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Four Treasures of the Sky Comparative Analysis


The inspiring novel Four Treasures of the Sky by Jenny Tinghui Zhang follows a young girl called Shu Shan as she navigates the complexity of her life, including her identity, family, friendships, love, cultural background, etc., and the challenges she must face. In the book, Four Treasures of the Sky, a little girl called Shu Shan has many adventures. This book is a powerful example of how individuals can find strength and hope in themselves in adversity. Emotionally gripping and insightful, Four Treasures of the Sky explores themes of self-discovery, family, friendship, love, traditional culture, and triumph over hardship.


The protagonist, May, is a Chinese-American lady who reflects Tinghui Zhang’s investigation of selfhood. May realized the importance of honoring her family’s traditions and expectations and her personal history. May, our protagonist, has been living abroad for a while and is offered the chance to return with her family in China (Sørensen np). Her quest for identity and a growing understanding of herself marks the beginning of a lifelong pursuit. As she is reunited with her loved ones, she faces the realities of being a woman in modern China. May’s time away from home has made it harder for her to integrate with the group and find her place.

Despite everything, May knows full well that a new version of herself had replaced the person she was before she left. She has to choose a choice that will allow her to support her family while honoring her commitment to her Chinese-American heritage and prioritizing her personal growth (Clark 56). As a result of her loved ones’ frequent criticism of her actions, she has a hard time regulating her complex emotions. Her travels have been more challenging because of this. May must reconcile her Chinese heritage with her newfound American identity. May gradually realizes the importance of her Native American roots and seeks a means to reconcile her two rural worlds as the story progresses (Waltner np). She is also aware of the need to consider the potential ripple effects of one’s actions on the lives of others. As May gathers the strength to embrace herself as a Chinese-American woman, she learns to appreciate the depths of her history. Her lifelong struggles may be directly attributed to this fact.


This book takes a multifaceted look at the notion of family. It delves into the intergenerational power dynamics and how they might affect an individual’s identity. The two often argue when it comes to Xianzi’s father, who plays a pivotal role in her family and wants his daughter to follow traditional values. This conflict demonstrates growing power imbalances across generations due to the older generation’s conventional values and the younger generation’s openness to new ideas (Clark 32). The generational power dynamic is reflected in this power struggle. The importance of one’s hometown to the development of a sense of belonging and individuality is another theme of the book. The protagonist, Xianzi, has challenges as she seeks to define her place in her family and prioritize her goals without neglecting her loved ones (Sørensen np). Xianzi is continuously trying to please her loved ones. The story’s moral is that relatives may cause and alleviate household tension.

The role of families in contemporary society is also discussed. Everyone has high hopes for Xianzi since she comes from a powerful family. This indicates broader social dynamics since societies are shaped by the values and norms established by strong families. Xianzi’s struggles to meet these standards symbolize the struggles many individuals endure while attempting to find their place in the world (Sørensen np). The book concludes with a discussion on the value of family in perpetuating traditions and preserving memories. Xianzi is constantly reminded of her ancestors and the significance of tradition in her family (Clark 13). This is a necessary reminder of the significance of families in maintaining rituals and cherished memories, as well as the impact that these things may have on an individual’s sense of identity and sense of community.


This novel examines the value of friendship and how it could serve as a source of fortitude and support. The story discusses the many friendships that may develop between individuals and the value of forging new relationships and recognizing current friendships. Exploring how friendship ties us together in both happy and difficult times is something this book excels at (Sørensen np). Although Fei, Jun, Chen, and Jia have known each other since childhood, their friendship is tested as they all face different challenges as adults. Fei and Jun, for instance, must confront their fears of danger and death to maintain their relationship and look out for one another while serving in the military. Throughout the story, a major theme is courage and strength that come through friendship. The article explores the many channels via which friends may communicate with one another (Waltner np). While Chen and Jia are acquaintances, Fei and Jun have a close bond. Here is an example of how individuals may be linked to one another and how strong relationships can develop even with those who are not as close to you as other group members. The importance of connections is underlined, as well as how hard it may be to maintain them amid disaster (Waltner np). The four friends have to make tough choices that might put their relationship at risk, such as Fei’s choice to remain on the national guard rather than return home. This illustrates how even the strongest friendships may be tested by the burden of personal responsibility, emphasizing the necessity for compassion and support through trying times (Clark 7). A chapter emphasizing the value of valuing time spent with family and friends finishes the book. The four friends’ unflinching support of one another in the face of difficulty serves as a potent reminder of the importance of interpersonal connections.


The novel investigates how love may bridge the gaps that exist between different cultures and time periods. Love can be a tremendous source of strength during tough times, and it may bring people together despite the differences that exist between them. This is seen in the narrative. The reader has the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the power of love and its capacity to bring people together via this investigation (Sørensen np). The narrative of the book is told from the perspective of one family over the course of four different eras, starting with the grandmother and concluding with the granddaughter. Each generation has its way of experiencing love, yet they are all bound by the common thread of their familial ties (Waltner np). The grandmother’s devotion to her family is made clear by the fact that she is resolute in her efforts to preserve the family unit and shield her grandchildren from the perils of the outer world. On the other side, her granddaughter falls in love in a more contemporary manner with a fellow student, and this gives her a new perspective on love. Even though they come from different generations and have had different life experiences, the protagonists all discover that the power of love gives them strength.

The book demonstrates how love is not restricted by national borders or the passage of time. The grandmother, who spent her childhood in a small town in rural China, can connect with her granddaughter, who lives in the present day, although their life situations could not be more different (Sørensen np). The grandmother’s love for her own family is equally powerful and genuine as her granddaughter’s love for the man she loves. This exemplifies that love does not see national borders or the passage of time as barriers to expression. In addition, the text investigates how love may serve as a wellspring of resilience when confronted with adversity (Waltner np). Despite the challenges she faces, the grandmother draws strength from her family’s love for her.

Similarly, the grandchild derives her resilience from her love for her cherished one. These illustrations demonstrate that love can be a strong motivating factor that gives us the strength to persist and triumph despite hardship (Clark 11). The book investigates how love may unite previously disparate individuals. Each family member’s love for the next generation is the glue that holds the family together. This connection is powerful enough to cross the generational and cultural gaps between us. This indicates that love is a strong force that can bring individuals together despite the many ways in which they may differ.

Cultural heritage

Culture and traditions are ideas that have been profoundly imprinted on the minds and hearts of people from all walks of life. It is a concept that is inextricably connected to a person’s history, traditions, and feeling of identity (Sørensen np). The need to monitor one’s growth throughout one’s life is discussed in further depth in the book. It illustrates the ability of a common cultural heritage to bring together and connect persons from various origins (Clark 22). On his travels with Jin, Li encounters people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. All of these individuals are connected to the cultural history that she is researching in some manner. She can better communicate with the people closest to her, which, in turn, assists her in adjusting to her new surroundings.

In addition, the book investigates the idea that one’s heritage may be a source of strength while facing adversity. Jin-capacity Li’s ability to draw strength from her cultural heritage is shown by the fact that, despite being forced by a series of trying circumstances to uncover her inner fortitude and sense of identity, she does so successfully (Waltner np). Her acquaintance with her Chinese ancestry and her study of ancient artifacts both help her develop the inner strength necessary to persevere in the face of hardship (Sørensen np). However, the author also examines how a person’s cultural upbringing might work against them. Jin-Li is forced to make difficult decisions at times, such as determining whether or not she would completely embrace the culture of her new home. She will need a strategy to reconcile her two identities and bring her history and present into harmony since these decisions are not always as black and white as they seem to be.

Overcoming adversity

The tale of Lian and Ting exemplifies how one can confront their fears and keep going in the face of adversity. It also considers the value of friendship and the potential synergies between two individuals (Sørensen np). Ultimately, it explores the concept of resilience and how adversity may serve as a source of strength and drive. It is an inspiring and motivating message of hope, demonstrating how far one can go when one puts up enough effort. The two main protagonists, Lian and Ting, are introduced in the opening scene, which takes place in their humble village. Instability in the form of violence, poverty, and drought poses a formidable threat to the villagers (Clark 11). They had to get away to save their lives, but getting there will be difficult and take a long time. They must depend on one another to get through the many robbery attempts and animal assaults they will face on their journey. The girls can safely make it to their new home because of their bravery, determination, and resiliency during the voyage.

The book also delves into the significance of friendship and how two individuals may collaborate effectively. Because of the strength of their friendship, Lian and Ting are able to help one another through difficult times. They have unwavering faith in one another and would lay down their lives to protect one another (Waltner np). They illustrate the power of two individuals working together to overcome adversity, thanks to their bravery and dogged persistence. The story also delves into discovering strength in hardship and using it to your advantage. Lian and Ting persevere despite facing many challenges. They bravely stand up for themselves and win their freedom after a long and arduous struggle. This is an encouraging message about turning hardship into a source of strength and growth. The concept of triumphing over adversity is explored more in this book (Waltner np). Throughout their voyage, Lian and Ting face many challenges but are resilient and refuse to give up. They are unflinching in their pursuit of success and do not let setbacks dampen their spirits. An inspiring and motivating message of hope that demonstrates how brave and determined individuals can triumph over hardship.


The fascinating account of Shu Shan’s travels is used to explore the relevance of these six underlying themes throughout the book. Identity is a significant theme throughout the book’s plot. Li-Jin struggles to accept herself as a person of Chinese ancestry who was reared in the United States. As she feels torn between the two cultures, she must come up with her own means of bridging the gap between them (Sørensen np). Her journey is both a search for self-identity and an effort to settle the tensions between her Chinese and American backgrounds. The value of one’s family is also emphasized extensively. Li-Jin is determined to reconnect with her Chinese family after a lengthy separation. She embarks on a quest to track them down and learn more about her roots. She learns about the importance of family and the strength of the bonds that link them as she spends time with her relatives.

The novel also stresses the value of friendship throughout. Li-Jin meets several helpful people on her journey who point her toward her loved ones and ensure that she returns home safely. As a consequence of these interactions, she learns the value of retaining friendships and appreciates the ones she currently has. Love is another important theme that runs throughout the novel. Eventually, Li-Jin and the person who has been helping her along her journey fall in love with one another (Sørensen np). Li-Jin gains insight into the value of meeting someone who accepts her for who she is and who loves her unconditionally as they get to know each other. Throughout the book, the significance of one’s cultural background is emphasized. Li-Jin learns more about her family’s background and becomes reacquainted with her Chinese heritage. She comes to cherish her roots and takes pride in her Chinese heritage (Waltner np). Last but not least, one of the book’s overarching themes is success in the face of adversity. Li-Jin must confront her past to learn from it and apply that knowledge to her present situation. She must learn to keep her head up high and her strength of character strengths in the face of adversity.

Work Cited

Clark, A. C. (2019). Contemporary chinese artists’ books: New artistic voices in a time of transition. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America34(1), 15–28.

Sørensen, Bent. “Let us space”: The Horror of the Iconic Page–Concrete Prose Icons, Chaos and Order in MZ Danielewski’s House of Leaves.” The Fourth Treasure (2018).

Waltner, A. (2023). Four treasures of the sky. Journal of Asian Studies.


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