Caring is an essential aspect of healthcare, which is a primary objective for all healthcare professionals. In nursing, caring resonates with our long-term and short-term goals, as the care outcomes of the patients are our main priorities. The identified article addresses managing among multiple care professionals. The article objective is to investigate effects of quality caring as started by the article by Duffy (2022). In this paper, definition and understanding of caring will be discussed, also, the influence of caring on different healthy care systems and clinicians. Caring is thus a significant aspect of healthcare. Patients seek care because they believe healthcare professionals are well equipped with skills that help in providing quality care to all patients.
Duffy (2022) describes caring as a care component in every aspect of healthcare service delivery. Caring involves offering robust healthcare services that aim to benefit the patient and produce positive health impacts on their lives. The article also describes that caring must be done through an interprofessional approach, which involves working together with other care professionals to offer evidence-based care approaches to patients. Additionally, the article offers broad descriptions about benefits of quality care in that, quality care helps in solving issues affecting not only the patient but also their communities. In the course of a detailed conversation, major themes will be delved into, including the components of quality caring, the relevance of quality care in clinical practice, and the ways in which it impacts healthcare systems. For professional nursing practice to develop into nurturing and to prioritize the patient’s needs, a foundation of care is essential (Duffy, 2022). Caring, pain, health, the environment, and the individual as a human being are all concepts that must be universally understood. Understanding the interplay between care activities and the environment is crucial for nurses. Nursing practice should be rooted in and supported by ethos, which takes the shape of internal values. Observing patients in nursing practice is recognizing their frailty and empowering them to live their lives as they want. Nurses must be self-aware in terms of their own humanity and ethics in order to treat each patient with the utmost respect and dignity and to provide an invitation to a loving relationship (Karlsson & Pennbrant, 2020). Knowing oneself and being conscious of one’s approach to the patient are prerequisites for being aware of one’s own basic values. If nurses are well-versed in nursing’s guiding principles, they will be better able to put themselves in their patients’ shoes, recognize them as unique individuals, and provide care that is responsive to their specific needs. This allows patients the freedom to live their lives as they envision it. Nurses will be unable to see the situation as it really is due to the ever-increasing complexity and sophistication of treatment (Karlsson & Pennbrant, 2020). Nurses may foster an environment where they care about and are accountable to their patients by being aware of their own personal beliefs. In nursing practice, the caring connection may take on personal significance for both the nurse and the patient when the nurse is attentive, open, and respectful of the patient as an individual. In order to develop an understanding of nursing and care, as well as ethical principles inherent to caring, nurses might benefit from engaging in self-reflection. The benefits include nurses being able to learn more about caregiving in the context of nursing.
In summary, the purpose of this research was to investigate the implications of quality care in nursing and health systems, based on the insights provided by Duffy’s (2022) book. The conversation has brought to light the varied nature of caring as well as the significant impact it plays in influencing people in leadership positions, educators, and physicians. Caring can be understood as the core of nursing practice. By relating the abstract idea of nursing to the tangible tasks and responsibilities of the nursing profession, the word caring serves to emphasize that the emphasis is on the fundamental nature of nursing (Duffy, 2022). The nurturing phenomena is sustained in various situations by ethos and caritas, which are underlying forces. Ethos is the place where the nourishing behavior’s core ideals find a voice. A foundational understanding of caring ethos is necessary for the development of evidence-based care that is both ethical and practical. Being a nurse requires more than just a head full of facts and figures; it also necessitates an understanding of one’s own character, ethics, and perspective on human behavior (Duffy, 2022). Sincere devotion is required for only excellent deeds. Human freedom, which includes the responsibility to avoid inflicting pain, is connected to the existence of good and evil. The good virtue of nursing depends on empathy and devotion of nurses to helping other people.
Duffy, J. R. (2022). Quality caring in nursing and health systems: Implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders. Springer Publishing Company.
Karlsson, M., & Pennbrant, S. (2020). Ideas of caring in nursing practice. Nursing Philosophy, 21(4), e12325.