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Computer Science Essays

The Impact of Robots and Machines on Employment in the 21st Century

Introduction The 21st Century is marked by an unprecedented surge in technological innovation, with robots and machines at the forefront of this transformative wave (Kolade & Owoseni, 2022; Nabila et al., 2021). While these advancements hold the promise of revolutionizing industries, they also cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of employment. Further, this ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1418

Ancient Egypt and Chat GPT

The construction of the incomparable pyramids at Giza is one of ancient civilization’s greatest mysteries and marvels. The enormous structures of Egypt’s Old Kingdom have fascinated researchers and explorers for a very long time. Dr. Mark Lehner’s cautious archeological investigations in the workers’ local area close to the pyramids have uncovered the lives and contributions ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1891
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The Value of Emotional and Cultural Intelligence in Cyber-Psychology

In the fast-paced realm of Cyber-Psychology, emotional and cultural intelligence are essential factors that shape the success of our organization. As a security practitioner immersed in this dynamic field, I have gained an appreciation for the immense value of emotional and cultural intelligence. This paper aims to explore the significance these intelligences hold within our ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1997

System Design and System Life Cycles

In system design, software developers use the life cycle model to describe all the stages of the project management process, from commencement to completion. The system life cycle is responsible for bringing a project to life. The life cycle, synonymous with the design process and its output, has major system stages, although some differences exist ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 852

Cybersecurity: Perspectives on Access Control Strategy Improvements in the IT Industry

Introduction In the vast domain of cybersecurity, Access Control stands out as a pivotal component that delineates who can or cannot access resources in a network. Essentially, it is a process that helps safeguard against unauthorized intrusions, ensuring that only those who should have access can obtain it. Like a meticulous guard checking credentials at ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1749

The National Implications of the SolarWinds Breach

Overview of the Attack and Its Phases The SolarWinds breach became public in late 2020, a recent most serious cybersecurity incident. It reflects a complex and detailed attack against a variety of institutions, including both government entities and commercial businesses. The breach can be divided into several stages. The intrusion began with a covert invasion ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1669

Genworth Financial Cyber-Attack

Overview/Case Summary On August 10, 2023, [Your Name] started the digital forensics investigation into the Genworth Financial Cyber-Attack. Global insurance behemoth Genworth Financial has disclosed an alarming cybersecurity incident that jeopardized protecting crucial client data and financial assets. The primary goals of this investigation are to determine the scope of data breaches, pinpoint the attack’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1494

Role of Block Chain in Cybersecurity: From Nakamoto’s Vision To Present

1.0 Introduction Blockchain technology was initially prototyped by pioneers such as the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto through his immortal paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” it was visioned to be the underlying framework for cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). As Ahamad et al. (2022) observed, with blockchain technology, users can conduct anonymous financial transactions independent of third parties ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1812

Improving Network Security

To prevent unauthorized access to the wireless network while providing wireless access to employees and clients in the common outside areas, the company can implement a combination of security technologies and best practices. One essential security measure is using Wireless Encryption to protect data transmitted over the wireless network. Encryption is a process of encoding ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 666

Mathematical Games and Strategies: An Analysis of Chess, Othello, and Poker

Abstract This research paper analyses three strategy games—Chess, Othello, and Poker—from the perspective of game theory. Mathematical modeling techniques are used to develop optimal strategies for each game to provide insights into their underlying principles and dynamics. The analysis reveals many similarities between the two-player abstract board game Chess and its modern variant Othello. It ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3543

Steps To Take After Your Network Is Hacked

Introduction The security of our personal networks and online accounts has become critical in today’s interconnected digital world. Unfortunately, even as individuals, we are vulnerable to the threat of hacking. Discovering that your network has been breached can be a frightening event, raising concerns about the security of your personal information, financial information, and online ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1170

Data Mining Processes, Advantages, and Risks

Introduction Data mining processes have recently gained popularity due to the extensive use of big data in organizations. Data mining is a technique employed to extract useful information from the numerous data sets of big data. Data mining employs various methods, including supervised and unsupervised learning models. The supervised learning model entails algorithms that retrieve ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2149

Factors Affecting Success of VizSec Applications in Organizational Context: A Technology Organization Environment (TOE) Framework

Introduction In the modern digital landscape, cyber risks pose a significant challenge for organizations across sectors and sizes; as technology progresses rapidly, more data processing and storage are occurring, necessitating stringent protections to secure sensitive information. Considering cyberattacks’ rising frequency and sophistication, powerful cybersecurity strategies are critically needed to safeguard vital data assets and interests. ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5517

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Different Industries and Job Markets

Discipline awareness Computer Science In the modern world, the computer is the most significant device for solving modern-day problems. As such, computing is part of everything in the contemporary world. Through computing, there is the drive for science, education, research, and innovation that enable the functionality of all other sectors of current civilization. Computer science ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3474

System Hardening and Auditing

The Fullsoft emphasis on mitigating security risk and protecting system-sensitive data required the team to configure a baseline of security controls on every Windows 7 or Windows 10 workstation. The main objective was to ensure the effective functioning of the antivirus software and implement critical control for password hacking attempts. Furthermore, the team needed to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1273
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