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Critique 2 Visionary Planner

Rationale for Selecting the Article

The article ‘School Technology Leadership Vision and Challenges’ was selected because it directly links to ISTE Standard 2 – Visionary Planner. It specifically examines the visionary planning processes done by school principals implementing one-to-one laptop initiative programs (Gonzales, 2020). The article elucidates the administrator’s planning activities, budgets and negotiation initiatives, which are all in harmony with what is outlined under the Visionary Planner Standard (ISTE, 2024). Thus, based on this article’s analysis, a clear understanding of educational leaders as thinkers and technology-integrating strategists emerges. This adds value to the broader conversation on effective leadership in technology-oriented schools. This affinity to ISTE Standard 2 makes this article quite connective in understanding the pivotal part that visionary planning plays in shaping educational technology initiatives.

Article Summary

This article discusses the problems related to using laptops under a one-to-one initiative in schools, as well as various administrators’ visions regarding this initiative. It deeply analyses how these education leaders envision transforming learning environments into student-centred spaces using successfully integrated technologies. Narratives of assistant principals, principals, and other administrators demonstrate the shared efforts to promote critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and the acquisition of twenty-first-century skills (Gonzales, 2020). The research emphasizes administrators’ preemptive initiative in terms of budgeting, preserving resources and bargaining with instructional norms to facilitate the one-to-one laptop program. The article is relevant to the activities of reflecting and practising because it shares some helpful information about how school leaders cope with difficulties associated with implementing technology programs in schools. It displays the complex picture of technology integration into education.

Appropriateness and Need for the Research

The study revealed difficulties that various school administrators experienced in establishing and sustaining one-to-one laptop programs. It aims to show how administrators decipher between teaching tenets and heightened perceptions of using technology. The rationale for the study is strong because nowadays. Digital technologies in the education sector are becoming increasingly important and, therefore, require efficient leadership to address these needs since factors affecting this field constantly change (ISTE, 2024). Its relevance is further enhanced by the focus on practical rather than theoretical issues such as budgeting and negotiation with teachers, which reflects in general lines with the recommendations made to educational leadership preparation programs.

Clarity and Quality of the Literature Review

The literature analysis in the article considers problems associated with one-to-one laptop implementation and provides a clear and detailed picture. It skillfully provides the context for this study by discussing previous research that has been done in technology and education, pointing to visionary planning as an imperative affair towards sound school leadership. By thoroughly addressing the issues, this study makes an essential contribution to the literature and provides worthwhile knowledge of real-life experiences for administrators. It effectively fills the void between elaborative discussions upon theories and their practical application within educational technology.

Clarity and Appropriateness of the Research Design

The research design that is qualitative in approach, however, seems appropriate and the best for addressing the issues of interest to this study. It allows for a good depth of administrators’ practices in technology integration best suited to this subject matter. The design consistently complies with the Visionary Planner Standard that focuses on strategic planning as a collaborative process. This strategy helps engage administrators and ensures that the discussants better understand their positions in determining how education technology is formed within different contexts (Gonzales & Jackson, 2020). The research design, therefore, adequately encompasses the elements of leadership relevant to installing and maintaining technology projects.

Connection of Results to Design and Scholarly Literature

The findings blend well with the study design and previous academic works. The challenges and strategies identified by the administrators aptly tie in with current technology discussions on education. The results consolidate the significant base of how administrators effectively offer through sustaining technology events that happen in nature (Gonzales, 2020). This correlation supports the applicability of results obtained regarding a broader discussion on educational technology. Therefore, the outcomes add essential details to discuss how technology must be managed effectively in educational environments.

Conclusions Derived from Study Findings

The findings of this study highlight the crucial need for sustained and visionary planning strategies in ensuring the success of one-to-one laptop initiatives. It logically links administrators’ problems to a strategic planning requirement emphasizing visionary leadership as non-negotiable. Such results contribute to the idea that successful technology integration should be based on vision sharing, joint planning and flexible response in states where instructional structures function. Overall, the nature of the argument in this study makes a good case for continued visionary planning within educational leadership as an appropriate strategy for navigating through the entrenched enigma regarding implementation and success with digital initiatives. These findings are, therefore, a fundamental recommendation for education practitioners who intend to improve technology integration into learner-centred learning environments.

Contribution of the Study to Practice

This research makes a significant contribution to practice at the educational level as it provides implementation and sustainability recommendations that may serve as practical guidelines for school administrators about implementing technology projects efficiently. Through the administrators’ experiences, the study reinforces this central role of a visionary plan by highlighting that there is undoubtedly value in adopting a strategic approach towards integrating technology into the educational environment. Additionally, the results reveal information about efficient budgeting practices rather than simple expenditure, giving administrators hints on optimal resource distribution for successful technology undertakings. The research also highlights the need for practical negotiation skills as administrators weigh through other complexities of teacher norms and expectations of integrating technology. Finally, these revelations offer a practical model for educational leaders who wish to develop strategies per the Visionary Planner Standard and support an integrated strategy for technology-enhanced learning environments.


Gonzales, M. M. (2020). School technology leadership vision and challenges: Perspectives

from American school administrators. International Journal of Educational

Management34(4), 697-708.

Gonzales, M. M., & Jackson, I. (2020). Going the Distance: What School Administrators Can

Learn from One-to-One Laptop Schools. Journal of School Administration Research

 and Development5, 55-60.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2018). ISTE Standards for Education

Leaders. Retrieved from


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