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Housing Essays

Unpacking AB 12: Impact on Socioeconomic Justice and Racial Equity in Foster Care

AB 12, more commonly called Extended Foster Care in California, has significantly impacted how young individuals navigate the turbulent foster care system. This paper undertakes a significant examination of the profound consequences that this legislation has caused in the foster care system, specifically concerning racial inequities and socioeconomic justice. AB 12 illuminates the lives of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3076

The Impact of Neglecting Green Habitat and Environmental Sustainability in Urban Planning, Housing, Resettlement, and Migration

1.0 Introduction and Background Contemporary urbanization presents an ever-pressing challenge as a substantial proportion of the global populace gravitates toward urban centers. This demographic shift has profound implications, and one of its most critical facets pertains to the proper alignment of environmental sustainability within the framework of urban planning, housing, resettlement, and migration strategies. Governments ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3052
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How Do Social and Environmental Determinants Lead to Poorer Health Outcomes for Australians Diagnosed With a Mental Health Condition?

Mental health conditions are a significant public health issue in Australia, with an estimated 4.8 million individuals encountering mental illness annually (Rossell et al. 2021). Social and ecological determinants of well-being, for example, an individual’s socio-economical position, access to medical services, and day-to-day environments, can all prompt poorer health outcomes for Australians with a mental ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1158

Postcolonial City and Northwest Territories Housing Crisis

Introduction The lack of affordable and adequate housing in the Northwest Territories, particularly for Indigenous women and girls, has led two national housing groups to call for a state of emergency. These groups demand that Indigenous voices be heard in decision-making to ensure their housing needs are met (Blake 23). Additionally, they are calling for ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2603

Social Housing Policy

Introduction Housing is an essential human need. The cost, type and amount of shelter pronounce the “supply” side of the Canadian housing market. The number of houses, housing requirements, and people’s income determines the “demand” side of Canadian housing. Housing programs and policies are arrangements governments organise to advance the quality and quantity of houses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1529
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