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Electric Vehicles Essays

Electric Vehicles Will Be the Future Menace to Climate Change

With the anticipation of applying world modern mitigation measures to climate change, electric cars will not be the best substitute for fossil-fuel-driven cars. This will be like substituting current problems now with later issues in the future. Climate change is indeed a menace in the world because of its severity on how it has affected ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2024

Electric Cars: Pros and Cons

Contemporary media is awash with news about global warming and how humanity will face extinction if immediate action is not taken. This alarming news is sadly the truth of the global warming monster, or what is interchangeably referred to as climate change. The sad part is that humans are solely responsible for this climate change ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1223
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Tesla in Germany

Executive Summary Tesla is a successful company, yet it has not achieved the same success in Germany as in other markets. Despite its ability to sell more than 200000 vehicles in the U.S., Tesla has difficulty selling in Germany and must overhaul its strategies for manufacturing cars there. This report discusses Tesla’s history of facing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1460

Incremental vs Radical Innovation

Often radical and incremental innovation differentiate in two major dimensions. The main feature of radical approaches is that organizations aim to create a new market. It is usually considered a risky approach since it involves a huge commitment of funds, time, and labor, often failing to meet expectations. By contrast, incremental innovation features minor improvements ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 700
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