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Case Report: Service Delivery

Presenting Issue and Case Overview

At age 33, Carman is a Hispanic female who ran from her abusive husband and looked for help. She is seen suffering from apparent but somewhat healing wounds as a result of domestic violence perpetrated by her drunken husband, with whom she lives together, along with their nine-year-old son. Ultimately, it was his plan to murder both of them together that led Carmen to decide to run away. The situation becomes more complicated because Carmen is an illegal immigrant who may become a deportee, and hence, she cannot report to the authorities. The client is vulnerable being a domestic abuse survivor, but also as an illegal alien having difficulty requesting assistance. When implementing this intervention, securing her son’s safety and addressing her legal status is imperative.

Socioeconomic Factors, Support, and Systemic Oppression

Carmen’s socioeconomic scenario involves living with their husband and son, which probably implies financial dependency and low income. Failure to report an incident to relevant authorities also means that no protective and recourse procedures have been provided for this person. Fear of deportation in Carmen is a reflection of the oppression that undocumented people experience, where they are taken advantage of yet unable to voice out or ask for justice because their status in society makes them voiceless people—considering that Hispanics, a survivor of abuse, and undocumented immigrants, Hispanic, a survivor, and undocumented immigrant underscore the need for comprehensive and culturally sensitive support. In this regard, social workers should respond by addressing domestic violence trauma, providing culturally sensitive assistance, and working with organizations that are well-equipped to support undocumented people. Besides, Carmen needs to reunite with her son and develop a safety plan that addresses her immigration status complications.

Impact of Policy

Policy Failure

The inexistence of a well-rounded immigration and domestic violence policy addressing intersectional vulnerabilities in her case constitutes a critical policy failure in Carmen’s case. Undocumented survivors are more vulnerable due to the lack of a safe and confidential reporting system (Aujla, 2020). The lack of protective measures in the country’s immigration policies leads to situations such as the one faced by Carmen, who has to choose between being safe or risking deportation.

Policy Improvement: Comprehensive Immigration and Domestic Violence Integration

A vital measure involves encompassing immigration and domestic violence policies. Therefore, policymakers must put in place mechanisms that allow Carmen and others like her to seek help without having to live under the terror of deportation. A vital amendment might be providing an opportunity for unauthorized victims to seek temporary protected status/relief, recognizing the linkage between immigration and domestic violence cases. The best way to encourage such reporting would be for the relevant immigration and domestic violence agencies to collaborate in order to create environments where such reporting would not carry with it the threat of deportation. This ensures the safety of victims while recognizing that crime against those in need is linked with broader social issues and adopts a comprehensive approach to vulnerable people being undocumented.

Safeguarding against Oppression and Social Injustice: Culturally Competent Services

Culturally competent services should be favored by policies to ensure that oppression and social injustices are done away with. Law enforcement, social workers, and legal professionals should train to assist undocumented individuals (Marsiglia et al., 2021). Therefore, the accessibility of such services is enhanced concerning the specific culture within which it is practiced, providing strength to Carmen, who can now ask for help. Culturally competent services are beneficial in meeting short-term demands and promoting societal transformation through embracing diversity and minimizing prejudicial behavior. This method is vital in removing structural barriers and promoting equitable and non-discriminatory treatment towards migrants.

Community Resources

Domestic Violence Shelter and Counseling Services

Local domestic violence shelters and counseling services are a critical resource for Carmen. They usually offer a place to stay, therapy and legal support services to the victims of domestic violence. Carmen and her son would have found safety and confidentiality without risking deportation. Carmen would be helped through counselling and emotional support that could assist in coping with the experience of an abusive relationship. Furthermore, the shelter staff usually works with immigration lawyers who deal with domestic violence cases, thus assuaging Carmen’s worries regarding her undocumented status and possible legal charges.

Legal Aid and Immigration Services

Immigration and legal assistance is essential. There are organizations in many communities that offer free legal representation to victims of domestic violence, irrespective of their citizenship status. Such services may comprise help on issues like obtaining protective orders, dealing with courts, or immigration relief through a U-visa aimed at crime victims (Coutifaris, 2022). They are enabling Carmen to connect with a lawyer who will advise her on what may happen if she files an asylum claim without risking deportation. The well-being of her son is connecting Carmen with legal aid.

Financial Assistance Programs

Carmen needs to look into any local financial aid she may be eligible for because of her future financial dependency on her husband. Usually, community-based organizations provide financial aid, housing assistance, as well as means to achieve a level of autonomy for women who have experienced violence at home. Carmen could use these programs to have shelter through which she and her child will be well secured. Furthermore, such services can also provide employment assistance that would allow Carmen to attain the required skill set and resources to be financially independent, thereby minimizing or eliminating the risk of her being dependent on her abusive partner. This will aid in connecting Carmen to some of these resources that might lead to her long-term stability and recovery.

In conclusion, the case of Carmen highlights the relevance of being strongly resilient and steadfast in supporting females undergoing domestic abuse. It cannot be denied that an all-around supporting system of shelters, counseling, and legal aid is required. In addition, promoting awareness and educating communities can help break the vicious cycle of violence beyond just immediate interventions. Therefore, it falls on our side to realize that the matter needs to be treated with a sense of urgency about creating safe public places for these victims. In unison, we can raise our voices against domestic violence and eradicate all the hindrances that promote it. These acts will enable women to regain their lives and help us work towards a better and gentler future.


Aujla, W. (2020). “It was like sugar-coated words”: Revictimization when South Asian immigrant women disclose domestic violence. Affilia, 36(2), 182–203.

Coutifaris, A. J. (2022). Surviving Crime and Facing Deportation: U Visas as a Defense against Removal in a System of Divided Agency Jurisdiction. Geo. Immigr. LJ, 36, 909.

Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., & Lechuga-Peña, S. (2021). Diversity, oppression, and change: Culturally grounded social work. Oxford University Press, USA.,+social+workers&ots=_o77dZuNZ-&sig=02eSoJGlVH-gHAeOZjUjEBZUK1o


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