient access to care and facilitate referrals. When community leaders and stakeholders are involved in the planning process, successful interventions are more likely to be put into practice.

An intervener’s perception of human value and dignity might be influenced by their Christian worldview. Christians believe that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion since they are created in God’s image. This worldview places a strong emphasis on fairness and defending the vulnerable and disadvantaged (Pembroke, 2019). The ability to give patients with holistic care that takes into account their physical health as well as their mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing increases when nurses embrace a Christian perspective. It inspires nurses to approach their interventions with compassion and empathy with an emphasis on social justice.

Evaluation and intervention of populations or communities are significantly influenced by geopolitical and phenomenological factors. Nurses can detect health problems, provide effective therapies, and address population requirements with the aid of the nursing process. The Christian worldview places a strong emphasis on the worth and dignity of every individual, which directs nurses to provide comprehensive and kind care. Resources from the community are crucial for implementation. By addressing these factors, nurses may enhance both local and global health.


Lilley, L. L., Collins, S. R., & Snyder, J. S. (2022). Pharmacology and the nursing process E-Book. Elsevier health sciences.

Olsen, N. (2021). Spatial aspects in the work of Reinhart Koselleck. History of European Ideas, 1-16.

Pembroke, N. (2019). Empathic and compassionate healthcare as a Christian spiritual practice. Practical Theology, 12(2), 133-146.


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