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Mental Health Policy Analysis Paper


Discussing a trend in mental health services, the parolee program works on the mental health issues that ex-offenders confront from going to prison in a community setting. The mental health of recently released parolees may be more susceptible to issues arising from diverse factors such as stigma, reintegration pressure, and lack of resources. Thus, the professionals take the liberty of adjusting their interventions to suit the specific needs of these parolees. This paper seeks a thorough discussion of the existing policies that are currently offered to mentally disabled former prisoners. Through a critical examination into whether the current regulations are up to the task, this paper points out the positives and negatives in the system, as well as policies and recommendations. To distinguish trends, re-plan mental health and criminal justice policies, and reach an acute target through a policy lens. The article can give readers clear views on how the practices funding the policies affect people by accessing the current regulatory system. This framework favors policymakers to deliberate on some critical issues about mental health and parole and design policies and interventions for the complexities in the interactions.

Understanding the Parolee Mental Health Trend

The trend of ‘parolee mental health’ concerns the extending existing appreciations and focused implementations to manage mental health problems at parolees. It focuses on the mental health assistance and resources to the parolees involved in the criminal activities earlier. This service helps them deal with the problems they face after getting released.

Initially, parolees used to address mental health issues after the inspiration of confinement came in. Then, the understanding of the vital link between incarceration and mental health complications began to surface, thus increasing mental health treatment initiatives in parole. By and large, society has put in place therapeutic mechanisms that are designed to assist offenders in getting back to the community while ensuring that their mental health is in check.

The goal is to enable lowering the repetition by helping individuals address the issues of mental health. It guarantees that parolees have access to proper mental health services, improving communities’ well-being. In addition, measuring the success of the mental health trend among released offenders results in a reduction of habit rate, improvement of the mental health status, and higher integration into society.

Strengths and Limitations of the Parolee Mental Health Trend


Improved Rehabilitation Opportunities

Integrating mental health services into the parolee’s programs becomes a solution that reflects yet another component that can contribute to criminalities. This might create more suitable probation and lessen collateral offenses’ odds.

Enhanced Public Safety

Through answering the mental health issues, the mental health parolee trend reaches the goal of more safety for the neighborhood, enhancing mental health, which is an essential constraint to violations of parole and new offenses generated through better decision and impulse control.

Humanitarian Approach

Directing attention to psychological health recognizes the essence of people confronted with the extremities of the criminal justice system (Hartwell, 2004). Thus, it helps to achieve a more humanizing and respectful attitude, maintaining the position that some mental health disadvantages may generate unwanted and disproportionate criminal behavior.

Identification and Analysis of the Limitations

Resource Constraints

Establishing all-encompassing mental health programs for parolees will need substantial resources, and it might include funds, trained personnel, and facilities. However, most criminal justice systems may be unable to handle this restriction, leading to low-efficiency levels of similar efforts.

Stigma and Discrimination

Despite the implementation of mental health programs, social stigma and discrimination might still follow as the diagnosis of most mental illnesses is a taboo subject (Borenstein, 2020). Consequently, parolees might be mistreated even if they are helped by mental health care because of having unpleasant views and discrimination.

Having Sides and Testing Alternative Points of View with Criticism

Overreliance on Medicalization

Critics contend that entirely focusing on mental health may be one-sided as it yields an outcome where individual crimes are perceived to be caused by the patient only and, hence, the medicalization of criminal behavior. Social and economic factors are neglected and underplayed.

Impact on the People in Hawai‘i

Like other states, the parolee population in Hawai’i is characterized by specific challenges faced by parolees who are reinstating social abilities after being behind bars. The fact that the state is remote and has limited resources also creates difficulty for the road to reintegration. An empirical study of the mental health of parolees of Hawai’i has revealed a connection between wars on their essence and their successful reintegration into society.

Many people significantly experience mental ill-health challenges attributed to the stressors associated with re-entry. However, it indicates mental health support that has a critical place in the parole system (Cunha et al., 2023). Also, distinct Hawai’i societies, including natives’ cultural traditions and family relationships, are paramount. This is significant as they make it clear that only culturally informed rehabilitation will help the paroled be able to deal with factors that influence their life in the state.

Policies Influencing the Parolee Mental Health Trend

The listing and characterizing policies are necessary for grasping the influence they may have on air quality improvement. Combining the effects of the policies on leading to the trend based on the involvement informs the community about mental health availability (Pew, 2020). Also, rehabilitation programs, and the support services provided for the parolees. Finding the gaps within the current policies would be the stepping stone for the clearance of the existing weaknesses and achieving higher effectiveness in the mental health field in the parole system. A trans-dimensional tactic that assesses both the positives and draws out the setbacks in their policy framework is paramount (Pew, 2020). Thus, it is necessary when it comes to the promotion of desirable outcomes in parolee mental health.

Future Outlook for the Parolee Mental Health Trend

For the projection of the parolee’s mental health trend, fortune lies ahead of us, showing the future of personalized rehabilitation programs involving telehealth, digital mental health intervention, and more. While experiencing obstacles like shortage of resources, discrimination, and the need for tighter collaboration between mental health and criminal justice systems, progress can be affected or hampered. Studies of current mental health policies that help to destigmatize mental health issues in the correctional system and raise funds for providing mental health services in custody provide evidence for further improvements of the situation.

Policy Recommendations

It is crucial to have advocacy for such comprehensive strategies that primarily address the fundamental issue of the mental health problems being faced by such people who have just reentered society after prison. This framework includes the introduction of targeted counseling modules, the pre-gate formation of full-blown mental health assessments, and easy access to customized psychotherapeutic resources. It is developing a more targeted approach to treatment programs so that the clients’ specific needs are attained (Wood & Watson, 2016). It provides a productive and welcoming system that satisfies their mental health requirements and promotes a good society.

To achieve full implementation of the transition process from prison to community mental health services, essential changes in the policy should focus on a continuous and uninterrupted treatment plan (Browne et al., 2022). Therefore, it is essential to concentrate on using evidence-based methods in parole programs to obtain a desirable and adequate rehabilitation outcome. Advice must call for collaboration partnerships between punishing services and mental health service providers, bringing about coordinated and supportive delivery methods.


Adversely, the parolee’s mental health trend, as an integral part of reducing the number of repeating cases, represents the most significant achievement to date in addressing the particular challenges of the process that appear as ‘life beyond the bars.’ Through such, it is demonstrated how the trend is advantageous in interviews with staff, interventions, public safety, and humanitarian approaches. Although financial constraints and the remaining prejudice point to the importance of continuous refinement, they are still hindrances. The Aftermath of actively affecting the population of parolees in Hawai’i (with a unique configuration of obstacles and culture-related factors) teaches us the importance of specific interventions. Policies focus on integrating various comprehensive interventions, fact-based approaches, and coordinated teamwork to maintain a flawless transition of care. Among the responsibilities granted to the committee are promoting awareness and research, providing the resources to address these challenges, and, finally, committing to closing the gaps in opportunities in mental health for the parolees in Hawai’i and elsewhere.

Reference List

Borenstein, J. (2020, August). Stigma, prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness. Retrieved from American Psychiatric Association website:

Browne, C. C., Korobanova, D., Chemjong, P., Harris, A. W. F., Glozier, N., Basson, J., … Dean, K. (2022). Continuity of mental health care during the transition from prison to the community following brief periods of imprisonment. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.

Cunha, O., de, A., Sónia Caridade, Conde, R., Almeida, T. C., Ana Rita Cruz, & Maria Manuela Peixoto. (2023). The Impact of Imprisonment on Individuals’ Mental Health and Society reintegration: Study Protocol. BMC Psychology, 11(1). (2020, April 23). Comprehensive Policies Can Improve Probation and Parole. Retrieved from website:

Hartwell, S. (2004). Triple Stigma: Persons with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Problems in the Criminal Justice System. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 15(1), 84–99.

Pew. (2020, April 23). Comprehensive Policies Can Improve Probation and Parole. Retrieved from website:

Wood, J. D., & Watson, A. C. (2016). Improving police interventions during mental health-related encounters: past, present and future. Policing and Society, 27(3), 289–299.


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