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Argumentative Essay: Recreational Marijuana Should Be Made Legal for Adults Above 20 Years in Canada.

Over the recent years, debates surrounding the legalization of recreational Marijuana for adults over 20 years in Canada have gained momentum. Recreational Marijuana should be legalized for adults above 20 years in Canada. Efforts to prohibit drug use have seemed futile; hence, legalization would be a tool for regulating the drug, perhaps through taxing the drug. Marijuana is an illicit drug widely used in Canada. Statistics show that over 20% of Canadians aged 18 years and above have previously consumed the drug. Prohibition of the drug has led to negative consequences, such as the criminalization of marijuana smokers and a rise in the black market. Therefore, this paper advocates for legalizing recreational Marijuana among adults above 20 years old in Canada. Potential concerns and reasons for the legalization of the drug will be highlighted in this essay.

Legalization of recreational Marijuana would bring about economic benefits to the country of Canada and promote the overall growth of the economy. The economic benefits would be realized in different ways. First, legalizing cannabis would lead to the developing of a regulated cannabis processing industry. Licensed producers would, therefore, cultivate and process Marijuana, enabling the government to generate revenue from taxes imposed on legalized Marijuana. Hajizadeh (2016) argued that billions of dollars in income could be collected from taxes imposed on cannabis products.

Additionally, the legalization of Marijuana would catapult job creation in different sectors of the cannabis processing industry. These job opportunities would benefit both urban and rural areas. The chances would be available through cultivation, processing, packaging, retail, and transportation (Cayer, 2010). The creation of employment is a significant boost for Canada’s economy and would help reduce unemployment rates. The surplus funds and taxes collected from the marijuana industry can be re-invested into other sectors of the economy, such as infrastructure development, healthcare, innovative technologies, and other sectors, thus enhancing the country’s long-term economic sustainability. Overall, the legalization of recreational Marijuana has positive impacts on the economy.

Another argument is that legalization of Marijuana would enable adults to use the drug responsibly and thus make informed decisions on whether to use the drug or not and the safest ways to use the drug. Since the market would now be regulated, individuals will easily access information regarding the potency and dosage for consuming the drug (Todd, 2018). The current black market situation does not specify the quality and potency of the cannabis products, hence exposing users to adverse effects. Safer products could also be availed courtesy of the legalization of Marijuana. The products would be tested and quality standards maintained, reducing the risk of consuming contaminated products.

Additionally, the legalization of Marijuana sends a clear message that responsible users of Marijuana would not be arrested. In this case, adults can now consult and seek advice on matters concerning Marijuana and, hence, explore the potential benefits of marijuana consumption without the fear of being arrested (Ammerman, 2015). The stigma associated with the use of marijuana will, therefore, be reduced. Through legalization, an opportunity for education and awareness towards the use of Marijuana would be created. This will help educate the users on responsible consumption practices, potential risks of addiction, and the strategies that would be applied to moderate the consumption of Marijuana. Educating the users would promote the overall well-being of the consumers. Overall, legalization of Marijuana would boost the responsible use of Marijuana among adults since resources and information will be availed to ensure adults make informed decisions concerning marijuana consumption.

The proposal to legalize recreational Marijuana for adults in Canada carries the potential to mitigate crime rates that majorly arise from the illegal marijuana trade. Legalization of Marijuana would first ensure the black market is eradicated Marijuana since a regulated market for Marijuana will be brought open, leading to reduced profitability of the marijuana black market. Initially, the black market for Marijuana is associated with crimes such as violence, assault, and murder since it is unregulated and involves much illegal money. Consumers will now access Marijuana through legalized channels, which leads to the disappearance of black markets (Kain, 2021). Therefore, individuals will not need to engage in illegal transactions through criminal entities.

Additionally, legalization would lead to a reduced rate of drug-related crimes. Illegal cannabis trade goes together with various criminal activities; hence, legalization would significantly reduce crime. Marijuana will now be removed from criminals’ hands, leading to improved public safety and community well-being (Cayer, 2010). On the verge of legalization of Marijuana, some criminals who are involved in the illegal marijuana trade may reform and no longer need to commit crimes to earn a living. Instead of continuing the illegal marijuana trade, the criminals will enter the legitimate marijuana industry and legitimately earn a living. A study by Steigerwald et al. (2020) shows that individuals may abandon their criminal behavior if given an opportunity to engage in legitimate business. As criminals reform, there would be a reduced strain on the social justice system and lower rates of recidivism, which are positive societal outcomes. Legalization of recreational Marijuana would, therefore, have a positive impact on crime, hence paving the way for the law to focus on other crimes such as violence and murder.

Despite the advocation for the legalization of Marijuana, the drug can negatively impact its users. For instance, Marijuana may be addictive to some users, leading to increased dependency among users. Individuals may, therefore, require excessive amounts to achieve the desired effects. Addiction may impact various aspects of a drug user’s life, for example, work and the formation of relationships. Hall & Degenhardt (2009) advise that regulation of Marijuana and education on marijuana use is essential to young people subject to the drug’s potential to cause addiction. In addition, excessive use of Marijuana has been linked to several mental problems, such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Specifically, schizophrenia is a mental illness capable of causing hallucinations and disorganized thinking. Previous studies have shown that prolonged use of Marijuana during early adulthood catapults the risk of developing schizophrenia, especially for individuals with a previous history of the disorder in their families. Marijuana can, therefore, be addictive and have significant impacts on mental health.

In conclusion, the legalization of recreational Marijuana for adults above 20 years in Canada could be the best policy for mitigating marijuana use since complete prohibition of the drug has failed. Additionally, the legalization of Marijuana would have a number of positive impacts. First, it would positively impact the economy through the collection of taxes, the creation of jobs, and the investment of surplus capital collected from the cannabis industry into other sectors. It would also lead to reduced crime rates since the black market concerned with the sale of Marijuana would be abolished. Additionally, criminals may reform since they will have the opportunity to engage in legitimate deals. The legalization of Marijuana would also lead to responsible drug use among individuals. Individuals will have comprehensive access to accurate information concerning cannabis and make informed decisions on whether to consume the drug. Despite all the positive impacts associated with the legalization of Marijuana, there are also negative impacts that are associated with marijuana consumption. For instance, Marijuana may be highly addictive, and its excessive consumption may lead to mental health problems. However, considering the various positive arguments highlighted in this paper, legalization of Marijuana would be the best policy for Canada. The arguments presented are a basis for making an informed decision for the country of Canada about the legalization of the drug among individuals of the age of 20 years and above.


Ammerman, S., Ryan, S., Adelman, W. P., Committee on Substance Abuse, the Committee on Adolescence, Levy, S., Ammerman, S. D., … & O’Brien, R. F. (2015). The impact of marijuana policies on youth: clinical, research, and legal update. Pediatrics135(3), e769-e785.

Cayer, A. (2010). The High Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in Canada.

Hall, W., & Degenhardt, L. (2009). Adverse health effects of non-medical cannabis use. The Lancet374(9698), 1383–1391.

Hajizadeh, M. (2016). Legalizing and regulating Marijuana in Canada: A review of potential economic, social, and health impacts. International journal of health policy and management5(8), 453.

Kain, M. A. (2021). The Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization on Legal Permanent Residents: Why Legalizing Marijuana at the Federal Level Should Be a High Priority. BCL Rev., p. 62, 2057.

Todd, T. (2018). The benefits of marijuana legalization and regulation. Berkeley J. Crim. L.23, 99.

Steigerwald, S., Cohen, B. E., Vali, M., Hasin, D., Cerda, M., & Keyhani, S. (2020). Differences in opinions about marijuana use and prevalence of use by state legalization status. Journal of addiction medicine14(4), 337.


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