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How Important is School Safety in This Era?”

Qualitative and quantitative research methods are distinct types of collecting data used in a study- they both serve the same purpose: to provide an analysis of the data collected in the research; however, they differ in the type of data they collect and also in their approach. The major difference between these two research methods is that quantitative studies rely on measurable and numerical data. In contrast, qualitative studies will significantly rely on personal accounts or information that will illustrate how people think and respond within their society.

Qualitative methods will comprise the gathering and interpretation of data that is non-numerical; sources of qualitative data include but are not limited to the following: documents, interviews, focus groups, observation, Personal accounts, and cultural records. On the other hand, the data collection methods used in the quantitative study will include a compilation of numerical data to test casual relationships that co-exist between variables. These data collection methods will include surveys, experiments, database reports, and questionnaires. Some of the data collection methods used in quantitative studies can be manipulated into quantifiable data, for instance, questionnaires. The study outcomes in hand will determine the type of study method to be used; for instance, researchers who seek to learn and answer the why question behind a phenomenon, behavior, or correlation will use the qualitative method. In cases where the researchers are looking forward to establishing a statistical picture of a connection or trend, they are most likely to use the quantitative research method in their study (Cantelmi et al., 2021). Depending on the desired outcomes of the study, researchers will use what suits them, considering that each of these methods has its benefits and limitations.

Concerning the research topic, I selected “How Important is School Safety in this Era?” The best research method that will suit this study is the qualitative method. This is mainly because my topic is vast and flexible depending on one’s point of view- the qualitative research method gives room for the creativity needed to carry out this study; this method is also very flexible and gives different interpretations of different perceptions. There are many approaches to conducting qualitative research, which, as initially discussed, are all flexible and focused on retaining the rich meaning when carrying out data interpretation. Some of the common approaches used in the qualitative approach include grounded theory, where the researchers collect data on their research topic and then develop theories (Gilad, 2021). The other approach is ethnography– researchers immerse themselves in organizations or groups to better understand their culture. Also, researchers will choose the approach they will use in their qualitative study depending on their desired outcomes and resources. For my research topic, I would use the phenomenological approach- this is where I will investigate an event(s) or phenomenon through the description and interpretation of experiences of other participants.

The procedure I would use to carry out my research is as follows: Identification of the research topic- this is the first step in any research; it provides the blueprint the research will follow. From the research topic, the researcher can also formulate the research question and hypothesis that will guide them through the study and validate the results. The second step is to identify how to carry out the research. After the first step, identifying the research topic, the next is how the researcher will do the work- this is done by looking for information in secondary data sources. Upon scoping the research, the appropriate research method can also be determined as the research approach that will be used in the study; as initially discussed, the approach that I would use in this study is the phenomenological approach. The third step will be preparing for the research- here, all the materials necessary to execute the research are checked. Research participants are also sourced in this stage; in my case, my study participants will be students and parents. The next step is the actual execution of the research; whereas a researcher, I get into fieldwork and interact with the participants to collect the data using the data collection method I had initially identified, depending on the approach and type of research method. Considering I am dealing with qualitative research, I will use surveys, questionnaires, and personal accounts. Upon completion of the research, analysis of the collected data can be carried out, and the results are validated against the hypothesis to test whether it is valid or invalid.

The philosophy of qualitative research is that this research method is humanistic, interpretive, and naturalistic. “Qualitative research places significant importance on subjectivity. The ontological assumption is that no single reality encompasses multiple realities for any phenomenon (Musa & Isha, 2021).” This puts into context the reasons why qualitative research is significantly used to answer the why questions. From the data collection methods of a qualitative study, the resultant knowledge is rich in description, giving in-depth comprehension of the subject topic. According to Speziale & Carpenter (2003), qualitative study is conducted in a naturalistic setting instead of in an artificial laboratory- this embeds the researcher in the actual situation.


Cantelmi, R., Di Gravio, G., & Patriarca, R. (2021). Reviewing qualitative research approaches in the context of critical infrastructure resilience. Environment Systems and Decisions, 41(3), 341-376.

Gilad, S. (2021). Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods in pursuit of richer answers to real-world questions. Public Performance & Management Review, 44(5), 1075–1099.

Musa, M., & Isha, A. S. N. (2021). A holistic view of safety culture in aircraft ground handling: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods with data triangulation. Journal of Air Transport Management, 92, 102019.


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