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Nike’s Policy and Program Implementation Problems


Nike Inc. is an American institution involved in the manufacturing of multiple sports equipment, including athletic shoes, which are the most profitable institutional products. Due to its growth in international markets, the company has experienced significant backlash due to its use of environmentally harmful products which have resulted in significant emissions. As such, the company has devised the need to introduce a program and operational policy focused on using environmentally friendly materials, ensuring a positive surrounding impact. However, its implementation into the company’s system has been challenging due to differentiating perspectives, since using different materials presents chances of making less profits. However, administering the statesmanship leadership model can assist in eradicating such issues, establishing a positive operational covenant to incorporate such measures into the system. Therefore, the evaluation examines the policy challenges at Nike involving its introduction of initiatives focused on using environmentally preferred materials and how statecraft can assist in solving the issue to maintain effective operations.

Program Evaluations

Nike is one of the leading institutions in fashion involved with significant emissions that are detrimental to the environment. Data highlights that organizations within the industry contribute to more than 10% of the worldwide emissions through various production and supply practices (Fung et al., 2020). However, Nike plans to introduce and administer an initiative focused on using environmentally friendly materials to reduce the prevalent harmful emissions within the environment. However, the initiative’s implementation has been experiencing multiple issues, making it challenging to establish an effective administration. For example, one barrier to the strategy is associated with its technological requirements. In order to achieve emission reduction to the set standards, the company needs to incorporate digital tools, such as sustainable materials, which are significantly challenging to acquire. In addition, upon their identification, their utilization can be challenging due to their ineffective development.

Nike is one of the leading and most profitable fashion brands worldwide, thus, its practices contribute significantly to the environmental emissions. However, the initiative aims to enable the company to adopt sustainable protocols, especially in its supply chain, which will aid in declining emissions by more than 3% while enabling the company to improve its revenue (Fung et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the policy’s adoption has been challenging due to several reasons, such as the management difficulties due to the scope of their application. Since Nike is a large company with operations in multiple states, it can be hard to incorporate such a program into its daily operations. In addition, in order to maintain its operations, it results in significant waste production; thus, using sustainable measures can limit productivity in specific departments. Despite the challenges, administrating proper control techniques, such as the statesmanship model assists in ensuring leadership excellence within companies, enabling workers to share managers’ vision (Selvarajah et al., 2017). As such, there has been continuous planning and administration hiccup of the initiative, raising the need for better management models, such as statesmanship to ascertain its success.

Policy Analysis

Nike’s policy aims to reduce emissions by introducing the use of environmentally friendly materials in half of its requirements during production. In most of its products, the company is required to use multiple substances that negatively impact the environment to create products that meet consumers’ requirements. However, the policy aims at creating a positive environmental implication; thus, reusing and recycling the used stuff to prevent their release into the environment. Nonetheless, the implementation inefficiencies have made it challenging to meet the objectives, creating avoidable damages that impact the company’s brand, especially among environmental conservatives. However, proper management can enhance the adoption of the policy. For example, introducing transactional management can enable workers to foster positive behaviors and work with a goal-oriented mindset (Carpenter & Krause, 2015). As such, it improves the chances of meeting the set objectives, creating a uniform operating platform among all employees with a united objective of creating quality products while maintaining environmental sustainability.

Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building

The lack of a uniform operating platform fosters institutional conflicts which may make it challenging to meet set objectives. As such, there is the need to implement effective resolution measures, establishing an operational consensus among operatives. One way to ensure better integration of policies within organizations is by acquiring employees’ feedback, establishing their relation to the model, and their understanding of leaders’ roles in assisting to meet the objectives (Moynihan & Soss, 2014). The proper management within Nike’s administration can ensure that all workers incorporate similar operating initiatives, enhancing the chances of lowering emissions and maintaining a sustainable policy within its system. The main problem that makes it challenging for Nike to administer the program is its diverse and magnified operations, introducing chances of inefficiency. However, the statesmanship supervision technique assists in creating a collaborative environment, ensuring workers assist each other in adopting the use of environmentally friendly materials initiative.


When introducing new policies within an institution, there are chances of organizational politics that influence its adoption among workers. It is important to administer collaborative supervision techniques, which ensures there is a thorough understanding of the legal dynamics when administering and adopting the company policy (Amsler, 2016). When Nike incorporates sustainable operational models, the officials should understand the legal components involved with the various resources and production procedures they use. As such, it is crucial to formulate a functional covenant between the management and employees, creating an understanding of personal roles and contributions to achieving objectives. Nike can form an agreement among its operatives, ensuring they understand the importance of the initiative and its implications within the communities. As such, it improves their adherence to the goals, incorporating the necessary efforts to ensure its success.


Statecraft is a valuable quality that involves skillful control of various public matters. Incorporating the system within social institutions assists in maintaining effective leadership while developing service-driven traits among officials (Howell et al., 2020). It ensures that there is a thorough understanding and adherence to national legal standards within communities while providing the best chances of influencing them positively. Statecraft involves understanding operations that can benefit individuals within different social settings and establishing ways to motivate people to acquire a similar perspective which they can work within their ventures by implementing specific programs. Nike can administer the statecraft management policy which involves creating a solid and centralized supervision system, ensuring there is a thorough oversight of all activities, and ensuring their adherence to institutional laws. Although the practice can be challenging within a firm of such a large magnitude, introducing effective delegation protocols ensures that leaders are constantly informed of compliance among individuals, ensuring there are better chances of meeting the objectives while incorporating the proper directives.


Various organizations experience multiple challenges when planning and implementing numerous policies and programs within their operations due to specific reasons. Nike’s adoption of using environmentally friendly materials in its production highlights an initiative focused on lowering environmental emissions within communities. However, its incorporation has encountered multiple challenges, leading to continued implications within its surroundings. Nonetheless, there are numerous strategies that the company can use to ensure better control, such as using the statesmanship management model, which involves portraying positive morals and providing an effective vision for members to incorporate to meet their goals. The technique can allow the institutional leaders to transfer the vision of environmental protection to the workers, motivating them to administer adequate efforts to ensure the initiative’s success.

In such instances, there are potential cases of conflicts, raising the need for supervision models that can assert consensus among officials and motivate them to operate with a uniform mindset. It helps cultivate an agreement fostering a collaborative workforce. Nonetheless, statecraft presents another pattern of governance to maintain the well-being of the public through using skillful strategies. Therefore, although Nike’s initiative of using environmentally friendly substances to minimize emissions has been experiencing challenges, administering a statesmanship control model can assist in its implementation within the company, giving it a better chance of meeting its goals.


Amsler, L. B. (2016). Collaborative governance: Integrating management, politics, and law. Public Administration Review76(5), 700-711.

Carpenter, D., & Krause, G. A. (2015). Transactional authority and bureaucratic politics. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory25(1), 5-25.

Fung, Y. N., Choi, T. M., & Liu, R. (2020). Sustainable planning strategies in supply chain systems: Proposal and applications with a real case study in fashion. Production Planning & Control31(11-12), 883-902.

Howell, J., Martinez, R. E., & Qu, Y. (2021). Technologies of authoritarian statecraft in welfare provision: contracting services to social organizations. Development and Change52(6), 1418-1444.

Moynihan, D. P., & Soss, J. (2014). undefined. Public Administration Review74(3), 320-332.

Selvarajah, C., Meyer, D., Roostika, R., & Sukunesan, S. (2017). Exploring managerial leadership in Javanese (Indonesia) organizations: engaging Asta Brata, the eight principles of Javanese statesmanship. Asia Pacific Business Review23(3), 373-395.


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