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Factors Influencing Science Achievement Outcomes in the UAE

Discussion Point 1: Influence of Learning Environment on Science Achievement Outcomes

  • The learning environment plays a crucial role in shaping students’ non-cognitive outcomes, which can impact their science achievement outcomes (Ali et al., 2023).
  • Factors such as classroom climate, teacher-student relationships, and resources available in the learning environment can influence students’ motivation, engagement, and self-efficacy in science (Ali et al., 2023).
  • A positive and supportive learning environment that promotes active learning, hands-on activities, and collaborative learning can enhance students’ science achievement outcomes in the UAE (Ali et al., 2023).

Discussion Point 2: Impact of Language and Curriculum on Science Achievement Outcomes

  • The language used for instruction, and the curriculum followed in science education can affect students’ international exam performances in the UAE (Ibrahim & Alhosani, 2020).
  • Using English as a medium of instruction and aligning the curriculum with international standards can enhance students’ science achievement outcomes in international exams (Ibrahim & Alhosani, 2020).
  • Students’ proficiency in the language of instruction and familiarity with the curriculum content can influence their understanding of science concepts and subsequently impact their science achievement outcomes (Ibrahim & Alhosani, 2020).

Discussion Point 3: Role of Teacher Quality in Science Achievement Outcomes

  • Teacher support significantly affects students’ science achievement outcomes in the UAE (Ali et al., 2023).
  • Teachers with strong content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and effective instructional strategies can positively influence students’ understanding of science concepts and overall achievement in the subject.
  • Professional development opportunities and support for teachers to enhance their subject matter knowledge, teaching methodologies, and classroom management skills can contribute to improved science achievement outcomes among students in the UAE.

One factor identified and explored in the literature is the influence of the learning environment on students’ non-cognitive outcomes in science education. The learning environment encompasses various aspects, including classroom resources, teacher-student interactions, and school climate. Student’s social and emotional experiences influence the learning processes, ultimately affecting their learning outcomes. These outcomes can be categorized into cognitive and non-cognitive domains. Non-cognitive effects encompass attitudes, actions, and values that contribute to individuals’ competencies, while cognitive effects refer to the formal knowledge that is the tangible object of the educational process (Ali et al., 2023). The findings revealed that a positive and supportive learning environment significantly influences students’ motivation, engagement, and attitudes toward science, ultimately leading to improved science achievement outcomes.

Countries, including the UAE, should participate in international assessments such as TIMMS and PISA to gain insights into the effectiveness of their educational systems. These assessments objectively measure a country’s educational performance, allowing policymakers to identify strengths and weaknesses and implement targeted interventions. While global assessments like TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA provide valuable information, it is important to consider contextual factors that significantly impact students’ performances in international exams. These factors include language proficiency, knowledge and skills in mathematics and science, curriculum content, and teaching and learning methods (Ibrahim & Alhosani, 2020). Additionally, participating in international assessments facilitates international benchmarking, enabling educational systems to gauge their standing on a global scale and learn from successful practices in other countries. This information can inform policy decisions and educational reforms, promoting the development of evidence-based strategies to enhance science education in the UAE.

While several advantages are associated with participating in international assessments, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks. One concern is the risk of excessive focus on test scores, which may lead to a narrowed curriculum and an emphasis on rote memorization over deep conceptual understanding. Additionally, participation in these assessments can create increased pressure on students, teachers, and schools to perform well, potentially resulting in a stressful learning environment and undermining authentic teaching and learning experiences. Therefore, it is crucial to balance participation’s benefits and potential drawbacks, ensuring that assessment outcomes are used constructively to inform educational practices in the UAE.

As a teacher, I recognize the significance of preparing students for international assessments while maintaining a holistic approach to education. I implement various classroom strategies to help students succeed in these assessments. First, I focus on developing students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and inquiry skills, which are crucial for performing well in science assessments. Students can apply their knowledge in real-world settings and develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts by being given opportunities for practical experiments and genuine scientific investigations.

Overall, the learning environment significantly influences science achievement outcomes in the UAE. Participation in international assessments allows countries to gain valuable insights and inform educational reforms. While there are pros and cons associated with these assessments, it is crucial to strike a balance that promotes holistic education. As a teacher, I strive to prepare students for international assessments by developing their critical thinking skills and providing opportunities for hands-on learning while ensuring that these assessments’ purposes extend beyond test scores. We can improve science achievement outcomes in the UAE and promote a positive learning environment by doing this.


Ali, N., Abu Khurma, O., Afari, E., & Swe Khine, M. (2023). The influence of learning environment to students’ non-cognitive outcomes: Looking through the PISA lens. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education19(3), em2233.

Ibrahim, A., & Alhosani, N. (2020). Impact of Language and Curriculum on student international exam performances in the United Arab Emirates. Cogent Education7(1), 1808284.


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