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Nursing Theorist Video Reflection


The video by Kelly O’Neil and Mindy Bryant presents Dorothea President’s Self-Care Framework regarding the nursing background, self-care model, andditsmplications in practice. In this critical reflection, the selection of this video is based on its acknowledgment as an essential contribution to nursing education and care provision. Orem’s self-care model was initiated by the duo’s interest in knowing how nursing theories, including that of Orem, have influenced current health care. This introduction lays the groundwork for a deep analysis of individual world views, Orem’s framework acceptance or rejection in addition to exciting remarks from this video, recommendations on their peers, and essential lessons obtained via engaging presentation. Our discussion of these issues aims to uncover how useful and restrictive Orem’s self-care model is in various nursing settings.

Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.

It was intentionally chosen to what the presentation by Kelly O’Neil and Mindy Bryant on Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework has been selected because of its importance in nursing education and practice. As a pioneer of nursing theory, Dorothea Orem is known for her self-care model that has transformed the modern healthcare landscape today. To enter this video corresponded with a sincere desire to learn more about Orem’s framework and its implications for various nursing contexts. As presenters, the perspective and specialist knowledge of O’Neil & Bryant promised to take a closer look at the self-care model by Orem. (ONeill, 2019) This presentation provided a unique platform to learn what effects and impacts nursing theories, especially Orem’s theory, have had on the nurses’ day-to-day practices. In selecting to view this specific video, I strived to gain a more comprehensive understanding of nursing theories, appreciate the intricacies inherent in Orem’s self-care model, and determine its significance under modern conditions where nurses provide care. This decision was fueled by a legitimate desire to resolve the mysteries of a theory that will remain embedded in nursing.

Describe the parts of your philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.

While certain aspects of the Self-Care Framework by Dorothea Orem resonate with my nursing philosophy, there are other areas where I have different views. I agree with Orem’s viewpoint on empowering individuals by self-care. My values involve empowering the patients to be active participants in their well-being and are consistent with this recognition of individuals for being accountable towards one’s health. (ONeill, 2019)Further, Orem’s emphasis on personalized care resonates with my belief in individual approaches leading to better and more meaningful healthcare intervention; however, there is a departure when it comes to the primarily physical nature of her approach. Integrating emotional and psychological issues, I want to note the need to focus on the physical aspects of care. Mental and emotional components of well-being are integral parts underplayed by Orem’s framework. (Shibboleth Authentication, 2021)

However, my approach emphasizes cultural competence and diversity, noting that a patient’s culture influences their healthcare needs. While Orem’s model is elaborate, it overlooks the subtle aspects of cultural differentiations and diverse views since this lack constitutes an essential part of delivering fair nursing care. (ONeill, 2019) In short, while Orem’s Self-Care Framework offers a good base model, I enhance it further through an integrative holistic, patient-centered, culturally competent approach that considers the reciprocal process of physical emotions and culture when delivering nursing care.

Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?

The depth to which Orem has influenced nursing education and practice was a surprising feature of the video presentation ‘Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework by Kelly O’Neil and Mindy Bryant. As I knew of Orem’s importance to nursing theory, the speakers shed light on how far her impact was, especially in clinical settings. Learning about Orem’s roles as a Dean of the School of Nursing and curve model consultant for different institutions and government agencies revealed its practical applicability in various healthcare settings. This clarification astonished me because it emphasized the permanence of Orem’s ideas and their inclusion in standard nursing education and clinical practices. (Shibboleth Authentication, 2021)

Moreover, an unexpectedly exciting aspect was the focus on patient-oriented care within Orem’s framework, as presented by the presenters. The emphasis on reinforcing recovery and healing based on a patient-focused approach was remarkable by challenging the belief that medical interventions are at the forefront. (ONeill, 2019)This focus on patient’s active involvement in their care and healing, as uncovered by the video, turned out to be a paradigm shift worth my surprise. It led to a review of the balance between medical intervention and patient autonomy in healthcare practice, thus adding another layer to my understanding of the Orem Self-Care Framework.

Would you recommend this video to another student?

I recommend this video about Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework by Kelly O’Neil and Mindy Bryant to other nursing students. The presentation not only presents an extensive overview of Orem’s heritage and concept of self-care but also does it in a very accessible way. The presenters provide an excellent analysis of complex theoretical concepts, making them relevant to students with varying knowledge levels in nursing theories. (ONeill, 2019)The real value arises when applying Orem’s Self-Care Framework discussed within practical nursing practice. The presenters provide practical case studies for implementing Orem’s theory in a clinical environment, especially an ambulatory spinal surgery clinic. This hands-on demonstration improves the plausibility of a theoretical framework by nursing students, who often seek relationships between theory and practical use. (Shibboleth Authentication, 2021)

Additionally, the video investigates the limitations of Orem’s model, which suggests possible prospects for further development in nursing practice. This video encourages students to think critically about nursing theories and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, resulting in a better perception of the dynamic nucleus of caring for patients. In conclusion, such an approach represents an excellent educational tool linking theory with its practice points evolving from Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework geared toward clinical execution.

What value did you receive from watching it?

The video presentation of Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework by Kelly ONeil and Mindy Bryant gave me great value in understanding nursing theories as practical applications. The presentation does not limit itself to theoretical analysis; it considers Orem’s personality and background and her development of a self-care model, revealing its evolution in nursing practice. Numerous values are obtained from this video speech, including concrete implications that can be achieved by applying Orem’s theory in various clinical settings like an outpatient spinal surgery clinic; the applicability of the self-care model to assess patients, address limitations, and build individualized care plans was shown clearly using presentation to make the theoretical framework more realistic. (Shibboleth Authentication, 2021)

The analysis of Orem’s model identified its limitations and indicated possible improvement areas, which added a broader perspective. This discussion made me approach nursing theories with a critical eye that should focus not only on the strengths but also on potential areas of customization to modern requirements in healthcare. (ONeill, 2019)In addition, the video ignited a rekindled interest in nursing theory and its influence on nursing education practice. The rich historical context and relevance offered by the presenters in their presentations, supplemented with applied real-world examples, contributed to my growing understanding of nursing theories as a student.


Overall, the video presentation by Kelly O’Neil and Mindy Bryant on Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Framework helped me acquire more profound insights into nursing theories and their practical implementations. It provided invaluable information regarding Orem’s person, the nuances within her self-care model, and its practical application in clinical settings. The critical reflective consideration of the theory’s limitations and recommendations for further developments enabled me to view nursing theories with critical insight. Overall, this presentation was instrumental in educating the audience; it connected theory and practice while better understanding changing patterns for nursing care.


ONeill, K. (2019). Dorothea Orem Self Care Theory [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

 Shibboleth Authentication. (2021). Nuxeo Documentation.


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