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Leadership Styles and Nurses’ Job Satisfaction

The peer-reviewed nursing journal, “Leadership Styles and Nurses’ Job Satisfaction: Results of a Systematic Review”, dredges into the challenging connection between leadership styles and the satisfaction of nurses in a healthcare setting. Under a detailed, organized review on CINAHL and PubMed , the researchers evaluate 12 studies from a previous pool of 11 813 titles showing a meaningful correlation between leadership techniques and the job satisfaction of nurses. The transformational leadership style became a competitor, indicating the highest positive correlation. In the study, resonant, authentic, and servant styles are discussed, contributing to the nurses’ job satisfaction. The research illuminates the adverse outcome of passive-avoidant and laissez-faire styles, whereby they display a negative correlation. The transactional style illustrates negative and positive correlation, although it displays the challenge of its manipulation on the satisfaction of the nurses in the working environment. Thus, this review deliberates on the vast outcome of leadership styles on nurses’ job contentment, offering impactful understanding for nursing professionals and leaders in healthcare.

Support of Leadership Style

The discussion of the leadership styles in the article corresponds with developed literature, elaborating on the extensive manipulation of leadership on job contentment. Individually, I support the discussion over transformational leadership, which is a style that is popular because of its positive influence and collective objective-setting. Vast study affirms that transformational leaders have a responsibility to raise productivity and the morale of the nurses, thus fostering the general job satisfaction (Specchia et al., 2021). The effectiveness of the transformational leadership style is found in its aim of personalized recognition and encouragement, which corresponds with my idea that the capacity of leaders to offer reinforcement and stimulation is important in promoting a positive working place. From my perspective, this leadership style nourishes occupational advancement and contributes to individual growth, thus strengthening nurses’ power endowment. The devotion to common organizational targets is a keystone of transformational leadership, which smoothens its need as an incentive for adapting a devoted and collective nursing team. Therefore, holding a transformational leadership style corresponds with my idea of the transformative power of leaders to effectively influence the workplace and raise job contentment among nurses.

Application to Nursing Practice

In the world of nursing practice, the assumptions derived from the presented styles in the article are greatly important. However, applying transformational leadership is vital because it advocates for cultivating collectiveness, coordination, and personalized workplace recognition. Transformational leadership is important in promoting job contentment and igniting the general staff’s participation in healthcare by advocating cohesive and reinforcing surroundings (Specchia et al., 2021). Additionally, the study’s results underline servant leadership’s importance in nourishing occupational development and promoting interdisciplinary groups. This technique is featured by empathy and devotion to the wellness of group members, which leads to the provision of bolstered healthcare services. The nurses’ leaders equipped with the comprehension of the correlation between leadership styles and job contentment have a role in maneuvering challenging equity between technical proficiency and practices that raise staff contentment and morale. Introducing transformational and servant leadership styles into nursing practice is not an easy decision, but a leading need to practice a positive and prospering workplace, thus helping raise the quality of patient care in healthcare.


In summary, the organized review of the article deliberates the leading function of leadership styles in manipulating nurses’ job contentment. Transformational leadership is a powerful force in restructuring positive workplaces and raising general job satisfaction among nurses. The results underline the undisputable function of nurse leaders in creating strengthening and encouraging surroundings, thus promoting organization devotion and boosting staff maintenance. As such, it is important to understand and apply practical leadership styles despite the nursing sector struggles with prevalent challenges. The long-lasting outcome of transformational leadership on job contentment displays its importance as a directive standard for nurse leaders looking forward to establishing surroundings that attain the difficulties of occupation but adapt a flourishing and contented nursing practice. Thus, realizing the important function of leadership in job satisfaction is important for maintaining the prosperity and persistency of nursing amidst emerging healthcare.


Specchia, M. L., Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., & Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership styles and nurses’ job satisfaction. results of a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(4).


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