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Health Across the Life Span

Physical activity is an important factor in health and longevity throughout life. Within Austin, Texas, a particular group dealing with physical activity difficulties is adults who do not fulfill the current minimum requirements for aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activities. This paper will discuss the effects on this target group, advances made according to the most recent information, and ways in which such data can be used for the progressive growth of health promotion strategies within Texas. Second, it will address the role of an advanced practice nurse in using this information to ensure control and improve community health.

Identified Population

The most affected population in Texas are adults who do not follow minimum guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d.). Sedentary behavior plays a major role in widespread health issues, including obesity and cardiovascular diseases, as well as mental illness. (Panahi & Tremblay., 2018.) The factors responsible for the high amount of substandard exercise among adults can include long working hours, limited access to open spaces in which recreational activities may be held, and not enough information about the importance of physical activity (Yahya & Ibrahim, 2023). These social determinants all work together to create a climate of physical inactivity that is omnipresent throughout Austin. A combination of heavy work schedules, lack or limited availability for recreation, and poor awareness ensures the continuation of sedentary lifestyles in people, leading to negative health outcomes. These outcomes are not limited to physical health but also affect emotional well-being and add to the burden of chronic diseases in a community.

Progress Made

Data from the “Latest Data Tab” is indispensable for measuring the progress achieved in solving this problem. Active Living campaign is associated with the customization of Move Your Way materials and Austin Public Health (APH) designed ads that included images that were highly relevant for a diverse local community. The ads led people to the Get Active page on APH’s Healthy Places website, which presented information about physical activity and programs designed to motivate individuals not to be inactive. The site also offered a detailed list of parks, recreational facilities, and local trails in which residents can be physically active. The fact that this campaign, with more than 160,000 impressions from digital ads and over 170,000 from social media, has been successful shows the support of people in these communities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion n.d.).

Utilizing Information for Health Promotion

Health information from the LHIs and Active Living campaign can be important in informing people on health promotion measures while at Austin. Widely implemented community-wide campaigns, such as the Move Your Way initiative, can be further scaled up and customized according to context-specific obstacles faced by adults in Texas (Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, 2023). This can include lobbying for more recreational areas, education on the advantages of regular exercise, and working with local enterprises to promote workplace wellness programs.

Application in APRN Practice

Through my role as an advanced practice nurse, I can utilize such information in different ways toward the development of community health. First off, I can cooperate with public health agencies, community leaders, and policy-makers to advocate for policies that promote physical activity, like setting up more parks. Moreover, I can create and implement community-oriented activities that inform about the significance of regular exercise and provide assets to support physical activity. In the community, interventions serve both the target and wider population and enhance health (Murdaugh et al., 2019). In addition, I can conduct health education activities whereby the ‘aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity guidelines’ are disseminated to take individual action in modifying behavior. By working together with the local healthcare providers, employers, and schools, I am able to help create holistic wellness initiatives that cover important aspects of adult life for the residents.


One of the benefits of LHIs, and in particular those linked to physical activity, is that they give information on what communities perceive to be health concerns. However, to tackle the problem of adults not meeting minimum standards for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities in Austin, Texas, there is a need for a holistic approach. This strategy involves community mobilization, policy advocacy, and specific intervention. In the role of an advanced practice nurse, I see myself as a leader in implementing evidence-based approaches to increase physical activity and improve health in individuals and families within the community.


Murdaugh, C.L., Parsons, M. A., & Pender, N. J. (2019). Health promotion in nursing practice, (8th ed.). New York, New York: Pearson.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2023). Austin Public Health launches social and digital ad campaign.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Leading health indicators.

Panahi, S., & Tremblay, A. (2018). Sedentariness and health: is sedentary behavior more than just physical inactivity? Frontiers in Public Health6, 258.

Yahya, R., & Ibrahim, R. H. (2023). Physical activity, exercise perceived benefits, and barriers among school teachers. Social Medicine16(03), 133-144.


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