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Feminist Perspective Essays

Gendered Borders: Analyzing Disparities and Vulnerabilities in Migration Dynamics

The concept of gender encompasses the societal expectations, behaviours, activities, characteristics, and standards that are deemed suitable for individuals based on their sex within a certain culture and historical period. Gender is a comprehensive theoretical framework covering many ideas, hypotheses, and interpretations pertaining to historical occurrences grounded on biological sex (Sabhlok, 2017). The feminist perspective ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2611

Feminist Perspective of Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is considered to be one of the pervasive global problems that are associated with societal beliefs. Women are always disproportionately exposed to sexual assaults and sexual harassment among all genders. Feminist perspective is one of the sociological theories that can help decode the problem. John (2021), notes that feminism attempts to decode the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 911
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