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Exploratory Research Case Study


This paper examines key aspects of exploratory case study research design. The five main components of case study design are described, including the study’s questions, propositions, unit of analysis, logic linking data to propositions, and criteria for interpreting findings. These elements provide the infrastructure that guides the research process. Tests and tactics for judging quality research designs are explained, emphasizing construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability. These four tests evaluate the rigour of the design. The issue of case study boundary blurriness is addressed along with how to resolve this by binding the case spatially, temporally, or contextually. Imposing parameters helps focus on diffuse cases. Finally, the paper discusses ways Christian researchers can ensure participant dignity, such as through informed consent, protecting privacy, minimizing harm, conveying transparency, allowing withdrawal, debriefing, and ensuring data security. Upholding dignity requires honouring human self-worth, values, and interests regardless of personal characteristics. Ethical practices affirm the shared pursuit of knowledge.

Exploratory Research Case Study

Case studies are an important qualitative research approach across disciplines. When designed well, they facilitate an in-depth understanding of complex phenomena in real-world contexts. However, creating a quality case study design requires attention to key architectural components as well as ethical considerations. This paper outlines necessary elements in exploratory case study research design including defining research questions, propositions, the case itself, linking data to propositions, and interpretive criteria. It also highlights important tests of quality like construct validity and ways to uphold participant dignity from a Christian perspective, such as through informed consent and protecting confidentiality. Careful design considerations help ensure case studies generate meaningful insights and honour human subjects.

Case Study Research Design Components

Yin (2018) presents five key components that form the infrastructure for quality exploratory case study research. The first component is the study or research questions, the specific queries that drive investigative goals. Research questions need to consider the necessity and rationale for a case study approach instead of other methods The research questions in each study differ from conventional studies, which usually begin with specific research questions at the outset and seek to answer the same questions throughout the investigation (Mansourian, 2017). For instance, exploratory ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions are well-suited to case study research. The second component involves any propositions or assertions the study seeks to examine. For example, stating hypotheses about expected findings channels investigation in specific conceptual directions. Propositions reflect important theoretical issues the researcher wants to explore through the case data. Even exploratory studies without defined propositions still require a clear purpose and criteria for judging the exploration’s success. Propositions provide a focus for determining relevant evidence to collect and analyze through the case study.

The third design component relates to the case itself and defines the unit of analysis being explored, whether an individual, event, entity, or other phenomenon. Carefully binding the case assists with focusing data collection and analysis. For instance, spatial, temporal, and conceptual brackets can be placed around cases to impose parameters when phenomena lack natural limits. The fourth component addresses the logic linking data to the propositions and research questions. Data collection and analysis techniques must align with informing the desired content. This chain of evidence connects raw data to intended study goals and areas of focus. The fifth and final design component involves establishing criteria for interpreting case study findings, whether through comparing patterns with hypotheses or literature expectations. Without interpretive criteria, deriving meaning from cases becomes highly subjective. Together, thoughtfully addressing these five elements – research questions, propositions, case definition, linking data to propositions, and analytic criteria – strengthens construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability. Careful design enhances overall quality in exploratory case studies (Yin, 2018).

Case Study Design Tests and Tactics

Yin (2018) recommends four pivotal tests for evaluating exploratory case study quality: construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability. Construct validity refers to alignment among concepts, definitions, and measures through tactics like multiple evidence sources and establishing clear evidentiary links(Middleton, 2019). This helps ensure the evidence collected properly reflects the constructs explored. Internal validity means systematically analyzing and testing hypothesized causal relationships, achieved by pattern matching, explanation building, logic models, and addressing rival explanations. This logic is crucial for explanatory case studies. External validity involves determining if and how one can generalize findings contextually beyond the immediate case(s), established through connecting findings to theory and replicating studies across varied cases (Findley & Denly, 2021). High external validity facilitates analytical (not just statistical) generalization. Finally, reliability aims to minimize errors and bias through consistent research procedures and robust evidence collection achieved by case study databases and standard operating protocols for data gathering and analysis.

Together these rigorous tests yield high-quality exploratory investigations. However, designers should weigh tradeoffs as bolstering one validity type may involve compromises with another validity facet. For instance, pursuing internal validity through controlled conditions reduces contextual realism and thus external applicability. However, thoughtfully constructed studies can achieve reasonable validity across multiple dimensions through careful design, analysis, and recognition of inherent tradeoffs. Integrating relevant validity tests provides a constructive framework for maximizing case study quality (Quintão et al., 2020).

Cases Not Readily Bound

Defining case boundaries can be challenging when phenomena lack clear delineation (Yin, 2018). Strategies like placing temporal, spatial, or conceptual brackets around cases can impose parameters. Focusing on embedded units, within a broader case, is another potential solution. However, forcing artificial boundaries risks excluding relevant contextual factors that influence the issues explored or units analyzed. When studied phenomena have intrinsic complexities and intersections with surrounding environments, strict boundaries may simplify dynamics and mask interdependencies. Qualitative case study designs can retain the flexibility to accommodate justifiably fuzzy boundaries when research questions examine fluid or diffuse topics(Sibbald et al., 2021). Investigators then shoulder added responsibility in data collection and analysis to capture extensive contextual interactions, patterns, and influencers. Binding case studies too firmly can obscure the very permeating factors that construct case reality and produce reported outcomes. Ultimately case parameters should serve the purposes of highlighting research questions, and expanding or contracting scope accordingly rather than for neatness.

Dignity in a Research Study

Upholding human dignity represents an ethical obligation in scientific inquiry, resonating with key biblical principles. Christians researchers shoulder a responsibility to treat participants as they would wish to be treated”So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” – Matthew 7:12 . This encompasses fully informing individuals, protecting privacy, respectfully communicating, and demonstrating compassion, especially toward vulnerable populations. Exploratory research particularly relies on nurturing respect and trust to access rich insights. Member-checking and maintaining collaborative relationships encourage receptive sharing of experiences that reveal subjective perceptions outside researcher worldviews. When investigators sustain transparency, embody spiritual values like justice, and elevate participants rather than impose assumptions, they gain opportunities for profound mutual understanding—setting all parties free through truth(Cornish et al., 2023). Scientists guided by biblical ethics can transcend mechanistic paradigms as compassion gives rise to intersubjectivity, and illumination of life’s beauty and meaning (Richard, 2020). Exploratory research methods demand researchers uphold human dignity as images of God.

Treating participants with Christlike love and respect allows subtle realities to emerge that quantitative measures cannot capture. Seeking divine guidance and truth liberates exploratory studies from reductionism and sterile detachment. Qualities like mercy, empathy and humility bear exquisite fruit when joined to rigorous design. Science confined by materialistic assumptions can exploit people as means to ends; whereas dignifying all persons as spiritual beings with intrinsic worth yields transcendent insights into the human condition. Researchers who honour conscience over rewards or publications retain integrity. By affirming dignity’s sanctity as central to Christian belief, exploratory studies gain wisdom otherwise inaccessible.


In conclusion, exploratory case study research requires extensive forethought and care in its design. The researcher must carefully craft focused research questions to guide the scope of inquiry. Defining cases and their parameters can prove challenging when dealing with complex or diffuse phenomena, but imposing some conceptual order helps bind the analysis. Linking data back to the propositions and research questions provides a crucial thread to tie the evidence to the aims of the study. Establishing strong criteria for interpreting findings becomes the lens through which meaning is derived from the data. Evaluating the design against rigorous quality tests enhances the methodology and guards against pitfalls. Most importantly, upholding participant dignity and ethical protections must remain central throughout the entire research process, from design through data collection, analysis and reporting. A thoughtfully constructed exploratory case study honours the shared pursuit of knowledge while protecting human subjects.


Cornish, F., Nancy Nyutsem Breton, Ulises Moreno-Tabarez, Delgado, J., Rua, M., Ama de-Graft Aikins, & Hodgetts, D. (2023). Participatory action research. Participatory Action Research3(1).

Findley, M., & Denly, M. (2021). (PDF) External Validity. ResearchGate.

Mansourian, Y. M. (2017). Exploratory nature of, and uncertainty tolerance in, qualitative research.

Mathew 7:12. (n.d.). Matthew 7:12 – So in everything, do to others what you would have…

Middleton, F. (2019). The 4 types of validity | Explained with easy examples. Scribbr.

Quintão, C., Andrade, P., & Almeida, F. (2020). How to Improve the Validity and Reliability of a Case Study Approach? Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education9(2), 273–284.

Richard, B. (2020). Investigating Contemplative Christian Spirituality as Christian Formation through a Process Hermeneutic: An Analysis of History, Evolution, and Neuroscience in Christian Meditation – ProQuest.

Sibbald, S. L., Paciocco, S., Fournie, M., Van Asseldonk, R., & Scurr, T. (2021). Continuing to enhance the quality of case study methodology in health services research. Healthcare Management Forum34(5), 084047042110288.

yin, Robert. (2018). Case Study Research and Applications Sixth Edition.


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