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Identifying Health Improvement Needs in Riverside Community.


Communities are dynamic entities shaped by many factors, including geography, demographics, and shared values. In public health, understanding a community’s unique characteristics is crucial to identifying and addressing its pressing health improvement needs. This report delves into the specific health challenges facing the chosen community, drawing upon epidemiological data to pinpoint three high-priority areas of concern. Additionally, we will assess the engagement of various stakeholders in addressing these needs and explore treatment and wellness models as potential solutions. Therefore, we aim to contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance the health and well-being of this community.

Salient Characteristics that Define Riverside Community.

Riverside is a rural community with distinctive characteristics defining its unique identity. Geographically, it is nestled amid lush farmland, serenely positioned along the river banks. This geographical seclusion grants it a sense of tranquility while posing challenges to healthcare accessibility and transportation. Demographically, Riverside Community is primarily home to an aging population, including retirees who seek post-career solace, influencing healthcare demands and priorities. Qualitatively, the community thrives on a strong sense of togetherness, communal engagement, and a shared commitment to preserving rural traditions. These social bonds are the foundation of Riverside Community’s identity, fostering a close-knit atmosphere. Residents’ common perspectives revolve around the importance of community support and preserving their rural way of life. These salient characteristics shape the community’s dynamics and underscore its resilience, mutual support, and collective dedication to overall well-being.

Health Improvement needs of Riverside community.

Riverside, our rural community, reveals three paramount health improvement needs in reference to epidemiological data. Firstly, chronic diseases pose a significant threat in Riverside Grove. Chronic diseases are prevalent among the aging population, primarily diabetes and cardiovascular conditions, with nearly 30% of residents aged 65 and above grappling with diabetes, necessitating precise strategies for prevention and management (Boersma et al.,2020). Secondly, Riverside Grove confronts a burgeoning mental health crisis, with mounting rates of depression and anxiety. Twenty percent of residents, especially older adults, grapple with depressive symptoms (Van As et al.,2022). Therefore, there is an imperative to elevate mental health awareness, improve access to counseling services, and foster community-based support programs to address this.

Lastly, there is inadequate access to preventive healthcare services, particularly immunizations and cancer screenings. Only half of eligible residents undergo recommended cancer screenings, heightening the risk of late-stage diagnoses (Suk et al.,2022). Mitigating this disparity in preventive care assumes critical importance in reducing health inequities. These three health priorities, rooted in epidemiological evidence, are pivotal for crafting tailored interventions and policy enhancements, ultimately elevating the overall health and well-being of Riverside Grove’s residents.

The Current Engagement of Community Stakeholders.

In Riverside Grove, a rural community, stakeholders are pivotal in addressing the identified health improvement needs. Government entities, at both local and regional levels, are deeply involved in policymaking and resource allocation. They impact health improvement by funding initiatives related to chronic disease management, mental health awareness, and preventive care programs. Community agencies, including non-profits and advocacy groups, often collaborate with these government bodies to implement healthcare interventions. They may organize health fairs and education sessions, directly contributing to addressing the community’s health needs.

Private citizens in Riverside Grove engage in volunteer work, advocacy, and participation in local health programs. Their involvement can range from organizing support groups for chronic disease management to promoting mental health awareness campaigns. Healthcare organizations, such as clinics and hospitals, are directly responsible for providing care and support services. They are directly impacted by the identified health improvement needs through increased patient loads, necessitating adjustments in staffing and resources to meet demands. Overall, Riverside Grove’s stakeholders are interconnected in addressing the community’s health needs, with government and community agencies driving initiatives, private citizens contributing to grassroots efforts, and healthcare organizations adapting to meet the rising healthcare demands stemming from these identified health improvement needs.

Treatment and Wellness Models that Address an Identified Community Health Need.

Riverside Community employs treatment and wellness models to address the high-priority health improvement need of chronic disease management, particularly diabetes. It is crucial to assess the strategy’s primary focus to distinguish between the two models. Treatment models concentrate on managing and mitigating existing conditions, while wellness models emphasize prevention through lifestyle changes. In Riverside Community, combining both models ensures a comprehensive approach to diabetes management, catering to individuals at different stages of the disease continuum, and aligning with the community’s health improvement priorities.

Diabetes Care Clinics

Riverside Community operates specialized diabetes care clinics within healthcare organizations. These clinics primarily follow a treatment model, providing medical interventions to individuals diagnosed with diabetes. The strategies employed in these clinics involve medication management, insulin therapy, and regular monitoring to control blood sugar levels and prevent complications. They focus on mitigating the effects of the disease.

Community-Based Lifestyle Modification Programs

Riverside Community has initiated wellness-focused programs to prevent diabetes and promote overall health. These programs, often organized by community agencies and supported by private citizens, follow a wellness model. They emphasize lifestyle modifications, including healthy eating, regular physical activity, stress management, and weight control. These strategies target individuals at risk of developing diabetes, aiming to prevent the onset of the condition by promoting healthy behaviors.

General Advantages and Disadvantages of Treatment Models Versus Wellness Models.

Treatment models offer advantages in effectively managing diagnosed health conditions like diabetes providing specialized care and symptom relief, but they can be costly and often overlook prevention. In contrast, wellness models prioritize prevention, holistic well-being, and cost-effectiveness by reducing long-term healthcare expenditures, encouraging healthy lifestyles, and empowering individuals to take control of their health. However, they may require sustained commitment and may not be suitable for those already diagnosed with chronic diseases. In Riverside Community, a balanced approach combining both treatment and wellness models ensures comprehensive care, addressing immediate health needs while proactively promoting a healthier community in the long term.


In conclusion, Riverside Community’s unique blend of geographic seclusion, an aging demographic, and strong social ties underscores its distinct identity and health improvement needs. Addressing these needs, particularly chronic disease management, requires a balanced approach combining treatment and wellness models. Riverside Community can strive for a healthier future, ensuring the well-being of its residents and preserving its rural way of life by leveraging these salient characteristics and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.


Boersma, P., Black, L. I., & Ward, B. W. (2020). Peer reviewed: Prevalence of multiple chronic conditions among US adults, 2018. Preventing chronic disease, 17.

Suk, R., Hong, Y. R., Rajan, S. S., Xie, Z., Zhu, Y., & Spencer, J. C. (2022). Assessment of US Preventive Services Task force Guideline–Concordant cervical cancer screening rates and reasons for Underscreening by age, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, rurality, and insurance, 2005 to 2019. JAMA network open, 5(1), e2143582-e2143582.

Van As, B. A. L., Imbimbo, E., Franceschi, A., Menesini, E., & Nocentini, A. (2022). The longitudinal association between loneliness and depressive symptoms in the elderly: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics, 34(7), 657-669.


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