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Navigating Conflicting Convictions


In Module 4, we explored the complexities of potential conflicts one may encounter while serving in the Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard. This reflection aims to describe a personal experience where I felt a tension between my professional role and personal convictions, discuss how I dealt with it, and evaluate the moral implications of my actions. Additionally, I will address the surprising elements of the Trolley Car decisions and highlight the crucial factors influencing decision-making in those scenarios. This reflection aligns with the objective of enhancing our ability to navigate challenging situations within the naval community.

Part 1Navigating Professional Role and Personal Convictions

Serving as a Navy officer allowed me opportunities for growth and learning under diverse circumstances but also presented some challenges that tested both professional acumen and personal integrity. One such situation arose when I was tasked with implementing an order whose intended outcome conflicted with humanitarian goals due to potential risks for innocent bystanders; how I navigated this ethical tension called upon intense reflection and decision-making skills based on reconciling societal values versus individual principles.

To address this predicament effectively, I needed to engage in a comprehensive deliberation process from a moral standpoint. This included an extensive examination of both adhering or rejecting the given instruction while considering personal principles and values alongside weighing potential consequences for all involved parties. After much consideration, conveying apprehensions respectfully upwards and suggesting a different approach emerged as the most effective approach in minimizing negative effects on civilian populations while accomplishing our mission objectives.

After much reflection on what happened, I do no doubt that taking action aligned with moral principles was indeed crucial. Standing up against an established hierarchy posed its share of challenges; however, staying steadfast in upholding guiding values prevailed over any difficulties encountered along the way. To ensure both professional obligations and deep-seated convictions were met simultaneously. Clear communication about concerns paired with offering alternative solutions proved instrumental in achieving outcomes in the best interests of innocent civilians. Even if things didn’t quite turn out as expected, upholding one’s integrity was prioritized.

Part 2Surprising Aspects of Trolley Car Decisions

The Trolley Car decisions presented unexpected ethical dilemmas that tested my decision-making capabilities. I was surprised by the difficult choices and the weight of responsibility associated with determining the fate of individuals in high-pressure scenarios. The scenarios challenged me to make quick judgments, often involving sacrificing the lives of a few to save many.

Several factors influenced my thought process when making decisions in the Trolley Car scenarios. First and foremost, I considered the fundamental value of preserving human life and minimizing harm. Considering the available resources and time constraints, I also evaluated the practicality and feasibility of alternative actions in each situation. Furthermore, I analyzed my decisions’ potential long-term consequences and ethical implications, striving to balance immediate impact with broader considerations.


The module on navigating conflicts within the naval community has prompted me to reflect on a personal experience where I confronted the tension between my professional role and personal convictions. By engaging in moral deliberation and communicating my concerns respectfully, I was able to align my actions with my moral compass, even in a challenging situation. The Trolley Car decisions served as thought-provoking exercises, highlighting the complexities of decision-making and the importance of considering fundamental values, practicality, and long-term consequences. Through these reflections, I hope to enhance my ability to navigate future conflicts, contributing to our naval community’s collective growth and ethical development.


Paulo, N. (2023). The Trolley Problem in the Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles. The Philosophical Quarterly, pqad051.

Skerker, M. (n.d.). Consequences: Step Two in the Moral Deliberation Road Map for the Naval Community College.


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