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Incident Response Strategies


For many years, buffer overflow attacks have been a prevalent means of breaching Microsoft IIS web servers. When an attacker delivers more data than a given program or system can manage, the data overflows into nearby memory space, leading to this attack. The attacker can then use this overflow to carry out arbitrary code and obtain unauthorized entry into the system. Attacks involving buffer overflows on Microsoft IIS web servers have been reported to damage the server’s HTTP.sys element (Butt et al., 2022). An example is the SQL Slammer, a computer worm discovered in 2003 and capitalized on a buffer overflow fault in Microsoft’s SQL Server and Desktop Engine database systems. It is a little piece of code that does nothing more than generate random IP addresses and transmit itself to them. Suppose the specified address belongs to a host that utilizes an unpatched copy of Microsoft SQL Server Resolutions Service running on UDP port 1434. In that case, the host gets infected and starts spreading the worm program throughout the internet (Candea, 2003). Microsoft had a fix out for six months previous to the worm’s release, but numerous systems had not been patched. SQL Slammer resulted in a denial of service on some web hosts, ISPs, and ATMs and a significant slowdown in overall internet traffic. In accordance with Silicon Defence, it propagated quickly, attacking 90% of vulnerable hosts within 10 minutes. Buffer overflow happens primarily because software developers neglect to execute bounds checking; thus, programmers must pay careful attention to areas of code that employ buffers, particularly routines that interact with user-supplied data.

Incident Response Strategy

# Import necessary libraries

import requests

import struct

# Set target server and payload

target_server = “”

payload = b”A” * 8000 + struct.pack(“<L”, 0x41424344)

# Send HTTP request containing the payload to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability

response = requests.get(target_server + payload)

# Check for successful exploitation of the vulnerability

if response.status_code == 200:

print(“Buffer overflow vulnerability successfully exploited!”)


print(“Failed to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability.”)

Week 2 Assignment: Incident Response Strategies Template

Populate the Week 2 Assignment Table Template with developed scenario content.

Date of Analysis 15/07/2023
Attack name/description Buffer Overflow Exploit
Threat/probable threat agents Malicious hackers and attackers who are familiar with buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
Known or possible vulnerabilities The targeted Microsoft IIS web server has a buffer overflow vulnerability.
Likely precursor activities or indicators Scanning and reconnaissance to identify the susceptible server and the buffer overflow vulnerability.
Likely attack activities or indicators of attack in progress Sending an HTTP request with an extremely long payload causes a buffer overflow, which results in the execution of arbitrary code on the server.
Information assets at risk from this attack The infected server, as well as any sensitive data stored on it.
Damage or loss to information assets likely from this attack Data fraud, unlawful access, disclosure, or alteration of server information.
Other assets at risk from this attack The availability and integrity of the server may be jeopardized.
Damage or loss to other assets likely from this attack Disruption of server operation, potential for additional attacks or lateral network motion.
Immediate actions are indicated when this attack is underway Isolate the hacked server from the network, conduct an investigation to gather evidence, and patch the vulnerability to avoid more attacks.
Follow-up actions after this attack was successfully executed Perform a thorough post-incident investigation, rebuild the impacted machines from clean backups, fix the vulnerability, and strengthen security procedures to avoid future attacks.
Comments It is critical to have strong security procedures in place to reduce the danger of vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows being exploited, such as regular patching, vulnerability oversight, and security monitoring. Organizations can also consider performing penetration testing and code reviews to discover and address any vulnerabilities actively.

Table 4-3 Malicious Code Attack Scenario from the text Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery, 3rd Edition

Incident Recovery Processes

To stop the buffer overflow attack from spreading, I must isolate any infected devices from each other, shared storage, and the network. The attack rate and quickness are crucial in combating assaults before they spread throughout the network and encrypt the data. By suspecting an infection, I will first isolate it from other computers and storage devices. Second, I will determine the type of attack. Thirdly, I will report the attack to the authorities in order to aid support and coordinate counter-attack efforts. Then I will decide which method is better for the company. Then we will plan for restoration and implement safeguards to prevent repeat occurrences (Onwubiko, 2020).


A buffer overflow attack can jeopardize any organization’s cybersecurity. To reduce the danger of a buffer overflow attack on a Microsoft IIS web server, businesses should verify that all servers have the most recent patches and updates and security safeguards such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Furthermore, firms should train their staff on the dangers of phishing emails and other social engineering assaults, as they can be a common entrance point for attackers. Regular safety inspections and vulnerability examinations can also assist in identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them.


Butt, M. A., Ajmal, Z., Khan, Z. I., Idrees, M., & Javed, Y. (2022). An in-depth survey of bypassing buffer overflow mitigation techniques. Applied Sciences12(13), 6702.

Candea, G. (2003). The basics of dependability. Lecture notes for Principles of Dependable Systems, Fall.

Onwubiko, C. (2020, June). Focusing on the recovery aspects of cyber resilience. In 2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA) (pp. 1-13). IEEE.


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