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Multilingual Education Essays

Embracing Translanguaging in ESOL Instruction: Reflections and Insights

Introduction: In the last few years, it has been viral to use translanguaging as a classroom tool, which has resulted in the idea of investigating the language development of emerging bilinguals starting to emerge. This examination of Fu, Hadjioannou, and Zhou (2019) and the first-hand experience of Kleyn and Garcia (2019) helped us to conclude ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 741

Malaysian Education Sector

Malaysia education sector has various strengths and weaknesses. The country has a high literacy percentage of the Malaysian population, who are educated and have critical life and professional skills. The challenges faced by the education industry revealed by the assessment must be addressed through comprehensive strategies that will promote the growth and success of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 703
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How Multicultural and Multilingual Education Can Promote and Help Individuals and Society Develop

Introduction Quality education is not just an ideal; it is a method that draws on every linguistic and cultural tool at the disposal of teachers and students alike. A multilingual ethos can guide educational practices and policies where multiple languages are commonplace and cultural diversity is seen as a resource for individuals and communities (Valdiviezo ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2105
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