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Human Development and Ageing: Case Analysis


Through an interview, this analysis examines the life experiences and developmental factors of an elderly individual, in this case, Mary. This analysis seeks to explore socioemotional, cognitive, and physical development by posing important questions about her personal history, relationships, professional career path challenges, and valuable lessons from throughout life while applying concepts learned in Psy145 course material.

Observation: The case of Mary, an elder aged 78.

Mary introduced herself at the introductory stage, revealing an important fact about her age – being 78 years. This initial revelation paved the way for a deeper examination of her life’s journey. Growing up in a charming town in upstate New York, Mary had strong ties to this region that undoubtedly impacted how she viewed and experienced life early on.

When asked about her marital status, Mary shared a touching segment of her life. She admitted that she is presently widowed, having been with James for an incredible 50 years before he passed five years ago. Mary and James had a deep bond based on love, trust, and shared values, highlighting the significance of lasting relationships in one’s personal growth journey.

Mary expressed the importance she placed on parenthood and acknowledged her identity as a mother of two, a son and a daughter. To Mary, having children was not solely based on biology but represented an incredibly significant part of her life that brought happiness and satisfaction.

Reflection on Childlessness: Considering a hypothetical situation, Mary pointed to potential emptiness in her life if she had not pursued motherhood. This highlights a delicate comprehension of how family plays a vital role in shaping one’s purpose.

During the interview, Mary explained how her life took a new path as her role as a grandparent and great-grandparent came to light. She said her loved ones added positivity to her life, though specific information about them was not given. This acknowledgment suggested that intergenerational relationships positively impacted Mary’s emotional wellbeing. While we did not learn much about it during the interview, she also discussed her professional engagement, which affirmed its significance in fulfilling personal and occupational pursuits for herself.

Although specific details were left unexplored, Mary’s reflections on overcoming life’s obstacles depicted her resilience. By acknowledging her challenges, we glimpse the richness of her life experiences. While specific instances may be left uncharted, our discussion on facing fears revealed vulnerability and courage within Mary’s realm of experience.

About her regrets, Mary provided perspectives on various aspects of her life that could have potentially been better. The particulars pertaining to these remorseful sentiments remained undisclosed, emphasizing how intricate and individualistic those reflections are. While recalling from a plethora of experiences, Mary conveyed precious insights regarding critical life lessons that she believed were indispensable for future generations in her lineage. This transmission of sagacity showcased the continuity of bestowing knowledge and principles across different age groups, illustrating the constant process one undergoes in developing oneself, even during one’s later years.


Biosocial Approach:

The analysis of Mary’s case can benefit significantly from the comprehensive biosocial approach. This approach provides a lens to examine the complex interplay between various biological and contextual factors that impact human development and health (Harris & McDade, 2018). Considering her age of 78, numerous factors undoubtedly influence her overall health status. Analyzing these influences within a biosocial lens enhances a better understanding of their impacts on Mary’s wellbeing.

Biologically, understanding Mary’s health and wellbeing requires consideration of her age. The significance of examining the biological aspects of human development has been highlighted by Harris and McDade (2018), who stress that changes may occur in physical functioning and cognitive health due to aging for someone like Mary. Additionally, the biosocial approach recognizes that social context is intricately intertwined with Mary’s overall health outcomes instead of solely being determined by her biological composition.

Mary, a widow following her 50-year marriage to James, has an important influence on her social life. Their long-lasting relationship was built upon love, trust, and mutual values traits that emphasize the profound effects of such alliances on one’s development track. Nonetheless losing a spouse may trigger social aspects like isolation, negatively affecting Mary’s mental health and cognitive wellbeing (Beller & Wagner, 2018).

Additionally, Mary’s role as a mother and grandmother further complicates the social aspect of her life. The biosocial perspective acknowledges that social bonds regulate physical functioning and promote overall health (Harris & McDade, 2018). By reflecting on the value of parenthood and expressing gratitude for spending time with her children and grandchildren, Mary sheds light on how these interpersonal connections bolster her emotional stability.

Mary’s professional involvement, while not expressly stated, adds an additional dimension to her life. Her enjoyment and the importance she places on her job suggest how occupation impacts her overall wellbeing. The biosocial approach promotes a comprehensive appreciation that takes into account an individual’s biological as well as social and contextual factors (Harris & McDade, 2018).

Life Course Perspective:

As endorsed by Katz (2020), the life course perspective provides a comprehensive understanding of Mary’s abundant experiences and their crucial overlap with aging, human development, and the overall trajectory of her existence. This theory studies how different events over time shape an individual’s growth in complex ways- incorporating both social influences and biological factors and acknowledging the interconnectedness between various stages of one’s lifespan. From Mary’s town of origin, upstate New York, the life course perspective prompts an inquiry into how her formative experiences and upbringing surroundings have impacted her path. Katz’s structure advocates for a thorough analysis of Mary’s lifetime incidents and exposures, highlighting the importance of surpassing assessments solely focused on her present wellbeing.

Mary shared insights into her experiences across different life stages that offer a complex understanding of how various events can shape one’s perspective. Specifically, her decades-long partnership with James – marked by affection, dependability, and mutual beliefs – is a salient part of her personal journey. Nevertheless, the passing away of her spouse half a decade ago has become a significant turning point for Mary; it could significantly influence both emotional regulation and mental resilience while affirming the foundational principles behind lifelong wellness (Katz, 2020). Mary’s role as a parent and grandparent also contributes to the intergenerational elements intertwined in her life path. The positive aspects brought by her offspring and descendants imply that connections with younger generations have molded her emotional and social welfare throughout time.

Katz (2020) examines the complex intersections of precarity, human development, and life course, which helps comprehend Mary’s case. The interdependence among various stages in her life, coupled with the dynamic interaction between social and biological factors, significantly impacts Mary’s health status and general welfare. Thus, adopting a life course perspective provides an all-encompassing approach to comprehending Mary’s developmental path.

Attachment Theory:

Mary’s developmental socioemotional aspects can be understood and analyzed through the lens of Attachment theory, which Bowlby first introduced. This theory offers deep insights into Mary’s emotional wellbeing and interpersonal relationships (Beller & Wagner, 2018). The 50-year union between Mary and James is a poignant example of examining attachment dynamics. Their lasting bond, marked by affection, reliance, and shared principles, mirrors the foundations of secure attachments. Bowlby theorized that initial caregiver-child bonds shape socioemotional growth while highlighting the pivotal significance of secure attachments. In Mary’s instance, her steadfast emotional health and toughness likely stem from her safe attachment with James which provided a solid foundation to tackle life challenges (Beller & Wagner, 2018).

The theme of separation, a fundamental concept in attachment theory, came into play when Mary mentioned James’ death five years ago. Mary’s adaptation to being widowed may elicit emotional reactions comparable to those seen in instances related to attachment. Attachment theory indicates that people with secure attachments generally display improved coping abilities when faced with loss or stress. Analyzing Mary’s means for managing her grief and emotions after James’ death using an attachment theoretical framework provides crucial perspectives into her social-emotional welfare (Beller & Wagner, 2018).

In addition, Mary’s role as a mother and grandmother creates attachment dynamics with her offspring. The constructive aspects brought by her grandchildren indicate that these bonds could enhance Mary’s emotional welfare. According to the Attachment Theory, secure attachments in initial relationships between caregivers and children can significantly affect future connections’ quality. Studying Mary’s attachment styles with both generations is crucial for comprehending the emotional foundation of her wellbeing (Beller & Wagner, 2018).


This analysis has comprehensively pondered Mary’s development case through the lenses of the biosocial approach, life course perspective, and attachment theory. The analysis shows how various biological, social, and contextual factors intertwined in Mary’s journey towards aging, thus demonstrating why a holistic approach is vital for understanding human development. The connection between aging, human development, and lived experiences is also highlighted from a life-course perspective, adding further depth to this understanding. Additionally, Attachment theory sheds light on the significance of Mary’s relationships including long-lasting familial bonds, which greatly impacted her throughout her lifetime. This multi-dimensional interpretation provides valuable insight into complex issues related to ageing and the different stages of our lives as humans.


Beller, J., & Wagner, A. (2018). Disentangling loneliness: differential effects of subjective loneliness, network quality, network size, and living alone on physical, mental, and cognitive health. Journal of Aging and Health, 30(4), 521-539.

Harris, K. M., & McDade, T. W. (2018). The biosocial approach to human development, behavior, and health across the life course. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(4), 2–26.

Katz, S. (2020). Precarious life, human development, and the life course: critical intersections. In Precarity and Ageing (pp. 41–66). Policy Press.


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