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Essay on Website Creation


The digital world is associated with modern technology and advanced systems across the globe. The use of the internet and the gadgets such as computers has increased efficiency in the day-to-day operations of our business and organizations. The World Wide Web (WWW) information is accessed through the internet. Several steps are involved in website design and creation.

Choosing or identifying a goal

Usually, in collaborative efforts with the customer or other stakeholders, the designer must first determine the website’s final aim. During this step of the web development services building process, you should consider the following questions: Who should visit the site? What are they hoping to find or do? Is this website’s primary goal to inform, sell or entertain? The website must communicate its core idea, or is it part of a larger branding strategy with its focus? If there are any competitors, how should this website be inspired by/different from them? This is the most critical step in web development. Suppose the brief doesn’t have clear objectives or a one-paragraph description of the expected outcomes. This will assist guide the design. Understand the website’s target demographic and the competition. Website goal identification tools include: a creative brief, Examining rivals or competitors, Brand features, and audience personas.

Define the scope

Scope creep is among the most widespread and challenging web design issues. On the one hand, the client has a specific aim in mind; on the other hand, this goal evolves or changes throughout the design process. This isn’t always bad for designers because it means more work. With no budget increase or timetable, the project can quickly become unfeasible. A Gantt chart showing a realistic timeframe with important milestones can assist define boundaries and deadlines. This helps designers and clients stay committed to the task and objectives at hand. Scope-defining tools include a Gantt chart and a contract.

Sitemap & wireframe design

A good sitemap is the cornerstone of every website. It clarifies the website’s information architecture and the relationships between pages and content pieces. In the same way, a house with no blueprint is impossible to build. And that rarely works. Next, research design inspiration and create a wireframe mockup. Wireframes assist in discovering possible sitemap issues and gaps by storing visual design and information aspects. A wireframe doesn’t incorporate any final design features, but it serves as a reference. It can also be used to format certain items. Wireframes can be created with software like Balsamiq or Web flow. I prefer the simplicity of paper and pencil. Sitemap and wireframe tools include: paper, pencil, sketch, web flow write maps, mockups, slick plan, mind node, Axure, and balsamic.

Creating content

You can begin writing content once your website’s architecture is complete. Content has two vital functions: Engaging and motivating, and optimizing search engines. Content engages users and encourages them to take activities that help a site achieve its goals. Neither the content (writing) nor its presentation (presentation) changes this (the typography and structural elements). Vacuous, lifeless text rarely holds readers’ attention. They are drawn in by short, quick, and engaging information. This can help keep your site light and entertaining even if they require a lot of content. Content also helps search engine visibility. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is innovating and improving information to rank well in search. A website’s performance depends on the accuracy of its keywords and key phrases. Google Keyword Planner is my go-to. You can use this tool to see how many people search for specific keywords and phrases. Like search engines, your content strategies should evolve. Google Trends can also help identify search phrases. Search engines more easily found highly optimized content, making the site easier to find. Most of the content is created by your client; however, you must advise them on which keywords and phrases to use. Excellent content creation tools include: google docs, quip, web-flow, content management system, dropbox paper, and other handy tools such as keyword planners.


Finally, design the site’s aesthetic style. Client-supplied branding components, colors, and logos commonly impact this stage of the design process. It’s the stage that a suitable site designer may shine. Images are playing a more significant part in website design now than ever. High-quality photographs not only look and feel professional but also transmit a point, seem to be mobile-friendly, and help develop trust. Visual content boosts clicks, engagement, and money. But consumers want imagery on a website. Images not only assist a page feel lighter and simpler to read, but they may also improve the text’s content and deliver critical information without the need to read. The site’s aesthetic design communicates and appeals to its users. It can make or break a site’s success. Visual elements tools include: Who are they? (Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop,), collages of elements and mood boards and Style guides


Testing is ready once the website has all its aesthetics and content. Test each page thoroughly to ensure all links work and the site loads effectively on all browsers and devices. Minor coding errors can cause errors, and while finding and fixing them might be tedious, it is preferable to having a malfunctioning site. Revisit the page meta titles and descriptions. The sequence of the words in the meta title can affect how well a website performs in a search. Website testing tools include SEO Spider and the W3C Link Checker.


Launching a website is everyone’s favorite stage of the site design process. Expect nothing less than a mess. Some elements may still need to be corrected. Web design is a dynamic process that requires continual updating. Getting the appropriate balance of form and function is key to web design. You must utilize the right fonts, colors, and design motifs. But how visitors interact with your site is crucial. The launching stage is vital because it is not the conclusion of the process. The web is never finished, which is beautiful. Once the site is online, you can keep testing new features and functionality, tracking analytics, and refining your messaging.


An effective website must be created following due process. The website must incorporate all the necessary features to help enhance efficiency in operations. Keep testing the process and rectifying or modifying where need be.


Matt Meazey, February 12, 2020


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