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Nursing Wisdom Development

Matney et al. (2020) state wisdom in action development in nursing practice connects with the nursing profession’s overall nature of work and experiences. Based on the two aspects that facilitate the development of knowledge and wisdom in nursing, I agree with his post: setting elated and personal factors.

Understanding personal values such as tolerance and relativism, as per my job experience, is very important, as Matney et al. (2020) explained, when dealing with different groups of patients. As I encounter many patients daily, it is essential to respect our cultural differences and individual values, which play a vital role in collecting data to inform knowledge and the application of wisdom. It is essential to a refractive practice as well as patient-centered values. On one occasion, I encountered a patient who had solid cultural beliefs that influenced him to refuse a diabetes test constantly. I administered active listening skills to him and asked him simple questions. I gained insight into his main concerns and fears. I based my decision on my experience, related issues, and cultural training. I came up with an alternative that could favor his culture and beliefs. Hence, I was able to administer the required tests and procedures. Therefore, I could integrate reflective, practical communication skills and cultural practice sensitivity from that situation to apply wisdom from a complex scenario. Such cases also can involve collaboration with colleagues in searching for evidence through research and consultations with specialists to make an accurate diagnosis.

Concerning person-related and setting-related approaches in my practice, it has significantly facilitated supporting the decision systems, specifically the electronic health records. The system facilitates effective communication and the exchange of information in a healthcare setting (Leveraging Electronic Health Record Data for Whole-Person Knowledge Discovery – ProQuest, n.d.). It assists nurses, other physicians, social workers, and pharmacists in sharing knowledge and making informed decisions in healthcare. The overall function aligns with Matney et al. (2020) insight on professional collaboration. The health record system also facilitates the collection and analysis of data, hence improving the results of evidence-based practice and enabling the making of decisions through the development of wisdom.

Concerning the technological aspect, health technology has been implemented up until now and continually evolves. Nurses must be aware of new technologies and embed them into their choices to retain relevant track and efficient execution (Yang, 2009). This desire to do away with old methods and introduce new approaches is consistent with lifelong learning, which features projection as an essential aspect of wisdom development in nursing. Investing in mentors, ship programs, lifetime learning options, and developing professional engagement would be necessary to create wisdom amongst rural nurses of future generations.

In summary, the person as a factor of values and relativism tolerance in conjunction with setting as a fact of decision support systems such as electronic health records have an evident effect on the development of wisdom among nurses. In addition to accepting differences, preponderance to learning and utilizing technological developments help the progression of nursing practice learn wisdom.


Leveraging Electronic Health Record Data for Whole-Person Knowledge Discovery – ProQuest. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2024, from

Matney, S. A., Avant, K., Clark, L., & Staggers, N. (2020). Development of a Theory of Wisdom-in-Action for Clinical Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science43(1), 28–41.

Yang, B.-M. (2009). The Future of Health Technology Assessment in Healthcare Decision Making in Asia. PharmacoEconomics27(11), 891–901.


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