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Information Security and Computer Fraud


As the use of data in education has increased, so has the need to protect that data. In the current online environment where students are increasingly reliant on technology for their education, information security and fraud can have significant effects on students. This paper will discuss how Information security affects students’ privacy, how computer breach affects learners, and whether computer fraud is an issue for learners.

How Information Security Impacts Learners’ privacy.

One of the most important ways that information security affects student privacy is by protecting personal information. Students’ personal data such as their names, addresses, and social security numbers, is often collected by schools and other educational institutions. This information is sensitive and should be kept confidential to protect students from identity theft and other forms of fraud. Keeping data confidential helps ensure that students and their families can trust that their personal information will be handled in a responsible and secure manner. It also helps prevent identity theft and other forms of fraud. Beyond these practical considerations, student data privacy is also a matter of essential rights and ethics. All individuals, including learners, have a right to control their own personal information and to have their privacy respected. Failing to protect student data can violate these rights and cause harm to them and their families (Fritchen, 2020). A breach of this personal information can have serious consequences for learners. If a hacker gains access to a student’s personal data, they may be able to use it to steal their identity or commit other types of fraud. This could have long-term effects on a student’s credit score and financial stability, as well as their overall sense of safety and security.

Computer Fraud as an issue of Concern and How it Affects Learners

Computer fraud is a concern for students. As more schools move to online learning, students are increasingly using computers and other devices to access their coursework and other educational resources. This increased reliance on technology makes them more vulnerable to computer fraud such as phishing scams and malware attacks. In a phishing scam, a hacker poses as a legitimate organization, such as a school or a government agency, and tries to trick the victim into giving them sensitive information, such as their login credentials or personal data. This can be particularly dangerous for students who may not be as savvy about these types of scams as older, more experienced users. Malware attacks on the other hand involve the use of malicious software to gain access to a computer or device. Once the malware has been installed, the hacker can use it to steal sensitive information, disrupt the operation of the device, or even take control of the device altogether. If the hacker has access to this information, he can use it for a variety of malicious purposes. For example, he may attempt to steal the victim’s identity or use their personal information to commit fraud (Sturdycorgi, 2022). In addition to stealing sensitive information, the hacker can also use malware to disrupt the operation of the device. This can include slowing down the device’s performance, causing it to crash, or even completely shutting it down. In the most extreme cases, the hacker can even take control of the device altogether. This can allow him to access all of the information on the device, as well as use it to launch attacks on other devices or networks. All of these consequences can be very serious for students, who may rely on their devices for educational purposes. If their device is compromised by malware, they may lose access to important educational resources or have their personal information stolen. This can have a major impact on their ability to learn and succeed in their studies.

To protect themselves from these threats, students should be educated about the importance of information security and given the tools they need to stay safe online. This might include training on how to spot phishing scams and other types of online fraud, as well as the use of security software to protect their devices from malware attacks (Data Quality Campaign, 2020). Students should be cautious about sharing personal information online. They should be careful about sharing personal information, such as their home address, phone number, and date of birth, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by hackers to gain access to their accounts or steal their identity. Strong and unique passwords should be employed, a strong password is one that is difficult for others to guess or crack. Students should use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters in their passwords, and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Students should regularly update the software and security programs on their devices to protect against the latest threats.


In conclusion, information security is essential for students in the digital age. Students should be aware of the risks posed by computer fraud and the potential for identity theft. Schools should provide students with the necessary education and tools to protect them from these threats. By informing students about the importance of information security and giving them the necessary tools to stay safe online, schools can ensure that their students are protected from computer fraud and that their privacy is respected.


Data Quality Campaign. (2020). Maintaining Trust as Data use Changes; Student data Privacy and The covid-19 crisis. Why does safeguarding Data Matter right now? www.

Fritchen, K. (2020, January 2). Why Student Data Privacy Is Important beyond Compliance. Security Boulevard; MediaOps Inc.

Sturdycorgi. (2022). Cybersecurity Threats for Students & How to Fight Them: Guide + Infographic | Blog


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