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Health Care Ethics

Universally it is well known that in the healthcare system, there should be an effective relationship between doctors and patients, including other healthcare professionals. However, the relationship helps the medics and patients meet the expected goals. There are expectations positioned on the healthcare professionals following their humanity which significantly affects the patients’ expectations. The essay explores the AMA code of ethics regarding doctors’ expectations, the functions of medical professionals as role models, the evaluation of health beyond weight, the accountability of doctors in healthcare risks, and the essence of patient-centered care.

Consequently, the AMA Code of Medical Ethics proclaims the significance of competence, professionalism, and compassionate care in the relationship between doctors and patients. The code of ethics emphasizes maintaining competency and compassionate care to the patients, which promotes the well-being of the patients (Percival, 1994). As such, doctors are neither required to be more than human nor less since they are significantly acknowledged as fallible persons with vulnerabilities and limitations. The doctors’ fallibility determines the patients’ expectations, which can easily vary because some believe that medics are infallible. Therefore, this point of view leads to unrealistic expectations, influencing the patients’ satisfaction, trust, and general healthcare.

In the healthcare system, role models are essential because they manipulate the behaviors of medical learners by showing them how to perform professionally with patients. However, it is believed that medical professionals should always strive to reinforce their well-being. As such, it is unrealistic to envision doctors being physically active, in perfect shape, and devoid of bad habits. Medical professionals are perceived to be role models to their patients by maintaining their healthy lifestyles and participating in behaviors that correspond with the principles that support the well-being of the patients (Ahmady et al., 2022). Therefore, the professional professionals’ accountability as role models reinforces the credibility and effectiveness in encouraging clients towards health behaviors.

Nevertheless, health should not be evaluated regarding weight because weight can be described as an aspect that determines general health. The AMA Code of Medical Ethics stresses a detailed analysis encompassing lifestyle choices, medical history, physical fitness, and nutrition(Percival, 1994). There should be a holistic approach to health assessment because it provides a comprehensive understanding of the general well-being of a person.

In general, healthcare providers are accountable for systematically evaluating and delivering health risks. However, the responsibilities oversee the medical history, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices (Hartzler, Tuzzio, Hsu, & Wagner, 2018). According to the general responsibilities of healthcare providers, the AMA Code of Medical Ethics emphasizes the vitality of respecting the autonomy of the patients and allowing them patients to take part in decision-making (Percival, 1994). Patient-centered care entails treating an individual who receives healthcare with dignity and engaging them in all matters concerning their health. The AMA Code of Medical Ethics positions the patient in the middle of healthcare, which encompasses effective communication, active listening, and looking into the values and needs of the patients. Patient-centered care is critical because it enhances the respect for patient autonomy, collaboration, and settling the issues of the patients.

In summary, the health care professionals have a crucial role in ensuring patients are in good condition. However, medical professionals are always accountable for their duties and must work according to the medical code of ethics. As the medics are in the line of duty, they are expected to exert efforts purposely to balance humanity and advocate for professional standards. Medical professionals are expected to be role models to their patients to achieve positive health outcomes and to identify the obstacles that perpetuate unrealistic expectations. When dealing with health assessment, it should be based on something other than weight but instead on the analysis of various factors that agitate the well-being of the patients. Also, doctors must analyze health risks and ensure that patient-centered care is upraised. Therefore, recognizing healthcare challenges and reinforcing patient-centered care is essential to medical professionals because it builds strong relationships and effective health outcomes.


Ahmady, S., Kohan, N., Namazi, H., Zarei, A., Mirmoghtadaei, Z. S., & Hamidi, H. (2022). Outstanding qualities of a successful role model in medical education: Students and professors’ points of view. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, p. 82, 104652.

Hartzler, A. L., Tuzzio, L., Hsu, C., & Wagner, E. H. (2018). Roles and Functions of Community Health Workers in Primary Care. The Annals of Family Medicine16(3), 240–245.

Percival, T. (1994). AMA Code of Medical Ethics.


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