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Courts Essays

Social Media and the Courts

Overview In this case, Vasquez-Santos v. Mathew, we are presented with the plaintiff, Genaro Vasquez-Santos, a semi-professional basketball player once in his career, unfortunately, encountered an accident with Leena Mathew, the defendant, which according to him, rendered him disabled, meaning he could no longer play basketball. Though the plaintiff had a valid argument, after a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 906

Fairness and Justice in Courts

Within the judicial system context, fairness and justice are two concepts that are closely related. Treating everyone equally and without bias during a legal process is known as fairness, irrespective of their influence or standing. Access to the law on an equal basis guarantees that decisions are made fairly and without bias. Fairness requires transparency, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1380
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Essay About the Courts

Introduction The courts are an integral part of the judicial system in any society, responsible for deciding cases and administering justice. They are the foundation of the rule of law and the cornerstone of any democracy. However, the courts can need help to effectively carry out their mission in the face of an increasing caseload ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1346
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