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Pennsylvania Correctional Reforms


Pennsylvania’s commonwealth significantly contributed to transforming the American prison labor system. The first state criminal justice system that championed the substitution of physical labor in institutions of correction for the employment of torture and mutilation as an alternative method of punishment for offenses was the Pennsylvania penal system, which was established in 1682 and was spearheaded by William Penn (Frost, 2019). Following the invalidation of his penal code 1682, Penn’s desires needed to be executed in an organized way. In light of this, prison work in Pennsylvania under the Colonial era was virtually nonexistent. Penn’s attempts proved to not be in vain, nonetheless, given that the criminal code that was drafted in 1682 influenced Pennsylvania’s laws, in addition to the emergence of correctional labor statewide. Through his efforts, groups like the Pennsylvania Prison Society became instrumental in championing the reforms on sentencing and correction. This essay analyzes the reasons for the reforms, the impact brought as a result, and the influences they present to the correctional system.

Reasons for the reform

It was not until 1786 that the punishment of prisoners through hard labor became an act of the Constitution. This act stipulated that prisoners be hired in workhouses and get involved in repairing and cleaning roads. The formation of the Pennsylvania prison system was meant to improve the horrible conditions of inmates. They identified the shortcomings presented by the current system, which supported the brutalization of inmates through being subjected to harsh punishments. In addition, inmates were exposed to portions (Vconditions Arner, 2018). The members of the Pennsylvania prison society argued that those methods would not be effective in rehabilitating offenders and preventing them from committing crimes in the future. Therefore, they advocated for the humane treatment of inmates and offered opportunities where they could receive rehabilitation. Through this, the inmates could be quickly reintegrated into society once they completed their sentences.

Moreover, reforms were made to create an environment that supports individual growth and transformation. The members of the Pennsylvania prison society argued that inmates should be given a chance to redeem and reconstruct themselves regardless of their past transgressions. Reforms also included placing inmates in isolation so that they could reflect on their actions and consequently change their behavior. Religion was also introduced as a means to promote change in inmates as it contributes to the transformation of an individual while also giving them a purpose in life.

The success of the reforms

The efforts to reform the prison system in Pennsylvania proved successful as prison conditions improved significantly due to the incorporation of rehabilitation instead of punishment alone. The Pennsylvania system, which consisted of solitary confinement, allowed inmates to be placed in separate cells as a way to reflect. This method produced lasting results as a significant change in behavior was witnessed in the inmates who underwent confinement. In addition, it eliminated the implementation of brutal and inhumane practices that were commonly practiced in prison. This approach contributed to improving inmates’ mental and physical well-being as they were provided with an environment that supported their individual growth. It showed that a compassionate approach should be used to enhance the reform of prisoners, which has proven to be successful in improving the criminal justice system. Religion in inmate correction facilitated the reduction of inmate aggression and enabled them to process their emotions better. Vocational and educational programs were integrated to provide inmates with skills and expertise they would use once they were released into society. This has significantly reduced the number of ex-prisoners who are re-arrested again after release. It has consequently reduced the recidivism rate as inmates have the tools to lead daily and productive lives once they are out of prison. Strong et al. (2021) state that prison rehabilitation programs have reduced recidivism rates by nearly 30%.

Influences that the system has on the correctional system today

Modern correctional practices have been heavily influenced by the efforts made by Pennsylvania to reform the prison systems. The vocational and educational courses provided to inmates have been improved significantly with more subjects and activities added to the program. In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Correctional Bureau, the education department increased the courses offered, which led to the development of facilities like processing centers as the workforce was readily available. This has consequently increased the likelihood of inmates acquiring jobs once they are released. The prison reforms contributed to the evolution of programs leading to the creation of reentry programs that assist inmates in being assimilated back into society, faith-based correctional programs that enable inmates to connect with their religion, and rehabilitation programs to assist inmates who are dealing with drug and substance abuse (Arbour et al., 2021). Solitary confinement is a correctional method used to date to isolate dangerous offenders. It has significantly reduced prison fights and attacks, thus enhancing the maintenance of order in prison. The reforms previously championed the development of personalized treatment for inmates. This method is incorporated to identify the cause of criminal behavior by investigating the rationale behind the crimes committed.

Influences that have changed

Previously, solitary confinement was used as the primary mode of punishment; however, this has changed with the evolution of prison reform, as this method was later done away with due to its failure to facilitate the rehabilitation of inmates fully. Solitary confinement involved the isolation of all prisoners as a means of instilling discipline and fostering rehabilitation as opposed to harsh modes of punishment, which only instilled fear in inmates and caused them to rebel. However, research has proved that solitary confinement has profound psychological effects, such as paranoia and anxiety, and human rights organizations have greatly condemned it. Furthermore, it was discovered that people of color were more likely to be placed in solitary confinement, which highlighted the existence of racism even in the prison system. Therefore, this method was only used in extreme situations where an inmate is dangerous to himself and others.

Consequently, prisons shifted to communal living arrangements. For example, the Auburn system,m, and industrial programs and workshops were incorporated as an alternate method. According to Massoglia and Remster (2019), this was facilitated by calls to consider the mental health of inmates and the condemnation of solitary confinement, which was considered a means of torture. Through this screening procedure, procedures are conducted to evaluate the physical and mental health of inmates.


The prison system has undergone significant changes thanks to the reforms made by the Pennsylvania Prison Society, which has impacted correctional practices. The development of rehabilitation, educational, and vocational programs has massively improved inmate behavior, lowering recidivism rates. Furthermore, prison conditions have been significantly improved due to these reforms. The reforms highlighted the significance of inmate reintegration, humane treatment, and rehabilitation of prisoners and the criminal justice system.


Arbour, W., Lacroix, G., & Marchand, S. (2021). Prison Rehabilitation Programs: Efficiency and Targeting. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Frost, J. W. (2019). Worlds of William Penn. New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal5(2), 275.

Massoglia, M., & Remster, B. (2019). Linkages Between Incarceration and Health. Public Health Reports134(1_suppl), 8S14S.

Strong, J. D., Reiter, K., Gonzalez, G., Tublitz, R., Augustine, D., Barragan, M., Chesnut, K., Dashtgard, P., Pifer, N., & Blair, T. R. (2020). The body in isolation: The physical health impacts of incarceration in solitary confinement. PLOS ONE15(10), e0238510.

Varner, D. (2018). Nineteenth-century criminal geography: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Pennsylvania Prison Society. Journal of Historical Geography, pp. 59, 15–26.


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