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Economics Essays

Applying Economic Principles and Tools to a Health Care Issue

Economics serves as a tool for better- understanding healthcare challenges. He utilizes abecedarian generalities like plutocrats, druthers, and coffers to determine why effects are in healthcare and how to fix them. Economics assists us in making sound judgments by taking into account charges and what individuals need or want. This allows us to use our ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1396

The Impact of Multinational Corporations on Income Inequality in Nigeria

Introduction The effect of globalization has been the rise in the presence of multinational corporations (MNCs) in developing countries such as Nigeria. MNCs provide investments and employment, however; the result of how they impact income inequality in these nations is still unknown. Nigeria as a developing economy was chosen to be researched upon as a ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2446
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How Do Nonprofits and NGOs Help Solve Government and Market Failures?

It is difficult to dispute the significance of Non-profit organizations and NGOs on the national, regional, and global economies. The sheer large number of NGOs coupled with their enormous financial strength and influence makes them an integral part of the state and global governance. Ideally, non-profit organizations and NGOs perform various functions in the economy ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 933

An Overview and Citation of a Financial Article

Proficiency in proper citation procedures is essential for preserving scholastic credibility and recognizing sources of information. The American Psychological Association (APA) reference style is extensively used in tertiary academics, including economics. This essay outlines a summary of economics-related posts and articles while highlighting the need to follow proper APA citation requirements. According to Heaven’s (2023) article, the effects of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 812

Keynesian, Monetarist, or Austrian Economics

Introduction The Austrian School of Economics, a distinctive and influential school of economic thought, emerged in the late 19th century, primarily shaped by the works of economists like Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek. Characterized by its strong emphasis on individualism, subjective value theory, and the importance of spontaneous order in markets, the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 893

The Role of an Intergovernmental Organization (World Bank) in Global Economic Governance Economic Development.

Introduction The paper is interested in showing the role of the World Bank as an IO and the case of allocation of international aid as a governance issue. It embraces the realist and neorealist perspectives as the underlying IR theories to explain and explore this case. The WB remains a prominent international organ for development ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2415

Impact of COVID-19 on the Rising Global Economy

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (World Health Organization, 2020). It was identified late in December 2019. Coronavirus resulted in symptoms like the common cold, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath, causing many deaths, especially those in the older age brackets. It resulted in the closure of churches, schools, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3208

The Role of a Corporation: Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

Milton Friedman is well known for his opinion that in business, the only aim is making a profit for shareholders. This shareholder primacy view has been the focus of many discussions. Others claim that this has resulted in significant businesses pursuing greed over and above ethics, thereby harming society. However, another group contends that shareholder ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1164

An Analysis of the Monetary Policy and the Housing Bubble

Introduction The role of US monetary policy in the housing market bubble during the early 2000s has been a subject of much debate and analysis. In the working paper titled “Monetary Policy and the Housing Bubble,” the authors investigate monetary policy’s influence on house prices with particular reference to how monetary policy is applied in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Analyzing Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy

Introduction Have you ever thought about how the actions a coalition of policymakers takes can affect your daily life? So that’s where monetary policy kicks in, helping to shape prices and employment opportunities. Our review of the monetary policy conundrum follows two insightful articles—one by the IMF and another that refers to historical materials in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1354

Exploring Diverse Economic Philosophies and Their Practical Implications

Introduction Economic philosophies are one of the most fundamental studies that can be used to gather information that can help in understanding the forces that shaped the economies of different regions in the world. This paper aims to explore Vietnam as the region of study in reference to three prominent philosophers, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2492

Unravelling the Dynamics of GDP Composition

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) becomes the central figure in economic analysis: a key indicator that refers to the total sum of goods and services produced by a country’s nation The theory of GDP composition allows bringing deeper insight into the principles of economic dynamics because the process manifests itself in the form of the interaction ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1599

Economic Impact of Faith

In the article “Where could America’s Financial System Be without Religion?” religion’s deep imprint on the American economic framework was investigated. However, Grim investigates faith’s invisible economic and social advantages in great detail, demonstrating its huge impact on a wide range of industries. First, this assessment seeks to determine the importance of religion in defining ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 772

A Critical Appraisal of Digital Disruption Affecting the Global Environment, Relevant to Gareth Lewis, CEO and Co-Founder, Delio, and Their Internationalisation Aspirations

Introduction In this critical appraisal, the primary aim is to examine how digital disruption has changed Gareth Lewis’s entrepreneurial path. Gareth Lewis is the CEO and co-founder of Delio. In the quick-paced finance sector, this paper will explore how digital disruption impacts Delio’s operational environment and goals for internationalization. The eminent fintech company Delio, with ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3064

Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Governance in Beijing, China: A Moderating Role Agile Leadership

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction Over the years, several changes have occurred in global economic performance and technological developments. Beijing, China’s capital city, has undergone several technological developments and economic changes that have influenced the performance of organizations in the long run (Yin & Song, 2023). According to Tian (2023), Beijing experienced increased economic growth with ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6561
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