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Emotions in the Story of an Hour

In “Emotion in the ‘Story of an Hour,'” the thesis Jamal asserts is that emotions can increase one’s visions and that even a decent marriage represses and imprisons a woman at numerous locations in her story. The first is where she claims that a woman’s distinctive identity differs from her husband’s and has the right to identify and explore her interests (Jamal 134). Secondly, Mrs. Mallard wishes and anticipates the option of spending her life for herself rather than for her husband, even though her spouse was not shown as abusive (Jamal 137). She felt oppressed in her marriage and desired the freedom to create her own identity that was linked to her future. Mrs. Mallard also articulates Jamal’s thesis when she discovers that her husband has died and feels thrilled about it because it means that she will finally be allowed to live in her interests (Jamal 135). The first statement regarding the woman’s identity varying from that of her spouse, I believe, expresses Jamal’s thesis plainly. It explains the thesis of how marriage represses and imprisons women by describing how the lady cannot have her own identity since she is drowned in that of her husband.

I agree that emotions, rather than logic, might help people become more conscious and explicit. I saw how emotions took control of a woman who felt trapped in her marriage and radically affected her outlook in a movie. She realized that the only way she could break out of that predicament was to take charge of her life and let go of the fear that was preventing her from doing so because she was terrified of the uncertainty, even though she knew she could do better by herself than living in the husband’s shadow.

The quotes that Jamal consults from scientists to support her thesis that emotions can enhance one’s visions help support her argument when Louise goes to her room after the news of her husbands’ death and gazes not to reflect but rather to indicate that she had just had an intelligent thought (Jamal 135). This strengthens Jamal’s persuasion technique by demonstrating the lady’s excitement at being independent and analyzing her thoughts on how she might create the opportunities she desired by taking charge of her life and not living under someone else’s identity.

The Story of an Hour

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin told from the third point of view is a narrative and not a sequence of events. The short story entails an hour in Louise’s life of sorrow, numbness, the excitement of possibilities, joy, empowerment and despair, which resulted in her death. Readers are entirely involved in this brief period, just as Louise is deeply engrossed in her chaotic ideas of the moment. It is good that Louise’s death was not revealed initially because the readers would fail to experience Louise’s life and the unexpected conclusion, which brought the narrative to a satisfactory ending.

The sequencing of disclosures by Chopin draws the readers into Louise’s character as a frail woman both physically and emotionally. It is noticed when Louise’s heart problem is mentioned at the beginning of the story. However, her vulnerability extends to her body and soul, prompting Richards to do everything in his power to protect her (Chopin 132). Also, the disclosures emphasize that Louise did not have a distinct personality; she was just a wife and mother. She had lost all of her independence and freedom.

Louise learnt that her husband was alive, which played a role in her death. The death of her husband, which she read in the magazine and later confirmed by the telegram, brought a sense of freedom for her that is why she whispered the words “free, free, free” (Chopin 132). However, witnessing Brently downstairs turned the joy she felt at first to shock, which led to her death which the doctors diagnosed as heart disease and described as “of joy that kills” (Chopin 133). It is only that her newly found freedom was stolen from her, and this played a huge role in her death.

Works Cited

Chopin, Kate. “The Story of an Hour (1894).”

Jamil, Selina S. “Emotion in the Story of an Hour.” 2009.


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