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Cardiovascular System Evolutionary Trends in Five Vertebrate Classes

The cardiovascular system circulates blood throughout the body, delivering nutrients and oxygen and removing waste. The cardiovascular systems of animals have evolved substantially to adapt to changing physiology and environment. In this analysis, the circulatory systems of Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish), Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish), Amphibia, Reptilia, and Mammalia will be examined for anatomical variations and evolutionary tendencies. Mammals were the most recent branch, and Chondrichthyes were the earliest divergence in the phylogenetic tree.

circulatory systems of Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish), Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish), Amphibia, Reptilia, and Mammalia


The circulatory systems of the five vertebrate groups vary structurally due to their evolutionary adaptations to different habitats and lifestyles.

Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish)

The hearts of Chondrichthyes, including sharks and rays, are unique in having just two chambers and a single atrium and ventricle. This simple design is adequate for fundamental circulation but has oxygenation efficiency constraints. The chondrichthyes have developed remarkable adaptability despite this limitation (Nachtigall et al., 2021). They have adapted gills with a system for countercurrent exchange. They have devised a clever method to scavenge oxygen from the water they live in. The oxygen in the blood can diffuse from the water thanks to the concentration gradient created by the countercurrent exchange mechanism (Nachtigall et al., 2021). This change optimizes oxygen intake and makes up for the heart’s structural constraints, significantly improving the animal’s chances of thriving underwater. That chondrichthyes can address the demands of their environment at all is a testament to the complex interaction between structural adaptation and physiological efficiency.

Actinopterygii (Ray-Finned Fish)

The biggest group of vertebrates, Actinopterygii, has a wide variety of cardiovascular specializations. Intriguing changes in heart shape, such as partly oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, increase circulation efficiency in complex teleosts (Graham et al., 2015). Even though there is significant variability among ray-finned fish, most still have a heart with two chambers. Extracardiac modifications are highlighted in Actinopterygii. Once an air-filled lung, the swim bladder is now used for buoyancy control and to help a swimmer maintain their depth. The conus arteriosus controls blood pressure, of which the bulbus arteriosus is a component. These alterations to the cardiovascular system highlight the adaptability of Actinopterygii to a wide range of aquatic environments.


During their journey from aquatic larvae to semi-terrestrial adults, amphibians (which include frogs and salamanders) exhibit an interesting change in their circulatory systems. During this transformation, the heart goes from having two chambers to having three. A significant change that has occurred to facilitate this change is the formation of a partial septum within the ventricle (Stephenson et al., 2017). This structural change, made essential by the constraints of cutaneous respiration on land, effectively prevents the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The remarkable adaptability of amphibian cardiovascular systems is reflected in their ability to switch from aquatic to terrestrial existence.


The reptilian heart has three chambers, setting it apart from the two-chambered hearts of birds and mammals. Despite this similarity, the ventricle spacing varies considerably across reptiles. The ventricular septum of crocodilians is wholly formed, setting them apart from other reptiles. This structure is present instead of the partly divided ventricle seen in other reptiles (Gavrilov et al., 2022). Crocodilians can maximize the oxygen supply to their bodies by limiting the exchange of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. This complex interaction between structural adaptations and physiological efficiency within the Reptilia class is shown by the sophisticated circulatory system evolving to meet the demands of their primarily terrestrial existence.

Mammalia (Mammals)

Mammals have a four-chambered heart, a beautiful adaption that shows they have reached the pinnacle of circulatory evolution. The therian ancestors successfully developed a heart that can separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, which improves the body’s ability to transfer oxygen. Even at peak performance, animals can meet endothermy’s high metabolic demands because of this intricate system (Stephenson et al., 2017). The aortic arch is an integral part of animal circulatory systems and the heart itself. As a result of their distinct environments and nutrition, several mammal species have evolved distinctive behavioral characteristics. This adaptive variety in aortic arch topologies further supports the centrality of physiological and ecological factors in determining the diversity of mammalian circulatory systems.

In conclusion, the circulatory system distinctions across the five vertebrate taxa are examined regarding their evolutionary flexibility. From the two-chambered heart of chondrichthyes to the four-chambered heart of mammals, every adaptation is the product of an organism’s unique physiology and environment. Insight into the intricate form-function connections that have driven vertebrate evolution and comparative physiology improvements may result from recognizing these patterns.


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Gavrilov, V. M., Golubeva, T. B., & Bushuev, A. V. (2022). Evolution of metabolic scaling among the tetrapod: Effect of phylogeny, the geologic time of class formation, and uniformity of species within a class. Integrative Zoology17(5), 904-917.

Nachtigall, P. G., Bovolenta, L. A., Patton, J. G., Fromm, B., Lemke, N., & Danillo Pinhal. (2021). A comparative analysis of heart microRNAs in vertebrates brings novel insights into the evolution of genetic regulatory networks. BMC Genomics22(1).

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